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Laura Corin

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Everything posted by Laura Corin

  1. 'Following', not necessarily 'from'. The average age was 77. Unfortunately, old people die of natural causes, as do we all, whether vaccinated or not. I am very keen on proper investigation of any deaths, so that we can find out if there are individuals who should be shielded from the disease rather than encouraged to take the vaccination. But we should expect that a certain number of people will die in any given period, whether they have been vaccinated or not.
  2. Back to the original topic - 92 percent of people working in care homes in Scotland have now had at least one jab. That's really good news.
  3. Exciting! Results from England have been added to this morning's Scotland results. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-56153617
  4. Update - my brother had flu-like symptoms for 24 hours but is fine now.
  5. Hi Lanny. It's highly effective in older people, who are most of the people in this study. After only one dose even. New real-world data. BBC News - Covid vaccines - 'spectacular' impact on serious illness https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-56153617
  6. It's worth noting that the UK started vaccination with the very oldest people plus health care workers, so the concerns that AstraZenica didn't include enough over-65s in their trials may no longer be an issue, as these data must cover them.
  7. Probably a good idea. I took a very gentle walk today and plan to do some stretchy yoga. That's it. Glorious spring-like sunshine here.
  8. They tested in various places and I think they didn't standardise their protocols well enough to produce good data. Eta so far as I know the individual protocols produced good information but amalgamation was a problem.
  9. I'm still waiting for data about transmission and protection from infection, because I'm seriously concerned about Long Covid, but every bit of good news helps.
  10. Real-life impact of vaccination. Evidence from over a million vaccinations. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-56153600
  11. If you are interested in real life spy stuff, Ben Macintyre is good. Criado-Perez's book on a world physically designed to fit men is very excellent. I enjoyed Factfulness, on the data about the world that you probably have wrong.
  12. My son offered to prune the last two trees, so we'll see if he complains of chest soreness...
  13. Yesterday a took a three-mile walk and came home exhausted. Mysterious. It's been a tiring week, so maybe that's all. Anyway - took a day off studying today. It feels like the first day of spring, but we may well get another cold spell. 11 degrees C and sunny. I did a quick yoga for runners, then ran on the beach. Another personal best mile time - still very slow, but satisfying to me. Then an hour pruning apple trees with the long-handled pruners. I'm wondering if it was doing that, rather than fancy yoga, that caused my chest muscle strain before. It's certainly not easy. Only two more trees to do next week.
  14. Yes, with a squeeze of lime and a grind of salt.
  15. The UK courts are of the opinion that new employees can have accepting a vaccine written into their contracts but not existing employees. It's not that easy to sack and rehire long-term employees here.
  16. I don't think there have been any Oxford AstraZenica reports on this thread. The second of my brothers had his first jab today. His only symptom so far is a sore arm. His callback is in twelve weeks, which has been shown to be a better gap for increased immunity with this vaccine.
  17. It accomplishes different things for me. I currently run and walk. But I also do yoga for stretching and strength.
  18. My second brother (63, slim, heart disease well controlled) is in group 6 and was called in for his jab today. His wife is in group 7 and hasn't been called yet, neither has my husband, also in group 7. Again, he was contacted directly rather than having to find his own appointment - received a text from his GP, and had the jab in a tent in the GP practice garden. Ten booths, very little waiting. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-vaccination-care-home-and-healthcare-settings-posters/covid-19-vaccination-first-phase-priority-groups
  19. Could you set up a laptop and do walking workouts? I do them off YouTube with the sound off so as not to annoy neighbours? Yoga us harder - you need the commentary because you aren't facing the screen.
  20. In the UK, people of colour are less keen on the vaccine and are more likely to work in health care and social care.
  21. Rare trips to drop off a parcel, very carefully masked and distanced - maybe once a month. No shopping trips, no meeting friends even outside. Vaccination is so close I don't want to screw up now. I had my eyes tested between the two waves. That's it. Our eldest is going to work in an office - her boss will not let them work from home. She does not live in the family home. Eta the positivity rate in Scotland is 5.2.
  22. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/02/02/world/covid-19-coronavirus/astrazeneca-coronavirus-vaccine
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