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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Hey Greta, The goals are going to vary depending on where you are now. Can you do one pushup? If not, that should be the first goal. After that I'd say 10 is reasonable. But if you can already do 10, try 20. Get my drift? Same with running -- instead of setting an arbitrary goal, set smaller ones that you can cross off on the way there. Like, if you can't run a mile yet, that should be the goal. If you can, then make a goal to take a minute off the time, or something like that. It's like writing 'clean the whole house' on your to-do list :p
  2. I have a terrible time finding anything that's actually supportive in my size when shopping in person. I shop online at places that have free returns if it doesn't fit.
  3. The Y may have an option to get one or two sessions with a trainer (Rather than many) where you can ask them to show you what to do. Also, at most places most of the people in the free weight section are really nice.
  4. $25 for uncomplicated visit with pcp, full bill for the rest until I get the deductible met, so a hundred or so. After that it's 20% until I meet the max on the coinsurance.
  5. Yeah, I always thought I was a terrible cook because I couldn't do it intuitively like my mother. Turns out it was the result of much practice and many failed dinners on her part before I was born. Who'da thunk?!
  6. Goals: Yoga 3x/week PT exercises for upper body 5x/week Bodyweight leg/ab exercises (pistol squats, shrimp squats, roman chair situps) 3x/week
  7. I kinda think it would be cool to have a general fitness support thread. There have been attempts to start weekly weight loss threads before and they fizzled out -- maybe making it so that people could chime in with non-weight-related goals as well would encourage broader participation.
  8. I actually put a bit of mustard in my gingerbread deliberately. I mean there's ginger in there too but the mustard gives it just a little kick.
  9. HA! That's what I forgot about too!
  10. Started the kitchen on fire by forgetting about a pot of oil, then cleverly taking the lid off a smoking pot of oil, feeding oxygen to the flames. Made icing with flour instead of confectioner's sugar. Brain blipped and used soy sauce in a cake instead of vanilla.
  11. I think it is worth a shot. What is the worst that could happen? It won't work and you'll have to try something else.
  12. Have you noticed a difference between when she eats and when she doesn't? I'd let her do her thing for a while and see. If she gets hungry before lunch you could just schedule her breakfast in there if that works for your family. One of the huge benefits of home education is being able to stick meals where they make sense for your biology and not where they make sense for school scheduling.
  13. Breakfast is when you break your fast. Skipping it is unhealthy if you skip breakfast to try to save calories and then binge at the vending machines or at lunchtime because you're hungry. Or if you have certain medical conditions. Otherwise, if it makes you feel happy and well, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
  14. Clearly the solution is more wtm meetups.
  15. Not really, because these students struggle and get helped through algebra and geometry and then still get low scores on entrance exams. If your DD does excellent work in her high school math classes starting with algebra 1 and genuinely learns it and does well on entrance exams, it'll show that she's not one of those.
  16. Oh gosh yeah. "girl let me know when you come to ___, we gotta get together, it'd be awesome" "hey I'm gonna be in ___ in a month" "......."
  17. 1) Yes. Absolutely. The only issue from staying frozen for a long time is deterioration in quality. They might not taste as yummy as if they'd been eaten sooner. 2) Personally yes.
  18. 4 days before freezing as well. Freezing just stops bacterial reproduction, it doesn't kill what's already there.
  19. Life is too short to eat food that makes you gag.
  20. Don't wait in case it's not. But yes, sometimes.
  21. Ham sandwiches and quick pickles would work. Mushrooms and tofu would be a totally okay stirfry. And chicken with turnips, well, chicken and mashed potatoes is a classic so mashed turnips should be workable as well. :D
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