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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. Back in the early 70s I used to babysit a boy named Sean, and his parents pronounced it "Seen". Me too. :001_smile:
  2. :iagree: I think that's why I picked the first sentence. If "any" had been there, I probably would have picked the second sentence.
  3. I like it better than any other yogurt because it's thicker and creamier. Before I dicovered Greek yogurt, I bought Yoplait custard-style yogurt, but Greek yogurt is better. Some have said that it's more tart, but I buy the Greek Gods brand , and to me, it's actually less tart than other types. The plain (regular, not fat free) is even good plain! All other plain yogurt I've ever tried needed fruit or something added to sweeten it and disguise the tartness. I hear Fage is good too, but I haven't tried that yet.
  4. That's exactly what dh & I were saying after our visit. Thank you.
  5. Yes, I was thinking about that. BIL travels and has to be away for 2-3 weeks at a time. SIL doesn't enjoy her job any more, but they need her income. They love for us to visit, and we've even done some house-sitting for them in the past, in their previous (also very nice) home. SIL loves to decorate for the various holidays, and they enjoy hosting family get-togethers, so there's that too. :)
  6. Thank you! I appreciate your taking the time to post this. I know what you mean about having to stop thumbing through the home magazines. I love to watch HGTV, but sometimes I have to skip it for awhile because I start feeling dissatisfied with what I have.
  7. About the bolded: I totally get this, and I am not under the influence pregnancy hormones at all. ;)
  8. Edelweiss, I did see your post before it was edited/deleted, and I just want to tell you that I appreciate your sharing your perspective. It had never occurred to me that they might feel uncomfortable. I'm sure you're right, but I had never thought about it that way. That was self-centered of me.
  9. I like the way you think! Disney and Italy: these are dreams of mine!
  10. Thank you! That's exactly why I posted that bit of whining--because I knew that plenty of my WTM friends would understand. :)
  11. I'm right there with you! My dryer is working, but my washer has been broken for over a week, and the dentist told me this past February that I need a root canal and crown for a cracked molar. We've ordered parts for the washer (assuming we've correctly diagnosed the problem, and dh plans to fix it because we can't afford the price the service people quoted. We have CareCredit for medical bills (no insurance), but right now we're paying off a $2000 bill for some oral surgery ER had back in July, so I can't afford to charge any more yet. :grouphug: to you!
  12. Yesterday we went with BIL & SIL to see their new home. The place is ENORMOUS--5 bedrooms, with walk-in closets and full baths for each of the kids' bedrooms, a very spacious master suite that includes a big master bath and a walk-in closet that is bigger than ER's bedroom, plus a nice deck overlooking the woods, and a full basement. The kitchen is truly lovely, with state-of-the-art applicances and a HUGE granite island/bar, and off the kitchen is a dining nook, and off that is a formal dining room! It has a stately staircase and a balcony that overlooks the family room with its cozy fireplace. The house is the newest home in the nicest neighborhood in their town, and is at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac with not-too-close neighbors. BIL & SIL are wonderful, godly people; they have young children who are cute, sweet, smart, and well-behaved. BIL & SIL are active in their church, and they both work full-time jobs and have saved in order to buy a nice home, so if anyone deserves to live the good life, they are the ones. I couldn't help but be a little envious, however. I am now in my home with its leaky roof, mismatched second-hand furniture, ratty carpet and flooring, badly outdated kitchen, and no way to improve any of the above, and I am feeling sad because 1) dh & I will likely NEVER be able own a home anywhere near as nice as the one we saw yesterday--and can't even afford to fix what's wrong with the one we now have, and 2) I am envious of people whom I dearly love and who are as deserving as anyone ever was. :confused: I already know how I "should" feel about all of this. I just need a hug.
  13. :iagree: This one has been hard for me too. It's especially hard to accept this when the "something" you want is for someone you care about to do the right thing.
  14. My big splurges are: Swiffer and plenty of Wet Mopping Refills Clorox or Lysol wipes Swiffer duster Before I started using these products, I was using a mop, bucket, rags, soapy water, and dusting spray. The Swiffer mop and duster and the wipes are so much more convenient!
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