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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I usually wear jeans and a t-shirt (ladies', fitted, v-neck) in winter, with a cardigan of some sort on top. In summer, I wear the same shirts, but short sleeve version, with skirts. I wear workout wear when I'm working out. I had my fill of stretchy pants for regular wear when I was pregnant.
  2. Yeah, I was super excited to see the "25 pull-ups" one, only to be bummed to discover it's not available yet. One of the other trainers and I decided to do push-ups and crunches/sit-ups in one round, then follow with a dual round of squats and dips. We start tomorrow.
  3. True in MD, too. In fact, I can use my local library card at any county library, and many private ones that are part of the system. There are perks (higher checkout limit, etc) to having a card for the specific library, though.
  4. Actually, it's a way to relieve cognitive dissonance. He was presented with something rational that challenges a belief that is part of his self-identity, so he just chooses to ignore evidence and stick with his original stance. Great book on the topic: "Mistake Were Made, but Not by Me". (Aronson, Tavris)
  5. I use Seventh Generation 4x liquid (in the compostable bottle). My kids are disgusting, and my husband and I rack up sweaty workout clothes by the pile. Everything smells fine and is free of dirt coming out. Towels smell like... Well, towels. I used the 2x when I had people in cloth diapers - 4x is newer than that - and it worked equally well. I like the germanium - vanilla scent, but it doesn't leave a scent on the laundry. We have a front-loader.
  6. Nope. Totally wouldn't be going. I'm not a germaphobe, but I can't think of a good reason to hang out with people who have a fresh round of the flu going through their house. If you really *want* flu, go lick a shopping cart handle and call it done. No one gets kicked in the doodads at the grocery store.
  7. We had one of those eureka! moments that we could just fix things a few years ago. Feels great, doesn't it? Though, in all honesty, I felt like such a loser for being trapped in the mindset that we had to replace things when they broke for so long. I sort of feel like I was unwittingly brainwashed by advertising. :-/
  8. I think it's because vegan cream cheese doesn't bake like dairy cream cheese. It may spread and look white on your bagel, but it doesn't have the same structural properties. Sort of like substituting fats or sugars. There are structural differences in your baked goods. I've made some of Amy's recipes here (though not the cheescake ones): http://www.damyhealth.com/tag/cheesecake/ They're vegan and raw, so you may have better luck with an edible outcome. ;)
  9. That's what we do, as well. I simply add a preface, akin to what the text has for non-current religious stories, along the lines of "according to the ancient Hebrews..." (Such as the unqualified story of Moses) The references to religion in anything more modern than the ancients are all framed as the belief of the subject (and, as such, the subject's justification for actions), and I have no problem with that. It speaks to their psychology.
  10. I use my Visa check card for just about everything (we no longer have credit cards). I write a check at my food co-op once a month, and when we have oil delivered. And, quarterly, if I don't remember to queue up the water bill (no electronic payment, bank sends a check). Anything else, I do an electronic payment via online banking or my bank sends a check. I can even do electronic payments to individuals.
  11. Well, as Rosie mentioned upthread (or is it down thread?) Coursera offers a number of classes in all disciplines, free, from major universities. https://www.coursera.org/courses
  12. I agree. The only time I get "lost" is the places when I'm crying so hard I can't read. Then it's more despair than lack of information.
  13. I think they work best with a foot board, so you can jam the end between it and the mattress.
  14. Like this http://www.cosycavies.co.uk/products/snuggle-sacs/ But I made corduroy on the outside (brown with light blue polka dots and random green pears) and green fleece on the inside. And fleece bedding: http://www.piggybedspreads.com/ Sorry about the links. I'm on my phone.
  15. I think swearing like a sailor is just assumed here. We have a staff workout this morning (torture, but I didn't plan it so I'll be on the receiving side), and then I'll be sewing for guinea pigs. Cage liner and snuggle sacks. We don't dress them. That would be wrong and, should I ever put up cute pics of fashionable piggies, I fully expect you all to organize an intervention, okay?
  16. Interesting. I'm allergic to latex and mine don't bother me at all. I've had mine for a couple of years and they always feel weird when I put them on. After a little while, or maybe a quarter mile into a run, I can't feel them at all any more. It's like they just melt into my feet. I only wear them in warm weather, though.
  17. I'm still in my jammies, though I've been up since 5. At some point, I'll go work out. I should go get another yard of fabric for guinea pig bedding, since I only got enough fleece for their lower level last week... Yes, our piggies are spoiled. The kids have played in the snow and are now watching Dr Who with my husband, who just got home from work. Otherwise, there's tidying and laundry, but not much going on.
  18. Total maximizer. There is a spreadsheet / flow chart / process analysis for everything.
  19. Mmmmmmmmm. I love making oatmeal with cardamom and adding chunks of pear. Or with cinnamon and dried cherries.
  20. Well, let's not forget the thousands of years of killing and torturing and pillaging before trappings of modern greed popped in. I like to think I am much more moral than that.
  21. Well, if we concede the assumption that morality comes from the Bible, I would claim Amoral. The biblical, "moral", code simply doesn't factor in, in that case. IMmoral suggests I'm living in conflict with the code, which I don't think is possible for an ethical person. (I'm obviously speaking to the ones having to do with the treatment of fellow humans, not the belief ones) I don't lie, cheat, steal, kill, or covet. I honor ALL people (sometimes by stepping away from them when their conduct and psychology is questionable). Of course, as an ethical person, I think the Bible doesn't go far enough, and in many cases falls flat, in the ethical treatment of people, so... Yeah, I've had this conversation with a conservative Christian friend before. Eta: and, yes, I know that ethics and morality both tread the same path. Morality seems to have more of a direct religious connotation, though, at least in American culture... Maybe it's simply been usurped?
  22. Yup, I had it, too. I found that using a "husband" behind my pillows kept them from sliding or flattening out, and made it easy for me to scooch up to a sitting position when I absolutely had to. And tums. Great golly, did I go through tums.
  23. Yes. Linens: bedroom, bath, kitchen/dining, then by color. Clothing: adult, girl child, boy children, then by type, then by color* So, I wash our (the grownups') whites, lights, colors, darks, jeans, black workout, colored workout in different loads. It keeps the bleeding and wear under control, and the fabric weight consistent. We do the same with the kids' stuff, and the linens. (*exception: all white socks are tossed into a soaking pail, then washed together, usually with our whites load.) :svengo:
  24. See, that just supports my agnostic tendency, though "equiprobable" is a problematic term for me since I'm not sure how one would compile a probability statistic. And I'm unclear as to whether this would include a superior power that is not personified... So the very question of how to approach the question falls into the "unquantifiable, can't go forward" box for me. I am impartial. The existence or non-existence doesn't factor into my ethics, conduct or thought - other than when it is a topic of discussion, obviously - at all.
  25. Yup, me, too. The explanation threw me a bit, but only because I thought it said "15 inches".
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