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Everything posted by Χά�ων

  1. 2am posting so this may not make sense. How you describe where your mother lived sounds similar to where we live, but where I am in the US is unique for having these amenities and still being affordable. I agree with your point about having to interact with others socially being healthier as is being within walking distance and having decent public transportation options. I feel caught in suburb mindset of drive everywhere because not having a car meant you were destitute or under age 16. The reality is that I do not need to drive 1/3 mile to get to the doctor, there is a bus that will take me to the grocery store (2 if I want to ride a bit longer), it stops a few houses down, I just need to pay attention to the schedule and take it. Or I could walk across the street to buy fresh produce. Driving is lazy, I do not need to know when the bus will be by. I do not need to wait a few minutes for the next bus if I am late to the stop. 90% of places I go are within 2 blocks of the bus and very little is more than 3 miles from the house. The remaining places are not far off, just convuluted to take the bus and walk to. I fight the culture I grew up in, the one that equates not having a car as being a failure and someone to look down on. I have done the math, even taking an Uber to the wholesale club twice a month would save so much money.
  2. I have not read the replies and am in this situation with DH wanting to make tshirt quilts out of his beloved tshirts. I do not quilt and I do not have time in the near future to take on learning this mew skill. So the question is, do I want to pay someone to make a t-shirt quilt for me and can I afford it. My answer is different than yours.
  3. FB is more important for communicating events than any other platform for my current social activities. I want to leave, but I am an admin on a page running an event for my son. It is kind of a big deal and for it to work I have to be on the same platform as those who participate and those who potentially could be interested and that is Facebook. It is annoying and I am a bit jealous of those who have activities that use another platform successfully
  4. Anyone else dry roast the seeds? I soak the seeds in a salt and pepper brine then baked them until they popped. I did not share.
  5. Yes. When DS was little he gave it that name and it stuck. I used to make quarter pies as well, but now he is a teenager and I am not going to bother with that much work for something that will be gone before I blink.
  6. We love butternut squash, in case it was not obvious!
  7. Here is what I have made with the first 3 of the season. I have two more on the counter. Butternut squash soup Onion, potato, butternut squash soup. Season to taste with salt and pepper Burritos Butternut squash, ground sausage in a burrito Half Pie Butternut squash, black beans in a pie crust folded in half and baked. I am told they were good, I wouldn't know. Butternut squash side dish Mashed with butter On my to cook list: Butternut squash cornbread. Butternut squash hummus https://minimalistbaker.com/butternut-squash-hummus/ Butternut squash instead of potato in a shepards pie Butternut squash pancakes I want to put some on a spring roll but I need to figure out a recipe.
  8. I find this discussion interesting. I am amazed that there are people who do not have meatless meals on occasion. We are not full vegan, I refuse to throw out frozen meat, but we are transitioning.
  9. I did something similair last week and didn't get any! It was butternut squash and kidney beans and gone.
  10. So who defines low income? In some areas an income can be more than comfortable, where as in other areasa that same income is poverty level.
  11. I am looking for more options for butternut squash.
  12. Penny pinching is not limited to those with lower incomes
  13. We are a no TV house. My parents lives revolve around TV. My parents pay a mint for all the channels and the ability to record multiple shows at once and yet my father just texted insisting on dropping DS off 3 hours early because my mom is not feeling well and unable to drive him at the appointed time and he has a football game to watch. That he could record. At first he was trying to give BS reasons for dropping him off early such as they have no clue where to take him (they were going to take him to practice) and ignoring the simple fact that my son knows where he is going and they all have GPS and the address. My father has NOTHING else going on that would prevent him from watching the game after dropping my son off. He is literally saying that stupid gane is more important that spending time with his only grandchild.
  14. Thank you for pointing out strain on hamds and how if impacts your raynauds. The worst time my son had with his raynauds was when he was boxing and rock climbing. His health was the best it had ever been but they could not figure out why his raynauds was so bad. I am not saying that is what it was for him, but you have giving me something to think about when documenting.
  15. Has he tried biofeedback? It is non medication and has been shown to help many people with raynaud's. It is offered at our children's hospital.
  16. I buy heated gloves and insoles at https://cozywinters.com/ Heated sock technology is only starting to get away from socks with D cell batteies attached.
  17. Hot packs on the wrist to heat the blood as it goes into the hands. Heated gloves (look at heated glove liners) can help. As can heated outer heated clothing. Gloves are his new best friend. DO NOT WEAR COTTON!!! Wick-a-way base layers are vital. Everything from underwear to socks. Drining hot beverages can sometimes help. Hot water over the wrists to stop bad attacks. I would ask the governing body of boxing, not the coaches, if there is a medical exemption for the medication. I have found coaches and even officials do not know all the indepth details and say no rather than actually look. Lack of bloodsupply to the fingers can cause deformities and limit range of motion making skills such as writing and typing incredibly difficult. My son is 13 and has severe secondary raynauds. He was dx at 7 after his pediatrician blew me off (I even had pictures!) for years and he ended up in the ER because an attack extended up to his elbows and did not go away. He has had limited success with mediation and at one point when he was 9 the rheumatologist was frustrated because the one medication they use for the more difficult cases they could not give to him because he is a boy. If he had been a girl he would have been on it without hestation.
  18. If it helps any DH and I felt obligated to invite That One Family Memember to our wedding reception. TOFM knew they were not really wanted and they made a BS excuse for not attending. I am pretty sure the only reason they did not grudgingly attend was because the rest of the family has gotten the message that I and DH do not want anything to do with TOFM and have stopped trying to force the issue. My point is that he may feel pressure from your daughter to attend.
  19. Did he feel obligated to come for cake? He might have, I would first make sure he knows he is not required to attend family events. Then I would make it clear that you feel you both need space from each other still.
  20. This was my son's experience. The first time he went on it was for asthma and it had the side effect that he did not hurt (he has chronic pain) and was so happy to not hurt. He was 7, it was the frst time in as long as he could remember that he did not hurt.
  21. I have noticied a trend where only certain people believe they actually have unquestionable rights, and that Those Others should not because, reasons and those reasons are then used are an exuse to try and deny The Others their rights.
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