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Everything posted by oceanseve

  1. That's what I wondered! Either that or Hook has PP captured and Bae has to rescue and reunite him with his shadow. I don't think the shadow means to be evil. Wendy said he showed up about the same time as Bae which means it was there to collect the "lost boy" but since it's just the shadow it's a little confused :p I forgot about the creepy dementor things out to get Regina. I agree, for her to suddenly reveal a fail safe is a little annoying. Bae did mention knowing hook when he stabbed rumple in NY. I was so hoping they would go into the wormhole together so we could see another fantasy world and the two of them trying to get back and falling in love with each other again :( bummer.
  2. I had a miscarriage that took a month to finish. You're not alone, it will get better. :grouphug:
  3. Frontline stopped being effective on my pets a few years ago and we had a HUGE flea outbreak that year. I tried all the natural remedies and sprays. Leaving out soap pans and bathing the dogs in dawn worked okay, but eventually we went ahead and removed all the children's things from the house and sprayed with real stuff. It was just that bad. That is when I discovered Sentry. It works incredibly well, a lot cheaper than frontline. I've been flopping between it and another that I can't remember the name of right now because I don't have any of the packaging and I get it at a feed store an hour from me. Not going that way anytime soon so I picked up a new one called Liberty yesterday. I've never heard of, curious to see if it works as well as Sentry. I think the key is to change it up, never rely on the same thing for very long.
  4. Have you had the water tested yet? Do you know when the last test was done? There may be bacteria in the water that you are more sensitive to given your issues. You should have your well tested every year. There can be filters in the well house or in house. Depends on the owner's preference.
  5. The rat we have now is pretty mellow. He doesn't mind. I have seen people use bathing bags for rats. You can do a similar thing with a small towel, but it's a little more difficult. Put a little bit of soap water on them and work it into their fur, wrap them in a towel and stick under low flowing faucet and slowly wash it all out. Some will spaz less over that than being in a container of water. I have to do this with our guinea pigs they are awful, but once and a while it's absolutely necessary!
  6. Just wash him with dawn soap every few days and thoroughly dry. Change bedding daily. Set out nightlights in the evening with pans of soapy water. The fleas are attracted to the light and drown. Seriously. It works. We had a bad infestation one year and none of the pesticides worked. Washing the cats and dogs (I had fewer of both back then) with dawn and setting up the pans worked. When I wash my rat I do it with dawn and have never had a problem.
  7. I still love Tennant's face when Jack tells them he was known as the face of boe :) It really looks like the two of them were not expecting Jack to say that like it was unscripted or at least not shared (like barbosa's reappearance at the end of Pirates 2). That or he really is an awesome actor.
  8. Yeah, but when you look back at all the episodes that's the prevailing theme the dr has mysteries because he creates them often simply by his presence alone. I'm sure he'll do it in a far more convoluted way than I've put it :p I've found the episodes with Clara to be predictable. I called the ash creature episode when I saw her in the echo room with it. DH called the ghost episode in the first 5 minutes (but the freaky love story was a cute surprise). The cold war episode and wifi episodes were good, but don't contribute to the plot, unless they pursue whoever was feasting on the minds. The only long arch progress we've made is multiple things supporting that Clara is a normal human. That's not much progress in 4 episodes so I get the impression he wants to drive home she really is a normal human.
  9. Hadn't thought of that! I love it! I don't really want to know his name either
  10. I don't think the storyline is mysterious. I mean, haven't we learned when something is "mysterious" it's because of that item or person's interactions with the doctor. I think somewhere near the end of her storyline she will be replicated and dispersed throughout history. Each episode keeps supporting that. This is a normal, human girl. I wish we could go back to Tennant too :( I liked Martha. Whoever it was that asked - She's in the second season of Torchwood, 6th? Episode I think. I thought tonight's episode was pretty good. At least they are entertaining episodes. It was nice to see the assertive doctor make a reappearance when he claimed to turn on the self destruct.
  11. I don't care for her either. Haven't watched the newest ep yet though. Usually you're trying to figure things out one ep to the next. I think I've got this one pegged so until I see something that makes me doubt what I'm pretty sure we are going to find out they just need to be entertaining. I want my mind blown again and I'm just not getting that from this storyline.
  12. It could simply be a busted diaphragm on the booster tank (what maintains water pressure when you are using many outlets), hope it's not more severe! Good luck!
  13. bwahahaha Then I'm probably considered crazy by that standard :)
  14. How many cats have you ever had at one time? I would imagine you intend to fix them asap yes? Females tend to be better at getting along than males. If they are four males you may see more fights. Four is great. I've never had litter mates that didn't at least tolerate each other. They may not have been best buddies, but they got along enough. Are they going to be indoor, outdoor or both? Is your house big enough to accommodate 4 cats without there being a risk of big fights? Like pp said they will be cats, look at the mother, can you imagine having four of her?
  15. I think it would be easier to come up with something for each movie and then let your daughter choose which movie she wanted to watch. Up - Balloons or tennis balls - How do they escape from the dogs in the ship? (hint: he started with four of them) Ratatouille - hide bulbs of garlic (how many kids are there going to be?) - How would Remy fend off vampires? Princess Bride - a book - Princess Bride is actually about a grandpa doing what with his grandson? Pocahontas - buy some cheap compasses? Surely as popular as pirates are right now you could find some. Ella Enchanted - Hide hearts (paper, toy whatever) - Sing along: Can anybody find me? Elf - paper snowflakes? Maple leaves? - His favorite syrup comes from what tree? Happy Feet (something black and white) <-- good idea Only watched these once, not well enough to remember. Inkheart - Bridge to Terabithia - High School Musical - Never watched it Mean Girls - Never watched it
  16. I've not read all the posts, but I wanted to chime in before running off to feed my crew that I know EXACTLY how you feel, but let me offer some little piece of advice: Your anger is not with her, it's with you. You are failing. You are angry that you are not teaching her. Realize this and it will make it better. I have the same problem, but when I start to get frustrated I tell my daughter, "I'm angry because I don't know how to tell you what I want to. I'm not teaching it right." Even when I start to be similar to what you're talking about, "You just had this! You know this! ARGH!" I stop. Realize it's not her, it's me and apologize immediately so that she knows I'm not angry with her, but at myself. Put the problem topic away and don't revisit it for weeks. Go backward instead of forward this has been helpful with my kids. When we seem to hit a wall we back track to known facts/topics which boosts confidence all around for them and me and gets us ready to tackle the hard stuff again down the road. HTH
  17. You can pick up a stove for 400-500, pretty or fancy? No, but at least it works properly. Fix the doors on the cabinet with some new hardware or some new doors. together less than 1K gone. The rest goes to debt.
  18. I don't mind what they did to Belle, but I'm getting tired of Regina. She's too flip floppy. I'm torn on Rumple being the main bad guy again :( but he is so much more believable than her. I'm sure Rumple will eventually sacrifice himself to save Henry hence the prophecy so I think in the end he's a good guy. Surely that guy's dad has been turned to stone or something (from some piece of magic she still had when they came to storybrooke) which will be another plot they have to sort out later. I want to see the girlfriend die, I don't like her! I liked pinnochio's actor :( bummed to see him transformed. Hmmmmm.... Hook or Baelfire...... Can I put Baelfire in Hook's outfit?
  19. Contact your local rescues, they will have a full profile on their dogs so you can avoid MOST of the "Are they good with..." fears. Some will even let you foster the dog you are interested in before officially adopting them so you get a "trial" period. Keep in mind though some may outright refuse to adopt to you. We have some rescues here that will not allow it if there is a child under 5 or 6 in the house.
  20. Scholastic warehouse sales, used book stores, local homeschool facebook groups.... and I still have over a thousand dollars invested in our library. DH says I have a problem..... I don't necessarily disagree..... I've been building it for a few years now, but I just think of all the years I'm going to need it so I feel like it's a good choice. I went from being part of an okay library system to a worthless one when we moved. When my children are older and it's not an endeavor to go to the library we'll buy into the closest good library system. Then I will set to selling or donating most of my picture and children's reference books :( It will be a sad day.
  21. :lol: Then there's that. Happy Birthday btw
  22. Pick out what size/shape, cover pan in plastic wrap, spoon in softened ice cream and press into the shape of the pan - refreeze. Remove frozen ice cream from pan wrap entire thing in plastic wrap, stick back in freezer. Cook cake in same pan. Cool cake. Have you ever done a layered cake before? Same thing. You put the ice cream layer down, ice the entire thing quickly, place cake layer on top, ice the whole thing, stick back in freezer (may have to stick back in freezer multiple times during this process to curb melting). Then pull it out in small increments to do the decorative icing.
  23. Oh, I just went back (new here and not a lot of time to get to know people yet) and read your posts last month about the beagle. If the beagle was too high maintenance I would not recommend you get a lab. Maybe revisit your breed choices (probably not a working class dog) and get an older dog instead of a puppy?
  24. Are you SURE you want a puppy with a two year old in the house? Just checking because it's going to require a lot of clean up time even if you crate train :) You can find so many labs of all different ages in shelters. They are great dogs! I've owned a lab or lab mix my entire life (current owner of a lab mix, boston terrier genetic reject, blind great dane, a pyranese that breaks the breed and a pom/chi/dachsi mutt). I used to rescue so I will share the main reason most people ditch lab puppies The whine, the up all night I don't want to be in the crate whining. The bark, the I don't want to be outside, in the crate, anywhere but with you barking. The chewing, on anything and everything. You will probably find things hidden from view for years. All of these things can apply to any breed, but labs especially which is due mainly to the lack of exercise. The jumping on people, these dogs are the epitome of high energy. They are working dogs, they need a job. A walk even daily is not going to be enough, they need jogging, miles, daily or if they are willing to fetch then they need someone willing to throw the ball for an hour a day. They are better dogs when given the attention they need and thrive on. My current lab will snatch birds out of the air, but he wouldn't dream of hurting my children *knock on wood I've seen enough to know anything can happen* I wish I had a picture from last week. My kids had put a princess dress and crown on him :) It was cute. They are great family dogs, but he didn't mellow out till he was about 6, now at 10 he's about as chill as a dog can be and puts up with anything. If he doesn't like what they do he just gets up and walks away. Expect training to take months, expect to clean up mess after mess after mess otherwise you are setting yourself up for frustration. I took some cats to be fixed a couple of months ago and there was a guy with a year old lab mix and he was asking the vet tech if spaying her would finally calm her down. The vet tech was trying to explain to him that labs stay in puppy stage for at least two years with very few exceptions, but he wasn't really listening and kept saying, "so this will calm her down?" The tech was saying everything (you could take her for training, you should take her out running). Everything, but a flat no and I couldn't help but laugh. I told the tech she handled that situation very well because what can you do? People don't understand, when you get a working dog you have to work them or they can go bonkers. Good luck!
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