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Everything posted by JudyJudyJudy

  1. I am far from offended by your belief in God. I am, however, amazed by your quick judgment of others who do not believe as you do.
  2. Not legally—unless you are a school (not homeschool) teacher.
  3. I wouldn't know. As it is, with many, many books available, I don't believe in the existence of god(s), so I doubt that would change without books. The only way it might be different is if I lived in a time and place where no knowledge of science existed, and I was told by my elders from the beginning of my life that a spirit or god was in control of things that weren't otherwise explained.
  4. If you will, please specify your child's age/grade: 12 years old (upcoming 7th grader). He has been taking lessons with the same teacher since the middle of kindergarten. teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.): I'm not sure about a degree, but she has many decades of experience in teaching piano. Lesson length: 30 minutes Lesson frequency(once/week?): Once per week Monthly cost: $65 Region where you live: NW Georgia
  5. I understand that, but the problem is that you can't control the wind, so preventing cross-contamination is difficult. That's one of the reasons that Mexicans were so concerned when their government agreed to allow GMO corn. They know that eventually no matter how hard they try to prevent it, the GMO corn will contaminate all their many species of corn. It's sad. I read about that. I can't even begin to tell you how much I despise Monsanto. The same is true here.
  6. But you're teaching your kids. You're not "those other parents." The good thing about homeschooling is that you can help to shape your kids no matter where you are.
  7. You probably already know this, but foxes can carry rabies. Two metro-Atlanta children were bitten by a rabid fox about a month and a half ago. To be on the safe side, I probably would alert others about the fox.
  8. If you're eating only whole unprocessed foods, you aren't likely to be eating gluten unless you're eating sauces and marinades. When I was mostly dairy-free, I still ate plain whole yogurt and butter (only organic since other butter tends to have added ingredients that are related to yeast). I did fine eating that way. However, after I added back my hot chocolate (the only ingredients are 100% chocolate, honey, and milk), my seborrheic dermatitis flared up again, so I know that one or more of those ingredients are the trigger(s). I'm still consuming those three things, but I know I shouldn't be. The good thing about it, though, is that at least they don't make me feel bad like yeast itself (and even vinegar) does.
  9. Your uncle isn't wrong. The problem with GMOs is that they cross-contaminate everything else, so even if organic farmers are growing their crops as they're supposed to, there's no guarantee that the organic crops aren't being cross-contaminated by crops being grown elsewhere.
  10. I'm on the same diet because I'm actually allergic to yeast. I'm also allergic to oats, so that wasn't a question. However, I initially eliminated brown rice as well. I tried adding it back a couple of months later, but I reacted to it. I then took it out of my diet again and then tried it again about four months later. I'm now eating it without a problem. If I were you, I'd eliminate it in the beginning. After you've given your system months to clear out, I'd try adding it back if you miss it. Part of the reason I added it back was because I was losing too much weight.
  11. By definition, organic foods cannot contain genetically modified organisms. Cuba and perhaps a few other countries allow GMOs in their organic products, but the large majority of countries do not.
  12. Same here. I can't complain about dh in this area. If there's any such thing as being gifted with directions, he is. People who have GPSs call dh when they get lost!
  13. I wanted to add something else here: Often when people go gluten-free, they look for substitutes. Often these substitutes include various "gums" (locust bean gum, guar gum, gum Arabic, and more). For some people, these cause health issues as well. In addition to that, if your child is prone to allergies, you may find that she reacts to some of the new foods. For example, many of the gluten-free products are cross-contaminated with other allergens. Also, we found that ds is allergic to annatto (also known as achiote), which is used as a food dye in a lot of "natural" products like Amy's, Annie's, etc.
  14. I've been looking at the first junior high book, and I'm impressed with the questions dealing with logic. I'll definitely use parts of this book next school year (maybe while my old Dolciani prealgebra book airs out some more!).
  15. Another thought is that this could be a hormonal issue. In looking back, I realize that a lot of my health problems started not very long after I started my period.
  16. If corn is a large part of your diet, make sure it is organic. Most corn now is genetically modified, and that is not healthy for you.
  17. I've read about famous authors who were very disappointed when they'd go back and read their earlier works (sometimes works that became classics). I think a good writer will improve all his life and will often think that his earlier works weren't very good. You'll have to bite the bullet at some point and submit your work. Otherwise, you'll allow perfectionist tendencies to prevent you from ever being published.
  18. I would try an allergist first and have her tested for allergies. Another option is to try an elimination diet. For years I felt as though I had ongoing morning sickness, so I was turned off by all kinds of food, too. I found out that I'm allergic to yeast as well as many other things. Some form of yeast or a close relative is in practically everything.
  19. I totally agree about not adding a food back quickly. You can't just do a little bit here and there, either; you have to really stick with it. One food that I haven't seen anyone else mention (I may have missed it) that can cause problems with behavior and health in general is yeast. The author of Feast Without Yeast: 4 Stages to Better Health—A Complete Guide to Implementing Yeast Free, Wheat (Gluten) Free and Milk (Casein) Free Living has found that yeast is one of the biggest culprits for his son. He is a doctor who has a son with autism. (I bought the book because I am allergic to yeast.)
  20. I don't think we can just look at the number of people in this poll and conclude that the oldest is more likely to homeschool. After all, the percentage of only children in our age range is quite small compared to the population (I'm too lazy to get the data right now), so there might actually be a higher percentage of only children who homeschool.
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