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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. HAHAHAHA! I recently threw that one out the window, too. My 7 year old is reading Inkheart. I have my own reading to do and she runs through books much too quickly for me to pre-read.
  2. I'm sorry... when they say "fixed", they mean chemically set, so that they can be stored indefinitely without physical degradation or color loss, right? :glare: A little funny from the public school: in middle school, my eldest daughter proudly brought home a paper she had written, on which the grade of "A" was prominent. I then READ this stellar example of adolescent prose... nearly illegible. Spelling errors. Grammatical errors. Bad punctuation. "What class was this for?" I inquire, thinking that maybe there has been some questionable decision about non-English teachers correcting for actual English. The answer? "Language Arts". Was this a rough draft? No. Obviously, a note was returned with the paper, asking the teacher to identify for me the actual English skills evaluated for this grade. No reply. I did, however, get a nice reputation for being a mean mom, who was unconcerned about her daughter's self esteem. (I then added to my reputation on a variety of different topics, but that's a whole 'nother discussion.)
  3. The incubation is 8 - 21 days. Delightful, precise illness. I was miserable, but only physically for a day or so. The majority of my misery came from being a 26 year old single mother with chicken pox in the middle of December, when I was trying, desperately (pre-internet), to finish my holiday shopping and had just been out on my first date with a really great guy. (Who is now my husband).
  4. Maryland considers a refund (as in over-withholding of taxes) to be income in the next year. Annoying, no?
  5. My brownie pan makes 24 - it's 12 x 18. Your people are obviously geometrically impaired.
  6. Breads, soups, salads. I could live happily on that combination for ever and never get bored.... ok and potatoes. I can do anything with a potato. I can decorate a cake, cook pretty much anything, but those are my passions.
  7. Huh. Well, ok, I can almost see that argument. Except... there is a fallacy (and I will leave that to the bigger, more diligent nerds to name) in there. This is not a problem with "efficiency". This is a "design flaw". Efficiency, while on its surface seems the antithesis of redundancy, actually requires that some is built in, so as to avoid the single point of failure problem. So, in housekeeping (or networking, or power distribution) cross-training (or duplication of switching) is essential to provide for the necessary redundancy, should an emergency crop up. So, if the major hub (Mom) should be incapacitated, the load (housework) can effectively be balanced and seamlessly taken up by the other hubs (other family members) without overloading them and taking them down one at a time, as the load snowballs. Load balancing at the outset makes it unlikely that any hub will drop off the grid at all, but redundancy allows for degradation of any one, without affecting the whole. And thus concludes my one lucid thought of the evening.
  8. Ummmm... Are we talking about having standards of clothing, i.e. they must have long pants and a collared shirt, or actual uniform uniforms? Because that really seems to cross the border into Creepy Homeschooler-land. I can see saying "our uniform on school days is long pants, polo shirt and shoes", rather than letting the kids hang out in sweats or jammies. That would - at least theoretically - put them in "work" mode, I guess. (On the other hand, the FlyLady demand that one tie shoes to one's feet, do hair and makeup, and all that jazz does nothing for me but annoy, so...)
  9. You are notified by Amazon when someone has purchased your item. Then, you print off the mailing label and ship it to them directly. ETA: All payment is handled directly through Amazon, and they push funds to your checking account once or twice a month.
  10. Montmorency, Thief, Liar, Gentleman? or, you know, Les Miserables?
  11. I've not sold to BN - didn't know they'd buy them - but I do list things on Amazon Marketplace.
  12. I have not tried to cold brew coffee... but would point out that darker roasts tend to have less acid. It depends on where they're grow, too. We drink this but a different dark roast has more acid. And, oddly, the regular roast of the same beans has less. Huh.
  13. Pointing a camera at me is verboten. I have spent decades educating most of the extended family that it is not, in any way, ok to take my picture. I just hate it. ;) (Of course, I just told my husband he might have to get the camera for the s/o thread and he looked at me like he was unsure if I was serious or it was a trap. heh heh. DECADES of training!)
  14. This is what I look like when my children have forced me to peel off my human face. :D
  15. That was my first inclination, too. So, yes, that avatar is totally me. Why do you ask? :D
  16. Sounds like the cold that's been going around our area. Feel better, soon!
  17. Uh-huh. I own denim skirts. I own a cute jumper from Bean's (last worn several years ago, when it fit). I probably own Keds. But there is NO WAY I am putting that signal out to the world.
  18. You could also look into camping at Assateague to continue your trip. OC is fine, but the island is beautiful and peaceful, and only a few minutes from OC, so you could spend boardwalk and activity time with your other family. :001_smile:
  19. Oh. No! We had one of those - the boys were on the bed, waiting for me, and Quinn asked if they were going to "get a 'b00k'" and I, joking, said "Nope, I don't have any." My dedicated nursling pointed out that I did, too, "right there. On yours belly!" :glare: When Bailey was about 3, she was looking for something, asking everyone at a family gathering if they'd seen it. When she got to me, I asked her what she was looking for and she started describing it. So I asked her again what "it" was that she was looking for. We went around a few times until she was clearly frustrated with her remarkably dense mother and started in with "it's yeeeeeeeeee-llllllllll-ooooooooooooow..." I still have no idea what she was looking for, five years later.
  20. That does seem like an odd requirement. I wonder what the point is. I use cursive every day. Of course, I may be some kind of freak, so...
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