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Everything posted by JudyJudyJudy

  1. On the flip side of that, for those of us whose children have had a vaccine injury (and for some, death), not further vaccinating our children is a no-brainer.
  2. If I recall correctly, SWB specifically states in SOTW4 that she doesn't recommend it for kids under grade 4.
  3. Actually I read her post several times. Perhaps you and I were thinking of different parts of her post in regards to your response. I thought you were saying that if she read the Bible, she would know that it's true, but maybe I misunderstood you. :)
  4. No, the pertussis vaccine is not live. If I understood what the poster who made that statement was saying, she was comparing it more to how antibiotics work. In order to fight antibiotics, if the bacteria aren't killed off completely, they often become stronger.
  5. Cheryl, do you realize how offensive this is? Many of the strongest atheists spent years reading and studying the Bible (many are even former pastors). A person's reading of the Bible is no guarantee that he/she will reach the conclusion that what's contained in it is true. In fact, the opposite results are often obtained.
  6. The live (oral) polio vaccine is generally not given in the US anymore. However, vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox are all live.
  7. It depends on the type and location of the church. I live in the Bible Belt, so I expect it, which is why I have never allowed my son to attend VBS. I have a lot of resentment over being pressured to be "saved" and then subsequently baptized when I was a child.
  8. This might be too mature for what you're wanting, but UNC has an extensive list of primary resources: http://docsouth.unc.edu/. You could spend hours just browsing the titles.
  9. Personally I would put her on a gluten-free diet now and would not make her go through a biopsy. Of course, that's a decision you'll have to make for yourself, and likely the doctor will tell you that she needs to biopsy for confirmation.
  10. This could be another reason my son reacted to their cream of rice, but it didn't have a cross-contamination warning for nuts on it (there are never cross-contamination warnings for legumes except soy and peanuts).
  11. This is also a style issue. I worked for a company that transcribes letters and documents for attorneys, including big, well-known firms. That company requires two spaces after a period.
  12. Not too good, or you won't qualify for financial aid! LOL I do know a girl who filed as independent and actually qualified for less than she did when she filed as a dependent.
  13. You don't legally have to do this. If your child is living completely on his own, living in his own home, completely supporting himself, not on your health insurance, etc., he can file as independent.
  14. I'm really glad it worked for you! It helps so much when you find a gluten-free product that works. :) Unfortunately, since my son is allergic to most legumes, my family is unable to use any of Bob's Red Mill products because they are cross-contaminated with legumes.
  15. If a comma meant "and," then there would be no such thing as a comma splice. LOL
  16. As someone who went to college on scholarships, I know they're not so easy to get. This is one of the reasons that I get so irritated with the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" mentality. I got my scholarships because I was the top student in my class in both high school and college. Even if you bust your butt, there is only going to be one top student, so those scholarships are quite limited.
  17. This was all a hoax! The Oxford comma is still alive! http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/blogpost/post/the-oxford-comma-lives-so-why-am-i-so-sad/2011/06/30/AG3pxOsH_blog.html
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