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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. That's an interesting question. I've always thought SOFs were more doctrinal, though I know the warning not to yoke oneself to non-believers comes up in discussions of them. And if one's doctrine argues that people of other religions/denominations are wrong/unsaved/d@mned, well, I guess a very narrow SOF would make (biblical) sense. Right?
  2. Sucanat and rapadura are essentially the same thing, just proprietary names. (Wholesome Sweeteners and Rapunzel, respectively) I use either interchangeably in recipes calling for granulated sugar. Sucanat is usually what we have because I buy it through a UNFI buying club in my area and it comes in bulk (read: cheaper, less packaging). My husband switched from Equal to stevia in his coffee/tea. I use xylitol for things like mouthwash but it's a sugar alcohol and if you use it in any quantity it will cause diarrhea. A word of warning regarding organic confectioners sugar, if you're a cake baker: it is not white. Buttercream turns a weird "ecru" color. Which is fine for coloring, not for white. :-) If you haven't already looked, I would do a web or yahoo group search for buying clubs in your area. The savings is substantial over grocery stores' "specialty" pricing on the same items.
  3. I would want to be informed if my child was engaged in anything that even looked questionable. If it's something we're ok with, I'm fine with saying that, whether the person telling me is or not. IOW, I will make the decision as to what our standard is, but I need all the available information to do that. (and I also appreciate when people care enough for my children to give me feedback, good or bad)
  4. We used that as well. It's worked well, though there is some staining and it doesn't look so hot (after a couple years). Some friends of ours made a dry-erase board out of a yard sale picture frame. White paper inside and, voila!, you can write and wipe off on the glass. I think we'll be upgrading. ;) (Oh, I also write all over my stainless refrigerator doors. Dry/wet erase stays nicely and wipes off when I'm done, even after months)
  5. They also make swing rods so the curtain could be opened like a door.
  6. Or they roll all seasons into one icon, where each season was separate before. The older movies are usually up for a limited time. They did that with the Wizard of Oz a year or so ago.
  7. For me, it's easier to work in multiple sessions. I can't spend a whole weekend in curricula land. My mind would go to mush at some point, other things would call to me... I've had good success in the past with my husband taking the kids out for a couple hours in the afternoon on multiple occasions. Now he's involved in the schooling more, so... gee, I don't know. We may have to ship them off to camp. :D
  8. Whew. I was actually just thinking of PMing you and making sure everything is ok. I missed the memo (if there was one) about you being away. :D
  9. :iagree: and then hide him so you can't see any of his posts.
  10. One of the biggest gripes from mothers of young children is the phase immediately after potty training when we get to visit every public toilet in the area/state/coast... Because we have successfully avoided them to that point. I honestly do not know a single person who would claim anything short of havin an aversion. And I would be leery of those who liked them. We weren't ALL homeschooled. Has this psychologist met any people before?
  11. Bean will exchange anything, no hassle. And, yes, it's looking very teal here, too.
  12. Christianese... I'm laughing so hard right now... {gasp} BWAHAHAHAHAHA :lol: That may be worse than "marginal" or a "stealth evangelist", even.
  13. Well, I can see where that would make public dancing awkward. :lol:
  14. That's Reformed Carp (but not carPET), thankyouverymuch.
  15. Um... have I wandered into a gathering of those with furry bellies? :001_huh: Yes, I'm being deliberately obtuse. :lol: Dawn, you can have an SOF if you'd like, but OUR SOF rejects the fish stance. You're out. Sorry. I would have let you down easier but I didn't want to. And Mrs.M, those definately get my goat, too.
  16. Who mentioned the Ben and Jerry's ice cream recipe book a couple weeks ago? :toetap05: 'Cause I just made some cappuccino ice cream that is slap-yo-mama good. So good I might have by accident gotten my tongue stuck to the inside of the ice cream maker (I will neither confirm nor deny). Crazy, "oh my Bob" good. So stand up and be flogged. :D
  17. So you're saying they don't come from the same Latin root? :001_huh: That shoots Dawn's theory.
  18. I am not anti-gun. I'm anti-guns-as-toys. If you aim a gun, you are prepared to end a life. Period. Not a toy. That said, my kids have water guns (that in no way resemble actual guns and are, in fact, very clever devices for soaking people) and the boys had swords and armor (but I think their swords have broken); they used to play "Black Knight" in the living room. Yes, THAT Black Knight... "Your arm is off!", "No it isn't, it's just a flesh wound..." Honestly, we found that, as soon as they were big enough to sit up in the booster seats at the table, they were shooting their little rubberized spoons at each other. That was, I think, before their first birthday. They'd never been exposed to gun play of any sort... it makes me scared about the intrinsic traits of our species.
  19. As did I. Clearly, we are mistaken. Of course people who write commentaries and feel the need to put quotations around others' "worship services" may be suspect authorities.
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