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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. I've been leaning toward the LifePacs too, but I would love to hear from people who've used the other options also.
  2. I want something EASY to implement with students who just need to earn a Spanish credit and get it over with. Nothing fancy, nothing rigorous. Although I am familiar with Spanish (I still remember a lot from having taken it for 5 years in junior high & high school, plus what I took in college) I don't want to have to do much (if any) teaching. I want the girls to be able to work independently. If I can pop in a DVD and have them complete workbook pages, that would be ideal. Which of these best fits my wishlist: AOP LifePacs, ACE Paces, or CLE LightUnits?
  3. Maybe someone can explain why it says this next to the Attach Files paper clip at the bottom of my posts: You can upload up to Uploading is not allowed of files (Max. single file size: 32MB) Why would uploading not be allowed? Are we permitted only a certain amount? Maybe I used it all up last summer when I uploaded pictures of my schoolroom? I tried earlier today to post a picture I took and saved to my computer, but it wouldn't upload. It was approximately 4MB, if that matters.
  4. Tried to upload a picture of EK and her date, but it didn't work. Just wanted to share. It's her senior year, and I can't believe it's here so soon! ETA: Maybe someone can explain why it says this next to the Attach Files paper clip at the bottom of my posts: You can upload up to Uploading is not allowed of files (Max. single file size: 32MB) Why would uploading not be allowed? Are we permitted only a certain amount? Maybe I used it all up last summer when I uploaded pictures of my schoolroom?
  5. I wish I had a great recommendation for you, but my home remedies didn't help when I had bronchitis a few weeks ago myself. I wound up going to the doctor for an antibiotic after a few days of home treatment. I was headed toward pneumonia--the doctor said one lung sounded "wet". The cough was nasty and lingering. The girls said I sounded like a smoker. Ugh! I was getting over it nicely, and was blindsided by a cold a few days ago. I'm trying to drink a lot and move around a lot so I don't have gunk settle in my chest again. I'm watching this thread for tips!
  6. We tried the Elegant Essay last year and we were completely underwhelmed. I've tried IEW also: TWSS and also the theme-based books. This year, my 8th grader is using Writing Skills, Book 2 (for grades 7-8) by Diana H. King and published by Educator's Publishing Service (EPS). I think it's GREAT. It gently eases the student into writing paragraphs, then essays. There are also Book A for grades 2-4, Book 1 for grades 5-6, and Book 3 for high school students. The books incorporate grammar into writing; for example, Book 2 teaches phrases and clauses as well as reviewing other grammar concepts. This has been a really good fit this year for my student who hates to write. We will continue with Book 3 next year in 9th grade. Each book is only $10-$15! I only wish I'd found these books a long time ago! ETA: There is a Teacher's Handbook that goes with the series, and I bought it, but we never use it, so you can save your money and skip that. It does not contain answers to the grammar exercises; I wanted an answer key for those, so I bought one from Seton pretty inexpensively ($7, I think).
  7. Thanks to all who responded. I'm still on the fence. I'd like to look at a Companion and a Cool History--hold them in my hands and flip through them, not just look at the 3-week sample (which I've downloaded and printed out). That should help me decide.
  8. Actually, I really like MoH and I am pretty sure I want to use it, but I wasn't really impressed with the BP Companion. I was thinking of using the BP Guide because it schedules out MoH and also literature, but I would rather not use the Companion if I can get by without it. I'm not sure yet about the Cool History. I guess if the Cool History is based on the Companion, I'd have to either get both of them or neither of them, huh?
  9. I'm not following them (never clicked on "Follow This Topic"), but I posted in those threads, and now they keep showing up whenever I click on "My Content". I don't want to see them any more, but I don't know how to get rid of them.
  10. I truly appreciate the input, so please feel free to comment if you have used Biblioplan.
  11. I posted in a couple of threads sosome months back, and the threads are STILL active, so I guess that's why I am still seeing new posts when I click on "My Content", but I am no longer interested in reading new posts in the thread. How do I "unfollow" those threads?
  12. So... what do I really NEED for Biblioplan? Do I NEED the Companion if I'm going to use MoH? (I'm thinking "no". So if I don't get the Companion, do I NEED Cool History? Aren't Cool History assignments based on the Companion? Can I do just fine with only MoH and the Bibliolplan guide?
  13. I don't want to buy something that's going to sit on the shelf unused. I guess what I'm asking is "what do I really NEED for Biblioplan?" BTW, we'll be doing Ancients next year, and I've never used either Biblioplan or MoH before. I've always used TRISMS with my own kids (and I LOVE it), but it's just not going to fit with my students (logic stage teen girls).
  14. What Ancients-related books will be on his/her summer reading list? Just trying to get some good ideas. Thanks!
  15. What Ancients-related books will be on his/her summer reading list? Just trying to get some good ideas. Thanks!
  16. What Ancients-related books will be on his/her summer reading list? Just trying to get some good ideas. Thanks!
  17. So here's what we (mom, dad, student SJ & I) have decided: Next school year will be SJ's senior year. She will have to earn credits for: -Spanish 2 -Working With Numbers Refresher -Business & Consumer Math (some of each) -Ancient History & Literature (That's what's next in my rotation & she will be learning with my other students.) -Earth Science (Again, that's what's next in the rotation; I'd love for her to do chemistry, but she doesn't have the necessary math skills.) -Another English/Literature credit (I'm hoping she will be able to pick up a credit in summer school.) When she has finished this, she will be ready to graduate and go on to her cosmetology program. Thanks for all your input. :) ETA: If she follows our plan, by next June she will have met the minimum requirements for admission to our state's university system, except for the math requirement. She would still need to take 2 math courses beyond Algebra 1. At present, however, she simply doesn't have that level of critical thinking skills. If she does decide to go to college at some later date, she would need two remedial math courses, and maybe by then she would developmentally ready for them. Right now, all she can see is getting finished with high school. :-/
  18. Thank you. Your posts are very helpful. I think the math sequence you've mentioned might work well for us. What textbook is used for Math Essentials and for Financial Math? Thanks.
  19. That's kind of what I'm thinking because this particular student would probably not be able to get through Algebra 2, let alone a math course beyond that. :-/
  20. See, there's the dilemma. Our state has undergone a LOT of education reform in recent years, and as I understand it, public high schools in this state now consider ALL high schools students to be on the college preparatory track. It used to be that students could choose either a college prep track or a vocational track, and the graduation requirements were different for each. That is no longer the case. Now, for example, EVERY high school student is required to take 4 maths (Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, and one advanced math course beyond Algebra 2) in order to graduate. :(
  21. In my state, homeschoolers are not required to earn a given number of credits, but most homeschoolers I know usually gear their curriculum so that their children earn at least the minimum number of credits required for admission to our state's university system: 4 math, 4 science, 4 English, 3 social science, 2 foreign language. This has worked well for my college-bound children, but what if a student does NOT plan to go to college? As you may already know, I'm teaching other students in addition to my own. One is a 17 year old girl who has no desire to attend college, but instead plans to study cosmetology. At cosmetology school, she will not be required to take core classes, but will go right into her program, which will take a year and a half to complete. The school's catalog states that an applicant needs a high school diploma or its equivalent, and applicants who were homeschooled must provide a diploma or proof of graduation. The admission requirements do not specify a minimum number of credits per subject area. This student came to homeschool with me at the beginning of this school year after having failed 10th grade last year at a local private school. She has an EXTREMELY hard time with math and with reading comprehension. She has done pretty well with me, and is passing all subjects. Even though technically, she is a 10th grader this year, we would like to consider next year her senior year and have her graduate and go on to her cosmetology school. Even if she graduates "on time", she will be nearly 19 by the time she graduates, but if next year isn't her senior year and she has another year after that, she'll be nearly 20 years old by the time she graduates from high school! That just doesn't sound right to me. At what point do you consider a non-college bound student ready to graduate? What do you consider "enough" for your students who will not be going to college?
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