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Robin M

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Everything posted by Robin M

  1. Are you talking about a low high pitch ringging noise in your ears. I have had this for years and learned to ignore it. If you concentrate on it, it will get louder and annoy you. I do have allergies and sinus issues and had it so long I couldn't tell you when it started. However it has made me more sensitive and can tell the difference between it and the high pitch ringing noises of electronic stuff around the house. Those I can hunt down and unplug or turn off. I have a air filter in bedroom for white noise to sleep. I don't know what to tell you except to learn to ignore it, if you discover it isn't a medical issue causing it. Take care.
  2. I'm so sorry, Kay. You are in our hearts and prayers.
  3. My recommendation is to rinse your dishes and silver ware off before putting them in the dishwasher. That way you won't get all the gunk inside.
  4. I'm reading "House of Dies Drear" by Virginia Hamilton today. Interesting book about people who moved into home used for underground railroad back in slave days. It may be haunted by the dead owner and two slaves who were murdered back then... Did you all check out Saturday Salon? Good selection of reviews and many books to add to your TBR piles. Happy Reading
  5. None here - he just isn't interested and with his sensitive ears, hates hearing anything off tune.
  6. Hi guys, check out Semicolon's Saturday Review of books. I always find a few books to add to my wishlist future purposes. You can also link to your reviews as well.
  7. Howdy, Our weekly report is up plus last night was the cub scout blue and gold dinner. Pictures galore. Link in my siggi. I'll be round to check out everyone's week eventually this weekend.
  8. I finished The Book Thief and posted review on my blog and 52 books blog. Very good book - not an easy read, but highly recommend it. I need a break after that one, so reading something light,easy and wacky --- So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish by Douglas Adams. Happy Reading!
  9. Today, Week 7 starts in the quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks and the start of book # 8 Recap of the rules: __________________ Feel free to join in at any time Read an average of a book a week - 52 books in 52 weeks Re-reading a book counts--as long as you first read it before 2009 School related books don't count (unless you want them to) Wow! That was a quick week. There are several great reviews that were posted on the 52 books blog so be sure to check them out. I'm sure the folks who wrote the reviews would love to hear your comments. You can post your reviews here or there. Why does that remind me of Sam I Am :) I am two thirds of the way through Book Thief and it really captures your attention. Looking forward to hearing what you all are reading this week. Happy Reading.
  10. Howdy, I just finished and posted review for Hercule Poirot's Christmas. Link below to 52 books blog and my blog. I am in the middle of reading "The Book thief" so guess that will be my next book for week # 6. I'll post the update thread tomorrow, unless Kay in Cal takes care of it. Happy Reading.
  11. I am not in SCA but my brother is big time. He and his wife are the Baron and Baroness for the Barony of Ered Sul in Northern Arizona in the Kingdom of Atenveldt. They have been involved for 20 years or more and took over the Barony last year (I think last year - times flies) They live up in Pine Arizona. Anyone familiar with that area or involved in their barony?
  12. All the school books are in one bookcase and organized by subject. I used to have all my books organized by alphabetical order when I lived in apartment and had a wall of bookshelves. The books in the living room are organized by type - classicals all together, etc. and then by size. I like have a uniform top to my books so either straight across or going from taller to shorter on one end. Weird,but clean looking. The books in the bedroom are organized by author. I try to keep all same author together. Other than that, I have a huge stack of paperbacks piling up that I need to buy a bookcase for. They are starting to form stair steps up to the top of my biggest bookcase and my cats love that. However creates a mess when they push everything off. I need more space and more bookcases. :)
  13. Thanks you guys. The consensus here and on my blog is for the Book Thief. So that one will be next. P&P will be soon. Have a good week.
  14. I finished my winter reading challenge list books and have a wide variety to choose from Which one of these should I read? The Shape of Mercy by Susan Meissner The Book Thief by Markus Zusak House of Dies Drear by Virginia Hamilton Augustine, The Confessions Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs Killing Fear by Allison Brennan Or something else from the List
  15. Check out Semicolon's Saturday review of books. You may find some books to add to your wish lists.
  16. Our weekly report is up now. Link in my signature. Will be wandering around to your blogs this weekend to see whatever has been up to. Have a good weekend.
  17. We are loving it so far. No plans to ditch it. I'm finding the story excerpts amusing and interesting. So is my son.
  18. Okay, I decided. This week's book is Hercule Poirot's Christmas by Agatha Christie. Yes, I know we are way past Christmas, but I didn't get around to it at Christmas time. It is one of two books left to read for Winter Reading Challenge. Yeah! I have so many other books calling my name from my TBR pile right now. Can't wait to get to them. okie doke - 6 things that make me happy 1) Hubby 2) Son 3) Books 4) Chocolate 5) Flowers 6) My animals. At the end of the week, I'll post everyone's 6 things along with the award on the 52 books blog. Hey, there is a fun meme going around the blogosphere called interview me. Another blogger asked me 5 questions and my answers are up now. Come check it out at my blog. Let me know via comments if you want to be interviewed...If you dare!!!. :)
  19. 3 weeks on and 1 week off work great for us. I need the break after 3 weeks. Especially since the one week off coincides with my cycle. I've tried powering through that week, but find myself with less patience, less stamina, less everything. We all benefit from the one week off and go back to work refreshed. So, yes I do find it to be true and if it works better for you, then keep on doing it. The point is you are the one doing all the work and need the break. The kids will benefit and your hubby will too since he won't have to deal with the bad attitudes,etc.
  20. Today, Week 6 starts in the quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks and should have you starting book # 7. Recap of the rules: __________________ Feel free to join in at any time Read an average of a book a week - 52 books in 52 weeks Re-reading a book counts--as long as you first read it before 2009 School related books don't count (unless you want them to) ________________________________________ You guys are rocking with all the books you are reading. My wish list has been growing by leaps and bounds. I'm not the only one who thinks you rock. We received an Award from Think! They say it is because "We love to read and this has been a great resource for us!" Go to their blog and scroll down. The award is listed in the sidebar. I will be posting about the award on the 52 Books in 52 Weeks Blog but I need your help first. Here are the rules: There are rules... *List 6 things that make you happy. *Pass the award on to 5 other bloggers *Link back to the person who gave you the award. *Link to the people you are passing it on to and leave them a comment to let them know. So - while you are updating us with what books you will be reading, list 6 things that make you happy. I'll put up the list on the blog. Instead of just 5 bloggers I am passing this award on to all of you because you rock! If you have a blog, then you will have the pleasure of passing it on.
  21. I feel it is irresponsible either way. Plus she is expecting the tax payers to foot the bill. Someone has even started a website for her where you can donate and help support her.
  22. I'm the complete opposite. Before pregnancy I was lactose intolerant. After pregnancy, I wasn't any more. My metabolism changed because before pregnancy I was always cold blooded. Now I'm always warm. My allergies seem to have gotten better. Not sure if this helps, but that's what has happened to me.
  23. Never, ever, ever. When I watched about woman leaving their children during the floods in new orleans - I couldn't imagine walking away from my child. When I've watched tv shows showing dangerous scenarios and leaving child behind - I couldn't imagine doing it. My heart is ripped out of my chest, each time I see stories of people being separated from their children. I, personally, wouldn't be able to ever leave my child.
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