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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Schönborn would be a winner. Ravasi and Scola? Brrrrr. Again in this thread I am prompted to say "Crusades, anyone?" I think it's funny that the article is in Business Insider.
  2. No way. We signed our kids up for a benefit 5k and commenced training runs a few years ago. None of them are recreational runners now, but they have shaved off their time from race to race and my daughter (11 when they last ran it) finished in the top 3 for her age class. I'd continue the C25K and have them run with you, with a spring target race you're working toward as a team.
  3. I was just chuckling about it with my husband and he asked if it was the Black Sabbath song. I said no, Meatmen, and the boys were confused so I clarified they were a 90s punk band. And got "Niiiiiiiiiiiineties... Whoa! That was a LONG way back!" from one of them. (Soup is good fooooooood <We don't need you anymore> You make a good meeeeeeeeal.... I feel an iTunes purchase coming on)
  4. Awesome. My punk days sooooooo predated that. I was tickled that I had to sign in to YouTube and verify my age. Snort. That wasn't even close to being as questionable as some of the stuff my husband and I decided was probably age-inappropriate for the kids a few years ago. Now that I think about it, the youngsters would probably think Dead Kennedys et al are age-inappropriate for US! :lol:
  5. As a "cultural Catholic", I agree with your assessment, KK. I was appalled when he was elected to replace John Paul II. Appalled. I think this quote from the NYTimes article on his resignation illustrates how far in denial he is: Really? What an ironic thing to say without even acknowledging the Church's role in killing and pillaging over the millennia. Crusades, anyone?
  6. Wow. I didn't know my joke that the neighbors had elected a new pope (based on the plume of smoke coming out of their chimney) on Saturday was prophetic. I should learn to rein in my powers. ;)
  7. I'm usually up between 5-5:30, sometimes before. I'm usually in bed by 9:00, though obviously not tonight.
  8. I'm in! I'm bourassaa1 on MFP. (Because I am SOOOOOOO good at coming up with clever names)
  9. We don't put wire in them and the piggies just go inside. Even if they fall shut, they'll just fling it open with a nose. :)
  10. Ack! I would hide all her posts... What if that - and others like it - is an "important" one? Blech. Hope you feel better. :(
  11. I don't have a key to our house. Come to think of it, my husband probably doesn't either. One of us should, but... After years of having to install new deadbolts every time we go on vacation - because no one knows where the keys are - we installed a combination deadbolt on the kitchen door. Maybe she should do that. Or, you know, forcibly evict him.
  12. Well, that sounds like GOOD news, to me! So where does this take you in his therapies now? And boooooooooooooo, crazy relatives! There should be a spray, or a taser system or something.
  13. No, I totally agree with you. The world is full of horrors because of what people put out into it, particularly when those people have power. Just to be clear, I was saying my applying "sh!t happens" there was cavalier, not that your comment was. And my applying it there was with the thought that the people living in such devastation certainly didn't invite it, so their misfortune would fall into the category... But that seemed cavalier to me - as if I was shrugging off the suffering of others - so I mentioned it. Sorry about your bum. That stinks. Especially with the ankle... Can't stand comfortably, can't sit comfortably. Blech.
  14. Is this what the world is coming to, that people have collected so many "friends" that they have to be tiered? How rude.
  15. I would think what you're thinking: they'll use whatever rebates and incentives to pay off the CCs, and roll any balance into the car loan. I don't know how much good information you would get calling them; dealerships want you in their showroom so you feel "stuck" despite the information given to you.
  16. I have... Grain: sorghum, millet, quinoa, white rice, brown rice, sweet rice, potato Bean: garfava Other: almond, coconut Starches: corn, tapioca, potato, arrowroot Mixed: cup-4-cup, Mama's almond blend, Bob's GF ap. I'm trying to do more grain-free baking, so I use the almond and coconut for most things, c4c or mama's for pizza crust.
  17. I believe that what we put out into the world comes back to us, and that our actions can attract things to us. Not in "The Secret" wealth building sort of way (ew. Worst.documentary.ever), but in the way that some people seem to attract misfortune, while others seem to attract opportunity. Of course, as Audrey pointed out, there is a whole lot of sh!t happens in play, too. I don't in any way mean to suggest that the millions of people living in oppression and tragedy have brought it on themselves. (And, obviously, "sh!t happens" is rather a cavalier term to apply there.) But, then, if we got down to the daily life of individual level, I wonder if many of those people would see their lives in the way we do, or whether they would argue that they have joy and lightheartedness in their lives. You know?
  18. That sounds like how I do a pull-up: hang there while my workout buddy (another trainer) says encouraging things like "ok, go ahead!" Then dissolve into laughter and lose my grip. On the one hand, I was excited about the pull-up program. On the other, I think I actually would need to be able to do one (or, you know, more) to follow it. I'm thinking about getting some bands. We have an assist machine (stand on a counter-weighted bar while doing dips/pull-ups) but the pull-up bar is awkward and the assist pushes you through the whole movement instead of just giving a boost at the bottom...
  19. Just regular bench dips. Feet on the floor. I'm not sure I can do a suspended dip (without assist), either. I'm sure it would be as appalling as when I do a pull-up: I jump off a plyo box and just hang there, with every muscle in my upper body engaged, but not pulling up. Just sad. (And then the laughing makes it hard to hang, even)
  20. Ok. Those dips were hard. HARD. And I do dips - multiple sets - fairly regularly. Stupid dips. And the stupid sit-ups (crunches. Whatever)... They were harder than they should be, too. I think it was psychological. I was still horrified by the dips.
  21. The seller of the marked up book is mistaken. Amazon has very explicit language regarding condition. http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=1161242#books I would not consider multicolored underlining throughout the first half of the book "limited" marking.
  22. I'm in MD and don't think the laws (or hoops) are restrictive. You do two portfolio reviews a year, showing that you're teaching (broadly) the same subject areas as public school at the same level. Basically, you demonstrate you have a plan and are following it. Standardized testing is optional. I'm on the eastern shore, where the cost of living is relatively low. The jobs over here are... Well, it depends on what you do, really, but Baltimore, DC, Philly and surrounding areas are commutable and have a much wider range of professional opportunities.
  23. That's typical for women. Pound for pound, we have much stronger legs than men. Upper body... Puny. We're splitting the push-ups and dips out because they're both triceps. For regular training, not so much an issue, but for a challenge... A little scary. :)
  24. The old elastic through the button hole, looped around the button, saved me more than once. :lol:
  25. When my (now) 12 yo was a week old, I dragged her and my husband out to find a pair of jeans. I needed a zipper. And pockets. They were size 16, "reverse cut" Levi's. With the boys, I had been on bed rest for 4 months and in my jammies for most of that time (plus, my xxl maternity clothes no longer fit... I was quite a sight at appointments). I squeezed myself into those things as soon as humanly possible. I may not have been able to breathe while wearing them, but I had to have a proper pair of pants on, lol.
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