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Everything posted by snickerplum

  1. We moved around when I was little (Air Force) and my introversion shines when I'm in new surroundings. I was often assumed to be stuck-up due to quietness. I'm still not one to jump into conversations with people I don't know, so I really appreciate warm friendly extroverts. :-) I'm also (big shocker) okay with staying home for long periods of time (in winter, for instance I don't get cabin fever). My friends who *have* to get out (and also have ps kids) get out for coffee or drinks. I'm okay with not getting out, but feeling left out is no fun. Yes, I understand part of that is on my shoulders. Dh doesn't understand why I don't ask questions or speak my mind in group settings (college class, Sunday school, etc). If I think of questions I write them down and ask later, or discuss my thoughts afterwards. There were a few unfortunate times early in our relationship where he (not knowing I'd die a little) would say,"I think Emily has a question." ?!?! We talked, he learned. :-)
  2. It's under my bed in its box. I want to do something with it, but I don't know what. I'll wait for inspiration. :-)
  3. Sales and free shipping codes. "Have you lost weight?" comments. :-)
  4. I had several people suggest Biotin 5000. So sorry - hair loss stinks.
  5. Well, if you weren't so demanding.. :-) I get "I wasn't trying" a lot. Its counterpart "I tried" is heard frequently, too. They work in almost any situation. "Why are your clean clothes on the floor?" "I wasn't trying!" "You forgot to return the milk to the fridge." "I tried!" Good grief.
  6. We don't allow toys downstairs. They keep them upstairs in their rooms. Your children can learn which rooms are to remain toy free. Sure, I felt a little guilty at first telling them,"no toys in here!" (Everyone says toys spread about make sweet memories - I disagree.) but now that they know, it's less stuff to clutter my living room. Teach easy everyday things as you go. Even our 4 year old knows to clear his plate and utensils after a meal. I provide a cup for them to rinse the toothpaste from the sink when they brush. My son knows if he "misses" in the bathroom that he (not me) cleans it up. Responsibility is a gift for them and you. I know (trust me) the temptation is there to do it for them since you can do it faster (and better), but in the end if you don't teach them you'll get teens who expect your maid services. If they have so many toys they can't somewhat easily clean up, it may benefit everyone to reduce the amount (even just put away in a bin out of sight and reach for rotation). It would be a rare sweet gift for littles to clean without being asked. If your home feels unkempt to you because people make a mess and won't help you clean it, I wouldn't overlook that. The family that makes messes together should willingly clean together. And at the end of the day, focus on what you did do rather than what still needs to be done. A place for everything and everything in its place. Repeat after me in a loving, firm voice - "that's not where that goes." :-)
  7. We went to the aquarium in Boston and we liked it!
  8. How funny! It's better than my eldest's typical response - no, we don't go to school. !!! :-)
  9. I saw our new doctor today and discussed this whole thing. He seemed fairly knowledgeable. But he said,"you have to watch out for blood clots, you might need to be on blood thinners. I'll refer you to a hematologist." That surprised me a little. I thought he might refer me to someone, but I didn't suspect a hemotologist.
  10. Have you altered what you eat or what products you buy (cleaners)? I was told to try Epsom salt baths and go together sauna. Because I have a lot of free time. :P
  11. I was 6 months pregnant with our first and the lady who cut my hair didn't believe me. "No, there's no way you're that far along!" Okay... Hindsight I should have taken it as a compliment. :-) A lady from ND called in to a radio show to discuss her dislike of where deer crossing signs are posted. She thought they were in horrible places and that the deer should be made to cross at crosswalks like people (because the deer can read and follow posted signs). She said it was a great safety concern and that she'd written state representatives several time on the topic. Nice. She totally couldn't get that they're there as a warning to motorists, not to allow deer a place to cross. It. Was. Hilarious! And sad. Mostly hilarious. :-)
  12. I said I wouldn't let my children play with techie toys (pretend phones, remotes, loud fake key fobs, etc.). Two of my 4 have old dead cell phones. :P I also said I'd never tell my kids to stop crying. I got hurt one time and my dad told me to stop crying and it hurt my feelings. Little did I know I'd end up with children who cry over nothing. Literally. All the time.
  13. How can you tell your treatment is working? What sort of improvements do you notice? I'm compound heterozygous. I had the test done in 2012 and my Dr had me begin folate and something called a Mitochondrial Renewal Kit. It was so expensive and I didn't think it was helping anything so I stopped. But looking back, when I was using the kit I began losing the weight I'd been trying to lose, and when I stopped I think is when I plateaued and eventually starting gaining again. I recently started taking Pure Encapsulation MethylAssist, vit C, and vit D. I feel like I'm waiting for something, but I don't know what. :-) We moved this last spring and I haven't found a new Dr. Do I need a specialist or will a family practice be okay? Some websites make this whole thing seem not too bad and others make it seem dire and confusing (only eat organic, avoid this, make sure you have that...).
  14. Our daughter had to be put on EleCare starting at 6 months. She was so reactive to everything and I was told if I eliminated everything she needed to avoid, my milk wouldn't have enough nutrition for her. It was difficult because I wanted to breastfeed, but in the end it was best for her. I agree that you won't have enough info until you seek testing. In the meantime, avoid anything with scent or fragrance. Also, try to stick with natural fabrics (cotton, bamboo). I know polyester really irritated dd skin and made the eczema flare worse. Hang in there - it's tough to see your baby in misery, especially when you don't know how to make it stop. *sidenote - oxyclean is the best at getting out blood that may result from baby scratching during the night. (We'd put socks on dd hands, but some nights she'd wiggle one free...) It saved many a set of jammies.
  15. I think they should call it gluten free corn bread.
  16. So I'm only seeing like 5 posts on my news feed and the something that says "add friends to see more stories" and my news feed stops. ?? What's that? I tried sending a friend request, but it's still there. Anyone else? Hello, annoying.
  17. It depends. When the man I mentioned in my post upthread wanted to join our church, he and another convicted sex offender came before the church, kind of laying it all out in the open. The other man only attended 2 or so times. Now, perhaps he didn't enjoy our church or changed his mind or something. But, some pondered if he was simply trying to gain access to children and the accountability partners were hindering that. We'll never know, but stranger things have happened. Now, say someone is putting on a front and isn't there simply to worship. I don't want to take that chance with my child. One week it's a handshake, another week it's a pat on the back, next a hug, etc. A smile and a wave is as close as I'd let anyone convicted of a child sex crime get to my children.
  18. We do not use lighter fluid. I'll just tell concerned people that charcoal is more Paleo than gas. No one disses Paleo. :-)
  19. A former church of ours (we moved states) had a member who had been accused of something with his daughter (she moved in with her mother who separated and later divorced this man). Don't know details. He got to church early on Sunday mornings with one of his accountability partners (he had 2 or three I think) and sat in the front row. Basically, he was not alone on church property and he was okay with that. He also attended the men's Bible study. He was not allowed to participate in the children's department activities. Becoming a Christian does not make you perfect, it makes you forgiven.
  20. I was speaking with someone about our charcoal grill and was told charcoal is full of carcinogens and there for only use it once a week. ?? Is it really all that bad? We used to use it 3 or more times a week in the warm weather. This lady was quite insistent.
  21. I don't want to sound harsh, but these people would no longer have access to my child. What are they thinking?! It's russian roulette with her life. In no way is it okay.
  22. Hmm... all good thoughts. And actually I do have a chilli recipe that is nightshade free (beets and pumpkin instead). Hopefully we'll eat out a night or two... :-)
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