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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I prefer almond milk, too. Really, really hate soy milk. Blech. Love Earth Balance - it does actually behave like butter. And there are some veggie cheeses that I liked, back in the day when I was dairy-free (dd8 had some reflux as a nursling), but I can't remember what they were. Tess's suggestion of Tofuti Cuties in the other thread is a winner. My kids love those. I am not crazy about Tofutti (is it one t or two?) cream cheese, only because it's a little sweet. If I liked sweet (like fruity kinds) cream cheese or raisin bagels, I would totally eat it. Also, check out this thread. The Nourishing Gourmet mentioned there has a number of dairy and wheat free recipes, or options for both in standard recipes.
  2. Yes. Usually in the laundry section of the grocery store.
  3. Note that not a single person has posted a video on blow drying. :lol:
  4. So happy to hear you've come out the other side ok. I think puppy breath is one of the best medicines.
  5. Ok, now that I've wandered back from my laugh around the house, I would now like to wonder aloud how one glues a lip. Or butterflies it, frankly, lips not being the most adhesive-friendly surfaces. :001_huh: Bathing my cat has always been a serious proposition. Hockey gear has to be employed. And an angry, wet cat can climb straight up a shower wall with no effort at all before using your head (and his claws) to climb back down to the floor and flounce out of the room. And the noise? I'm actually surprised the neighbors never called social services - it sounded as if I was trying to drown a toddler. I can't imagine trying to blow dry him. You're insane. :D
  6. Yep, that's us, too. (Except the Australian spelling - that would be terribly confusing) We follow the WTM, but we don't necessarily use the resources. I evaluate the resources, decide what looks like it will work for us. Sometimes it does, sometimes not. Now, I have to go order the new writing program. I had no idea this existed... :tongue_smilie: And, of course, it is exactly what I've been looking for.
  7. I agree. We are committed to homeschooling through to college, but I am aware that there could arise situations where we change our minds about what we feel is best for our family. We have had several friends have to reevaluate over the past year. So, I guess I am committed as long as it works for our family, but plan to continue through highschool.
  8. Ok, I will freely admit to being a Yankee. (Though I do have a Waffle House and grits fascination.) But I have a good store of dried peas & beans - black, pinto, kidney, cannellini, garbanzo... - and I have a decent store of red bean paste buns and adzuki bean miso. I have never seen the adzuki bean outside of the paste/miso context. Why on earth would our southern cuisine have Asian beans floating about in it? The Neeley's just made red beans & rice (with andouille) on Food Network and those were totally kidney beans, which is the only way I have ever had (tons) of the stuff. I think I'll go soak some beans for chili tomorrow... and hide while the bean/chili smackdown commences. :D :leaving:
  9. Red beans are red kidney beans. The "red" on the kidney bean label is to distinguish them from white kidney, or cannellini, beans. (As if one could read the label and miss the picture. Duh) :001_smile: ETA: Really, Ria? I have never seen red beans as anything else. There was some debate about a bulk bag of black beans vs black turtle beans (which are, evidently, the same) a while ago at our food co-op... but I've never seen anything else labeled "red beans".
  10. HAHAHAHAHA! You're right. Laughter is the best medicine! That made me feel better, and I'm not even sick. :001_smile: (Feel better soon.)
  11. Yeah... so basically, the protein he's allergic to is cow-specific and denatured by the biological process of cheese making and possibly heat... I wouldn't take the chance. You'd be much better off with some Rice Dream ice cream and whatever non-milk he prefers, with added flavorings. (You wouldn't want to miss Burn Notice :D)
  12. Sure. We do that all the time. Natural peanut butter doesn't have anything in it to keep it from molding, so refrigeration is best unless you use it very, very quickly. I don't think warming it slightly poses any spoilage risk, though.
  13. I heartily agree. Frankly, I wouldn't have found it offensive if Aretha had done the same. It's not unreasonable for a talented musician to have a backup plan when playing in less than ideal circumstances.
  14. Oooooh. I know what you mean. Sometimes, the truth of a situation is less than pretty. ;)
  15. I've always eaten it on toast, too. Preferably rye. I also like it with apple butter and crackers.
  16. I would also feel as if it was bad form. I'm wondering, though - and this is strictly pondering on my part - how "well off" they actually are. In my experience, the people who like to make a big show of spending and tell you how much possessions cost are generally trying to seem successful but have huge debt and no money. Know what I mean?
  17. I had assumed, because they all looked comfortable in only suit jackets or shirt sleeves, that there were some powerful heaters focused in the box where they were assembled.
  18. Interestingly, "Scripture" is not always capitalized, either, even in Christian scholarly or informational articles. Not being a Christian or theologian, I'm not sure whether this is author dependent or there is some very specific context that it depends upon. No. Really? An online exorcism? Dude, that is sad on so many levels.
  19. Oh. No! Thank goodness she's not reading over my shoulder! Love the Milli Vanilli reference. I had a friend who wrote for them and I used to give him all sorts of grief for the (then) gold records on the studio wall. His position was that HE didn't fake it. :D
  20. Do you have any granola? I use a recipe from the New England Bakery that only uses 1/4 cup of sugar per dozen. Muffins, that is. Otherwise, do you have brown sugar? I would just use that to offset the discrepancy in the sugar you have for doubling the batch. You could make scones. They don't take a lot of sugar. Hmmm... now I have to decide what to make for breakfast. ETA: Oh, duh. Pancakes! I usually make a double batch and heat the leftovers the next morning.
  21. No you've not missed a memo. If I recall correctly, it is also considered rude to place a social phone call on that archaic piece of technology, the home telephone, while interacting with people who are present. Choosing to interact with a device while ignoring the people you're with is rude. That is interesting. It seems that, in a culture where the primary mode of interpersonal communication is visual, that would be hugely rude, like turning away from someone while they're signing. On the other hand, outside of Deaf culture (or Maffia movies), it is generally considered poor form to refer to people using their most prominent physical feature, so...
  22. I would agree. Except now that capitalization has been brought up, I'm paranoid. :D
  23. Well, yes, but as I pointed out, I do not capitalize "encyclopedia", even though the name on the cover contains the word, unless I am referring to a specific publication. If I started talking about the Encyclopedia, people would think I had a problem with random capitalization or was obsessive about reference materials to the point of implying there is one true encyclopedia. It was probably because they were talking about a specific subset of Christian theology - like Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant... Gnostic. Orthodox is not normally capitalized, except in the context of the specific subset of religious adherents, and then only if they're Christian or Jewish. (As in, I do not believe I've seen the convention used though I am sure there are Buddhists, et al who could be described as such.) I assume this is because we capitalize only when referring specifically to the recognized subset of Christianity or Judaism. It's an interesting thing, these conventions.
  24. You will not be disappointed. Vintage Burn Notice. Mike appears to have a recurring door issue. :D
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