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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. I find this incredibly tacky of the GF, especially considering that YOU were gracious enough to include HER in the first place, and otherwise she wouldn't have even known! And I think it is even more so, since you explicitly told her that this upset you and she did it anyway! And why did she have her sister go with her??? I understand about the friend, since that was her way of getting there, but why couldn't she have at least included you, and left her sister to wait with the rest of your family? This part is really, really disturbing to me.
  2. We do four days per week: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM. We work pretty intensely on those four days, so we take a much-needed break each Friday. Occasionally, if we need to catch up on some things, so we do that on Friday, but it's never a whole day's worth of work. If we worked 6 days a week, as some have said they do, we would burn out very quickly.
  3. We all like it at my house. ER especially likes it and often requests it if I forget.
  4. I have this one, and I love it. It's so EASY to use. Dh bought it for his office, but it wasn't big enough for the work they do, so I inherited it. :D
  5. I'm from the Deep South. I've never known anyone who makes stuffing--that is, stuffs the bird with what we call dressing. We do the turkey and the dressing separately. Nobody I know calls it "stuffing"; here it is "dressing", and it must always contain cornbread, and it must never contain sage. :D
  6. I remember those days! And you're fully justified in reminiscing about them to your dd. ;)
  7. :iagree: And my additional advice is: 1) Make sure there is plenty of storage space. There's no such thing as too much storage space. 2) Make sure there is plenty of wall space for bookshelves. There's also no such thing as too many bookshelves, because there's no such thing as too many books. :lol:
  8. Yes, I do. We use a chart that I made a few years ago. It was somewhat time-consuming, but once I did it, it was done! EK (dd17) and I share the chores--I had to modify the chart for just the two of us since ER went away to college (before that, chores were divided 3 ways)--and we each have only a few chores per day Monday through Friday, so we're "off" on weekends. Laundry and dishes are not included on the chart because everyone, including dh, is expected to help with those on an as-needed basis. I've posted about my chart on the boards several times--most recently, a couple of weeks ago--and I always offer to send it to others. PM me your e-mail address if you'd like me to e-mail it to you (as an attachment). I made the chart in MS Word, and you could easily customize it to fit your own chore list and also the number of people to whom you want to assign duties.
  9. Thanks for the help! I had already found most of these, but there are a couple that I had not seen.
  10. Thank you! EK is currently involved in a production of Twelfth Night, and she is loving it!
  11. Please suggest some Christmas-themed songs, stories, poems, plays, movies etc. that were written during (or about) the Elizabethan period. I also need some easy recipes for foods (preferably breads or baked goods) that were popular during this period. Thanks! ETA: Maybe I should have said the Tudor period, since that's a bit broader than the Elizabethan period only.
  12. Please suggest some Christmas-themed songs, stories, poems, plays, movies etc. that were written during (or about) the Elizabethan period. I also need some easy recipes for foods (preferably breads or baked goods) that were popular during this period. Thanks! ETA: Maybe I should have said the Tudor period, since that's a bit broader than the Elizabethan period only.
  13. Please suggest some Christmas-themed songs, stories, poems, plays, movies etc. that were written during (or about) the Elizabethan period. I also need some easy recipes for foods (preferably breads or baked goods) that were popular during this period. Thanks! ETA: Maybe I should have said the Tudor period, since that's a bit broader than the Elizabethan period only.
  14. We've had this same issue with my dh's side of the family. My dc are involved in music and drama, and dh's parents have very, very rarely made the effort to come to any of their performances, though until recently we've always invited them. They DO attend the performances of their other grandchildren--the kids who live in the same town they do. We live an hour's drive away, and I guess that's just too far. However, my mom also lives an hour's drive away (in the opposite direction from dh's parents), and she has come to almost EVERY performance the dc have ever had, even though she has to drive by herself (she's a widow and has no one to come with her unless she brings a friend, which she has occasionally done). I've learned to just let it go. It does hurt, but at least my mom is there for my dc, and consequently, they ADORE her. They love dh's parents, but it's not a close relationship at all.
  15. No advice here, but I have a nephew who is very much like your cousin. Only my nephew (30yo) knows he isn't nice--goes out of his way to be mean--and then wonders why people are hesitant to invite him. Of course, he can be charming to certain people when he wants to be, in order to get something from them. He's told his current girlfriend a sob story about how his family always excludes him, and she just can't understand why.
  16. :bigear: I've been asking the same question, and I've been researching and researching, but I'm just getting more and more confused! :confused: Where did you find a deal on the Platinum Plus? Is it online? Please share! :D
  17. We use both. We use margarine more, but some things are just better with butter. :001_smile:
  18. It definitely sounds like a control issue to me. I think you should stick to your guns.
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