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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. Your mother is wrong. There's NOTHING wrong with a boy playing with his little sister. Like you, I have a son who is 4 years older than his little sister, and they played together too. They didn't always get along well, but since we live in a rural area, they were each other's only playmates most of the time. Now that they are older (he's 20 & she's 16), they LOVE being together and I am glad they are so close. When he's away at college, she can't wait for him to come home, and he looks forward to spending time with her as well. Both of them are perfectly normal academically, emotionally, socially, etc., and both are popular with their peers and also interact well with people of all ages, so I can assure you that it did them no harm at all to play together when they were kids.
  2. Same here. I have graduated one (currently a college senior with a 3.5 GPA), and I have a rising 11th grader. I also teach a family friend who is a rising 7th grader. And I plan to continue homeschooling even after my dd graduates. My plan/dream is to teach middle school girls. I want to teach a small group (maybe 4) girls from 6th-8th, then start over with another small group, etc.
  3. My plastic surgeon recommended cocoa butter with vitamin E. I was in a terrible car accident several years ago, and I had to have facial reconstruction surgery. My plastic surgeon told me to massage my scars with the cream every day. He said that massaging stimulates blood flow, which promotes healing. I did as he suggested, and my scars are barely noticeable now. (It also works well on stretch marks. I rubbed it on my belly and other areas while I was pregnant, and I have NO stretch marks.)
  4. Apologia Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology (yes, the elementary one) + a Human Anatomy Coloring Book + a Red Cross First Aid & CPR course
  5. Asperger's is what I was thinking too. I know several people with Asperger's, and they fit the OP's description.
  6. DVD or instant play--doesn't matter rated PG appeals to ages 12-70 action-adventure or comedy live-action, not animated preferably 2009 or newer
  7. :iagree: And if that works out: I've homeschooled other children besides my own; this past school year, I taught a 6th grader in addition to my own 10th grader. I knew the child from church and she had visited in my home several times, so I knew her pretty well already. She does have some learning issues that I am trying to address, and I have excellent support from her parents, so overall, it has been a positive experience. I will say this though: in the past when I've homeschooled a child besides my own, he was the same age and grade level as mine, and it was much, much, MUCH easier that way. As for how much to charge: the private schools around here charge around $450-$550 per month. These are fairly large schools with accredited academic programs. While I do have a master's degree in education, and have been certified to teach PreK-8th grade, I am not accredited, and I don't feel that I can charge as much as the more traditional schools. This past year, I charged $300 per month, plus the mom paid me $15 per week for lunches--we have a hot lunch most days. HTH!
  8. :iagree: I used to think my dad was being picky when he wouldn't let me use words that sounded similar to curse words, but now that I have my own kids, I see his point. :tongue_smilie:
  9. I think it depends on the context, as well as who said it and why.
  10. ...now require that I press ctl+alt to open almost EVERY link. It's driving me crazy to have to do that, and I don't remember changing anything, and if I did, I have no idea what it was! :-/
  11. To me, "bare bones" means math, science, history/geography, reading, English, and Bible. I would concentrate on only those subjects, and if he enjoys art, incorporate it into the history, reading, or Bible courses by using Dover or Bellerapohon coloring books or History Pockets or Literature Pockets.
  12. At that age, my kids loved stackable nesting cups, shape sorters, and chunky puzzles. Fisher Price farm and train toys were also big hits, as well as those Golden Books that have buttons you can press to make sounds. Here is a stackable nesting shape sorter that my kids would have LOVED.
  13. This is exactly what I do. I have certain required courses, and the dc get to choose a few electives in their areas of interest. If there's wiggle room in the required courses, they get to choose from among a list of acceptable topics. For instance, ER was very interested in space science at one time, and one year, he chose to study aeronautics and robotics instead of doing a more traditional science course. Another year, EK chose to take home economics, and she learned the basics of cooking and sewing as part of her coursework that year.
  14. ...three bottles of various kinds of hot sauce and one bottle of chili sauce. None have ever been opened, none have an expiration date, and all have been in the pantry for at least a year. They all have vinegar as an ingredient, and dh says that vinegar prohibits bacteria growth and prevents spoilage. What do you think? Toss them or open & use them?
  15. I need some alternatives, written in the first half of the 20th century, that are positive and optimistic without being trite and predictable. I'd prefer books by Christian authors who aren't necessarily well-known. I want meaty and thought-provoking because I want to foster good discussions and provide essay opportunities. Are there any out there that you would recommend?
  16. Yes, I thought about that. I would definitely be disappointed, but we would have a back-up plan in place. We do have relatives in Florida (Jax), so although they're not close to KSC, we could stop on the way home for a visit, so the trip wouldn't be a total waste. If we were much further away, I wouldn't even entertain the thought. But we live in Georgia, so it would be about a 7+ hour drive for us. It's a long way, but definitely doable.
  17. I have dreamed of seeing a shuttle launch since the program first began! I had not seriously given it any thought as a real possibility until my mom mentioned it a few days ago. I would LOVE for us to drive down to Florida for a few days to see the launch, but I have no idea where to go, and I'm sure everything nearby is booked up by now. :( Any ideas or suggestions?
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