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Everything posted by JudyJudyJudy

  1. Ironically, that is one of the most common errors I've seen throughout this thread.
  2. I have a degree, and I have used it. I was fortunate to have gone to college on scholarships and other financial aid (mostly scholarships), so I graduated with no student loans. I agree. I agree with this as well. I was a perfectionist in school. I was the type who had to make 100s on tests, and I stressed greatly over it. As a result, I wasn't really able to enjoy learning while in school. However, I have learned a tremendous amount (and enjoyed doing so) since I've been out of school.
  3. How exciting that you'll be holding your precious baby in your arms tomorrow! :) (I had polyhydramnios with my son. Is that what you have, too?)
  4. I'll confess that I anonymously red-inked a paper that one of my college English professors posted outside her door. I did it late one night, and it was corrected and posted again by the next morning!
  5. I absolutely expect high school graduates to have the ability to communicate in writing. However, I don't see the example given in the OP as being contradictory to that. Did you have a difficult time understanding what he meant? Would this truly affect his ability to mow someone's lawn? How would someone who wrote what was copied in the OP and who is willing and able to work be a drain on society?
  6. Oh, I absolutely agree with all of this. Those were indeed huge problems that I faced and were probably the biggest problems. However, as for what was being taught, the chosen curriculum was a problem. At one point I taught in an area where, sadly, many of the kids were truly not capable of learning at the level so many expect. Many had IQs in the low 70s, and it was difficult. It was very frustrating to be presented with all this stuff that I had to teach these kids when I knew the reality was that I needed to be teaching them the very basic skills of math. In that particular area, only about 40% of adults have high school diplomas. If I had never taught in such an area, I'd probably have a completely different outlook on this. :lol: That reminds me of the woman I knew who cleaned other people's homes (and did a wonderful job, I might add), yet you couldn't even walk in hers. LOL
  7. A nation isn't just built and maintained by the intelligent. It also depends on the physical workers. We expect mechanics to know everything that the college-educated people know, yet we don't expect the college-educated to know what mechanics know. Why is that?
  8. I know this won't be a popular opinion on this board, but I'm going to be frank. I am a former (and still certified) public school teacher in both middle grades and high school; and the problem as I've seen it in public schools in many cases is not that they're teaching too little, but rather, that they're trying to teach too much. The fact is that not everyone needs to know how to do calculus, how to do in depth literary analysis, or how to write papers worthy of being published, yet we expect that instead of making sure that everyone gets the basics down.
  9. I will echo Anita. I would take her to a chiropractor, preferably one who is trained in kinesthesiology.The chiropractor whom my son saw is not only trained in kinesthesiology, but he is also a podiatrist. My son now wears orthotics (nothing as extreme as Anita described since he can wear regular tennis shoes with the inserts in them), and this has made a huge difference in his pain.
  10. I agree with AuntieM, Aubrey, Perry, and others in their camp, and I love this:
  11. It's maturity. She'll be fine. :) In the meantime, let her start from 0.
  12. Thanks for updating. I figured that's what it was. Ruptured cysts can be very, very painful. I hope she's feeling better soon, and I hope you're able to get some rest.
  13. In my experience, it's a great start. I work an online job in which I review web pages, so I am likely to get viruses (I only use the old computer to do this job because I don't want to take the chance of messing up our better computer). This procedure has saved me several times. If the virus has taken over her computer, it may be the only option. Then once she takes control of her computer again, she can again access the programs to scan and remove viruses.
  14. Can you start your computer in safe mode and then do a system restore to an earlier date?
  15. No and no. I'm "white" (I actually have a lot of NA ancestry as well), and I grew up on a farm in the Deep South. Dh, on the other hand, is hispanic (Puerto Rican and Mexican), and he grew up in the Bronx. The chances that our families would ever have even crossed paths are slim, and they especially wouldn't have thought to put us together.
  16. I hope it isn't bed bugs, but it sounds very possible. Not all people show signs of being bitten even if they are. It's possible for you to be the only one in the home to show signs (the other family members may not be sensitive to the bites). Have you googled images of bed bug bites to see if yours look similar?
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