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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. I don't think I ever had that book. It's not on my bookshelf, so where did the request come from? Hmmm...
  2. Yep. Couldn't tell about the preservatives by reading the package. It only had a couple of things I couldn't pronounce easily. :D
  3. :lol: I just looked at the package. The expiration date was in....... <gulp> .......September!!
  4. I store them in the refrigerator and I don't pay any attention to the expiration date. Assuming they haven't gone moldy, does the expiration date matter? Would you eat them if they were out of date?
  5. Oh, I get it now! I mentioned ER (my ds's initials), and you thought I meant the ER at the hospital! :lol: I admit I was kinda wondering. :D
  6. Quarters for laundry--I don't have to do that because washer/dryer use if FREE at his school. Well, it's paid for in his fees, but they have NICE washers & dryers and students don't have to pay to use them. How cool is that!?? Still thinking about the local restaurant idea. I wish I could send him salsa from our favorite Mexican restaurant, or fried pickles from our favorite burger place, but of course, that wouldn't work. :lol:
  7. I just opened an Amazon Prime account, but I hadn't even thought about having Amazon ship stuff to him. Thanks!
  8. Oops! My subject line was cut off. This is for my college student son. I edited, so maybe it'll show up.
  9. Right. Part of my subject line was cut off. I tried to edit, but you know how that goes. Anyway, ever since he went to college, I've sent care packages with mostly food items, but that's starting to seem... boring. :( I'm in a rut, I guess, and I've started to wonder what other people send their college kids. Just looking for new ideas...
  10. The care packages I've been sending ER seem to have a lot of food, a little money, a few pencils, lip balm, and other stuff like that. I'm looking for suggestions to make my care packages less boring. :tongue_smilie:
  11. Great post! For me, it happens earlier (January-February), but I am in a warmer climate. But it happens nonetheless. I do wonder if it's worse for those in cold climates and less severe for those in tropical climates. Alaska & Hawaii ladies, care to respond?
  12. Except for the number of kids, I could have written your post. I completely agree, particularly with the bolded.
  13. Same here. My wonderful dh used to help me grade papers when I taught in PS. When he helped me, I got finished earlier, and we had more time together. We began planning to homeschool way back when our oldest was a baby, and he has been supportive--no, enthusiastic is a better word--about it all along.
  14. I had to check too. I've been an eBay member since 1999. That's 13 years for me too, but I didn't get a card! :( hahaha! ;)
  15. For us: flexibility--in scheduling and curriculum the freedom to customize each child's educational program according to their strengths/weaknesses and interests our desire to help the children become grounded in their faith before having it challenged by opposing views
  16. Winter: 65 at night & 68 during the day Summer: 75 at night & 78 during the day
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