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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. We have the LG French door one, with the freezer drawer on the bottom. LOVE it!!! It holds much more than our side by side did, and much larger items. The freezer drawer pulls way out and the front is hinged to tilt down for even more access. Really, I cannot say enough about how much I love this fridge.
  2. I shall now hunt down my husband (if he doesn't look any different than I expect him to) and congratulate him on his uterus. I can't find anything if it's different than how I expect it to look. Put a piece of paper over half? Forget it. Different container than normal? Doesn't exist. I think my visual matching system is faulty. I DO maintain, however, that the males seem to be unitaskers. But that just might be me.
  3. So, that brings up an interesting point... what happens when you decline or just ignore a friend request? I mean, I'm friends with a couple of my husband's co-workers, but I've known them for 25 years - longer than I've known the husband, himself. But I don't wish to connect with people from highschool or college or that I have dated in a previous life or worked with 15 years ago. If I wanted to talk to these people, we would already chat, KWIM? I'm having some sort of a hypothetical ethical dilemma right here.
  4. No, seriously? "Not healthy" is an understatement. I agree with the advice that demands to be first win a definite last place. We have that rule in place for demands about what color plate they'll have (obviously, Fiesta ware was not a good decision on our part), what chair they'll sit in, etc. Nobody goes out to play until everybody is dressed and has their shoes on. If there is pushing, the pusher gets glued to me for a period of time, while the others play... that sort of thing. I would also suggest cooperative games, where she has to work with other players so that they all finish. (Our favorites are Wildcraft! and Caves & Claws)
  5. Well, if you want to move south a bit, you would be welcomed by our groups - both our co-op and umbrella group - wholeheartedly. You know, unless you turned out to be annoying or high-maintenance or something. :D Really, both groups are populated by families of all religious views (and none), ethnic backgrounds, educational styles. We have a great time together and learn a lot about one another's views from being in an open setting.
  6. Migraines happen when you have a blood vessel constrict, then dilate quickly in your head. The constriction can cause odd symptoms, like visual disturbances (a la the "classic" migraine scintillating scotoma), speech impediments, numbness, etc., then the dilation causes the screaming headache. It's not unlikely that the events are causing a visual disturbance that makes it difficult to read or to process the fine tracking you use in scanning a page. I can't even imagine trying to read with a migraine.
  7. Ok, now, see, that's what's kept me OFF Facebook for a long time... the threat of all the weird highschool people I don't remember coming out of the woodwork. I finally succumbed to the peer pressure and - fingers and toes crossed - nobody weird or skeevy has popped up.
  8. This has generally been my experience as a secular homeschooler... particularly varieties of group One who claim to be "inclusive" but require a statement of faith. This is the reality of our inclusive group. And while we DO try to keep things neutral, we regularly engage in respectful discussions of our differing beliefs. And it has been a deliberate effort to keep the group from developing a "group Two" sort of feel - there have been instances when certain ideas were presented that made our (then) Christian minority feel uncomfortable, and so we chose not to further entertain those ideas, much to the dismay of others who feel that if they are ok with anything at all, everyone else should be, too. (If that makes any sense?) Basically, we try to encourage fairly neutral materials / classes. If there are questions from one of our religious members about the content of an upcoming class, they are asked freely and answered in the spirit of open dialogue. We don't prohibit clearly religious classes being offered, but those historically have had low or no sign up. I hope you find a group that is a good fit for you. It can be really difficult. :grouphug:
  9. Loved that one! And it would make for excellent discussion in a mixed group.
  10. Knitting Help also has a shortrow video (keep going down from the sock heel one). And, for those who are undertaking their first sock, you will also want the Kitchner graft one (bottom of the page) for the toe. "knit, off, purl... purl, off, knit" Not a hijack - if you're knitting a sock, you will eventually run into a need for these skills. (Like, right after you decide the leg part is long enough. ;)) ETA: Knitting at KNoon also has awesome technical videos.
  11. I agree. Animals who have been bred to be companions are unpredictable enough; expecting a wild animal to behave in a civil way in captivity is unreasonable and is almost guaranteed to end in the destruction of the animal. There are special provisions that allow people who rescue / rehab wild critters to do so. Outside of that, there is no reason that a wild animal should be owned by a person.
  12. Knittinghelp.com There is one for circular knitting on dpns and, just below the small-diameter knitting videos, one on turning the heel. ;)
  13. Or, you can make your own lye, then use that to make your own soap... or, you know, get rid of bodies.:D
  14. You should be able to go to Start -> Control Panel -> User accounts -> your account and just wipe the password. Also under User Accounts, if you go to the "Change the way users log on..." task, you can select "use the welcome screen" and that should override the login windows that are popping up.
  15. Put the carrots and potatoes in for the last hour or so of cooking. The cabbage can go in for the last 30 minutes or so, if it's simmering, and I generally just quarter it - it'll fall apart on its own. I made the mistake once of putting individual leaves into a boiling pot. Came out like wet toilet paper.:ack2:
  16. Far be it for me to claim scholarship in this area, or to support wifely submission (outside the "we submit to each other" camp), but... I do not see an explicit mention of slavery there. I see the charge of servants to serve wholly and willingly, but that does not imply slavery unless your culture interprets it as such. Aren't all Christians charged to have a servant's heart? And, in that context, aren't you to willingly give of yourself? I don't see these two passages as conflicting, in the context provided.
  17. I'd go with cloth training pants and vinyl pants over them. Both are easy to clean in the tub and she can wear "big girl" pants without soaking everything in sight. (The only place I have seen these IRL, by the way, is Walmart. Otherwise, they can be ordered.) That, or just keep her in dresses and take her to the potty every 30 minutes or so. It won't keep puddles off the floor, but will keep the laundry to a minimum.
  18. We had that a few years back, a finance company calling and threatening to repo a car that my husband had never owned. After several calls, he would get it straightened out (same name, different middle initial and all other pertinent information) and then, about six months later it would start again because the account had been sold to another collector. It was annoying, but they were never abusive. I would absolutely file a complaint with the phone company, and have their number (or all numbers of that company) blocked. (If it makes you feel better, I am being phoned several times a day by an automated system that keeps telling me my cell carrier does not have an agreement with the LA County Dept. of Corrections and they can't put through the inmate's call...:confused: I'm reasonably sure I don't know anyone incarcerated in California.)
  19. No, we're not. But swimming lessons open to the public for sign-up cannot then exclude certain groups of that public. And, if they really don't want homeschoolers (for whatever reason), wouldn't they be tipped off by a school name that they've never heard of?
  20. Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. Unless it is a school-based activity, I honestly can't think of a reason that they would stipulate such a thing. I can see them using enrollment in school to as a criterion in lieu of age cut-off. I can even see them using specific school enrollment as a parameter for giving kids without pool access at school priority, given the turnout. I have a sneaking suspicion that somebody started this rumor as a way to keep somebody else from signing up, and it just spread from there.
  21. I don't think teenagers without polished public speaking skills is remarkable. Unless she has spent her life in the public eye - which she really hasn't until recently - there would be absolutely no reason for her to interview well. I do have to chuckle at her aspiration, though. Is she planning to become the poster child for what not to do? That's a mighty sharp sword to throw herself on.
  22. I would highly recommend double points. But I'm a purist. ;) Really, as Hillary mentioned, I think it is a much better way to learn the anatomy of a sock. You can actually knit two socks at the same time using dpns, too, but that's advanced, stellar attention span knitting, best learned at the point where you have mastered knitting fair isle while hiking with the family.
  23. Nope, just many bad haircuts by people who don't seem to "get" my hair, followed by months of trauma trying to get it to do something - anything - until it gets long enough to put it up. (In my shiny new avatar, it is simply tied in a knot.)
  24. I don't take a multi-vitamin. I do use "dietary supplements", which the article seems to portray as synonymous with multi-vitamins... I wonder how many of the 50% of adults mentioned are using things like ginkgo, melatonin and others, and not multi-vitamins. We eat whole foods and use whole herbs. I don't think there is anything mysterious about the need for nutrients for overall health but, as Karen pointed out, synthetic nutrients are not the same, nor are nutrients isolated outside the biochemical context in which they normally exist. This has been the herbalists' lament for years. Nice of Dr. Gann to catch on.
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