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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Is THAT what it is? I was wondering why my mom has that giant hank of hair from my first haircut - when I was 8. And, yes, she still has my teeth (I'm 38). For years and years, they sat in a little pottery nest in one of the little cubbies of a printer's box on her wall. Gotta be that only child thing. I have all of my 20 y.o.'s teeth, and those that the 8y.o. has shed thus far. I never considered throwing them out as an option... :001_huh: (Also having trouble understanding the "gross factor". They're teeth. You see them all the time. They don't decompose in a jar...?)
  2. Ooooooh. Wow. Makes you not even want to file. (Not in the illegal sense, of course... more in the "isn't $500 the threshold for filing" sense.) I mean, the paperwork effort exceeds the benefit, even from the IRS standpoint, I would think.
  3. Um, as a full-time student and dependent, isn't he exempt from taxes? (I realize it is entirely possible that I've missed a tax-code update in the 20-odd years since I was a tax-exempt dependent...) Except that I seem to remember a discussion with a financial planner more recently (not actually recently, but in the past few years) about dependent minors now being responsible for personal income when it exceeds $10,000... and that's a whole lotta cut flowers!
  4. Man. You are NOT kidding. There is baaaaaaaad personality mojo at Chez Crazy today. One of the 4 year olds broke a window in their bedroom earlier. (we will ignore, for the moment, that the 8 year old claims he was "just walking by" - not possible - and "hit it with his elbow" - not unless his elbow was about a foot above his head, he didn't...) I just answered a business call (thankfully, another homeschooler) and, in the midst of that, found him IN. MY. DRYER! With the other 4 year old standing lookout. Luckily, I, too, have a small, round Crock, which is perfect for mulled wine. Which I think may be necessary, if the children are not going to be tied up in the closet.
  5. Kilts! Madam! Go forth and acquire a Crock! I shall say Kilts to you again if you do not appease us. (Sometimes, I feel like my whole life has been written by the Monty Python crew.)
  6. I think you are taking my comment out of context. I was clearly referring to the Great Utensil Debate. If the Cream of Whatever crowd are going to make the stretch to be offended by that, they will have to own their reaction. Or maybe they're looking for a reason to be offended.
  7. Ladies, I am so sad. I'm hoping you'll warm your crocks for me. I just realized I have been led astray. I don't know how it happened, but I just looked down and realized that, not only did I totally miss listening to Marketplace... I'm so beside myself, I don't know if I can type the words {ok, deep breath} I forgot to make supper! :crying: So, please, if you're inclined toward Crock warming, please remember me. I'm going to go put the beans I have soaking in the Crock and see if I can find my way again.
  8. I think the JiNV has corrupted the meaning of the original Porkuguese texts. The version I have reads: Number Six: Thou shalt not pierce the sausage. It would be interesting to back to the original 1970 text and have it directly translated, wouldn't it?
  9. They may appear to employ the same techniques, and some methods even predate Crock Potting by thousands of years, but they were all just to prepare the world for the Rival Arrival. And I agree with Shelly - even casual microwave dabbling is a ticket straight to F_t C_mp.
  10. No, I just replaced the letters to indicate that it would be whispered in proper company. Like when my grandmother wished to share unpleasant news, e.g. "Do you remember Charlie L? {whisper} cancer" or "I just ran into Martha at the market... {whisper} Divorce" Also, there is a certain lip-pursing sequence associated, for the true believers. You're not a real Crock Potter, if you don't get that.
  11. My Crock Pot system of belief is Pure and True, and the ONLY valid way of slow cooking. I acknowledge that there are people who actually slow-cook in a Dutch oven, in their range, but they only do that because they have never read the Crock Pot Manual or been told about the Crock Pot Truth. We know that Take-Out-ers are going to F_t C_amp, whether they believe in F_t C_mp or not. Don't make me come to your house with literature.
  12. Indeed. We do not consider that food, so would not consider the hurling of Cream of Whatever to be actual "food violence". Also, even among those who embrace it as food, there is the debate as to whether it is food in the can, or just "potential food".
  13. Don't you think weiner heating is a very narrow purpose? (And, yes, I am laughing so hard at "weiner heating" that I can barely type... gee, what's going on at chez Rich with Kids?!?! Must be weiner-heating night! :lol:) (also, I think "alone" is the best way to heat weiners, whatever method you choose.)
  14. I'm sorry, wasn't it made clear earlier in the thread that only non-Cream of Whatever, Rival tribe followers need comment? The nerve of some people. {I am finding this thread's absurdity sanity saving today, as well... has everyone else's kids developed a weird, infuriating, collective personality disorder, or am I just lucky?}
  15. Yep, we have the same problem. Both of them. My 8 y.o. (who is vastly entertained by a worksheet of FOIL method) is doing division. She knows how to divide. You know what she doesn't know? How to add. Or subtract. :001_huh: And yes, I too fail to measure up as the mother I wish to be during these sessions. We all just slog out of the mud hole, squeegee our pantlegs off as best we can, and continue down our road. Eventually, the residue will dry up and fall off. :001_smile:
  16. At the risk of repeating - as I have not slogged my way through all five preceding pages - "PC" isn't new. It just used to be called "etiquette". And, evidently, etiquette has fallen out of favor so any display of manners is considered "overconcern" with the comfort of others. :glare:
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