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Everything posted by JudyJudyJudy

  1. Oh, you poor thing. I hope it passes quickly. And what an awesome person you are for having donated a kidney. :)
  2. I'm so glad the doctor gave you two Epi-pens. Some doctors don't understand that they need to prescribe two, not just one.
  3. I truly have a difficult time reading sentences without the Oxford comma. I find myself having to go back and reread because the sentences just don't make sense. Apparently the problem isn't just mine, either, since on the recent "red ink" thread, a poster accused another poster of having a fragment when the problem was actually the lack of the Oxford comma, combined with the wrong verb usage. I had to read the sentence three times to see what the poster was saying.
  4. I haven't seen an "anti-college" mentality. As others have mentioned, however, I know many people who are wondering whether or not attending college is a wise decision since there are so many college-educated people without jobs right now. (Of course, there are also plenty of people without college educations who are unemployed right now as well.) With my own son, we're preparing him for college. I won't "force" him to go (not that I could anyway), but I will encourage him to go. We as a family have been hurt by dh's lack of a degree, and I want my son to have whatever little advantage a degree might give him. As of right now, anything that he is considering requires a degree anyway.
  5. When ds was younger, the only two that our library had were Physics and The Periodic Table. Ds loved them both!
  6. How exactly would that work? How would the payment be guaranteed when someone needed emergency treatment? What about if someone needed heart surgery? Would that person have to wait until an organization agreed to pay for it? What if someone had a chronic illness?
  7. I'm glad you're better, and I hope your husband is okay, too.
  8. I've done well on eBay, especially for materials that are in demand (Singapore, FLL, etc.).
  9. Shhhh. Southerners don't know they lost. ;) Seriously, though, are you wanting books, videos, or something like that?
  10. I'm not interested in MCT for my son, but it is my understanding that you don't really need the student's book—that the teacher's book is sufficient. That would save you quite a bit of money if you were thinking that you needed every book.
  11. I suspect that the doctor will diagnose him as being on the spectrum. However, I would address environmental issues to ease things for him as well. As a previous poster suggested, Omega 3s might be a good idea. Also, if you aren't already doing so, a change in diet might make a tremendous difference (if you're interested, I'll be happy to post more). As someone who "hears" electricity, I can tell you how nerve-wracking it is. I, as an adult, have cried when I couldn't sleep because of it. Both ds and I hear it, but dh doesn't. Do you have power lines nearby? Do you keep your cell phones on? Do you have Wi-Fi? Did you recently get a Smart Meter? All of these things can make his problems worse. We live near large power lines, and when ds and some friends were playing close to them one day, they actually made ds's jaws clench and hurt; he now knows not to go near them. Because of this and many other reasons, if we could afford to move, we would.
  12. My understanding is that this isn't sufficient. Perhaps it would be fine in a small community bank, but large banks generally say that they are not responsible unless you actually put a "stop payment" on the check.
  13. Do you have access to Discovery Streaming? I like the Spanish programs available there.
  14. It would probably be worth the $30 to me not to have it hanging over my head. Good luck.
  15. Jean, I don't know your history, but have you ever tried a yeast-free diet? It has made a tremendous difference for me. (I'm also "a lot of other foods"–free as well.)
  16. I'll most definitely keep Jonathan and the rest of your family in my thoughts. :grouphug:
  17. Jean, that's a scary number; I'm glad you're discontinuing this cleanse. I don't know the reasons your doctor suggested it, but I hope you're able to find something else that works for you.
  18. It depends on what you count. My son is 12 years old, and I have educated him since birth. However, if you only count from kindergarten on, I've just finished my seventh year of homeschooling.
  19. Helena, I didn't see your original post until now, but I'm so glad you're doing better. :) I have a chronic illness (or, more accurately, illnesses), so I can relate to a lot of what you posted. A change in diet has helped me a lot, but I'm still confined to my home for the most part (I can't even go into a grocery store or into my family's or friends' homes because of my severe chemical sensitivities). Few of my friends or family members will even attempt to be fragrance-free so that we can spend time together, and it's very hurtful. It's been difficult for my husband as well (my son also has chemical sensitivities, though not as severe as mine, so he can better understand). It's hard. Take care of yourself. :grouphug:
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