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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I'm mid-shore, about 45 miles west Rehoboth, DE. Wind and rain are pretty steady here. We still have power, though I understand Delmarva Power is reporting at least 30,000 customers out (I assume on the lower shore/coast). We're still getting antenna reception from DC/NoVA, but the locals in Salisbury & Dover are spotty. We hope everyone is in a safe place and ride out the storm in relative comfort.
  2. Um, yes... I'm thinking. There's something in the Deep Creek Lake area. I can't remember the name of it.
  3. How dare you be concerned. I mean, really, NH gets hurricanes crossing the state corner to corner ALL.THE.TIME. :001_huh: I do not believe it, but my lunatic mailman (I'm hoping not the pregnant one) has delivered the mail. On foot. Crazy.
  4. Ooh, I never thought of freezing it in the husk! We get it straight from the field so that would me ideal. Blanching it & leaving it on the cob has resulted in mushy corn when I've tried that. Thanks for the tip!
  5. No, but depending on how long it takes to freeze, the sugars are degrading to starch. If it takes a long time, your sweet corn might be meh corn when you open it. :001_smile:
  6. Um, yes. That ^ Mine get involved in things that need to be done around the house (toilet cleaning and step sweeping chores are quite highly prized here :blink:, as is laundry hanging but only the 10 year old is tall enough), board games, books. They make elaborate forts in the living room, block cities for their cars... they all spent the past week building fairy houses in the back yard (found materials, no hardware, twine is ok). It takes a LOT for mine to complain about being bored.
  7. It is NOT ridiculous to be hurt when someone who KNOWS the situation starts a scandalous email about your "styling choices". No, sorry. You are hurt by her absolute callousness in promoting lies about something you (very normally) feel sensitive about, forcing you to endure not only snide commentary but defend yourself by talking about the sensitive truth over and over. Not ridiculous. Your mother-in-law is a psycho b****. Period. What a ghastly woman.
  8. I had my first actual hurricane emergency when I discovered we don't have the paper to make those stars! That was my Big Plan. :tongue_smilie:
  9. I'm not confrontation avoidant, but I think going about tasks joyfully is something worth learning, even if just for inner harmony. And, to that end, I try to help my children learn how to do so. *I* can't control how they feel, but I can help them learn how to control it. ;) Not shockingly, I agree with Chucki that obedience and critical thinking are not mutually exclusive. I obey laws. They do not have to be justified to me in order for me to do so. If I think a law is unjust, I decide how is the best way to approach it - ie with my vote, defiance, etc - which takes critical thinking.
  10. My daughter read them when she was 7 and enjoyed them. We've all really, really enjoyed them as audiobooks, read by Tim Curry, though! Are you looking for something specific? (also, if you can see nowhere from your back yard, by are not in the middle, does that put you on the far edge of nowhere?) Eta: I would not recommend them for particularly sensitive child. Someone meets an untimely death in each one.
  11. I've got knitting and a movie on the plan. Right now, I'm printing math. Anyone have any suggestions for Netflix streaming on a rainy afternoon with kids? (I'm happy to vet any title - I am currently thinkig of putting in Rear Window or Monty Python: In the Beginning... My only concern with either is that they might be bored) Never thought to make doggie cookies... Our "survivalist" Walmart trip yesterday was for the sole purpose of getting Dingo Dental Sticks. We a) are not very adept at survivalist shopping and b) have a very spoiled dog. :lol:
  12. I know! Creepy thick. It's rather lethargically drizzling here on the Eastern Shore. (oh, wait, I think it stopped... now it's just lethargically dripping) We usually have pretty good wind with rain. This has been weirdly wind-free. We have had our first hurricane-related emergency: Having discovered that we do not have any double-sided origami paper, I set my children to decorating construction paper to cut birds out of... only to discover we have finger pain and acrylics. :001_huh: My tempra is in our co-op art bin, in the church basement 20 miles away. I think they're adjusting, using glitter to cope, and the crisis has been averted at least for the immediate future. On a more properly hurricane related note, we were here for Floyd (99) and Isabel (03) and we got, um, rain. There was some flooding at low spots that made leaving the shore a bugger but that just meant I worked from home. I don't think we ever lost power. Floyd had a similar track to Irene, but apparently petered out to tropical storm when it hit the Delmarva peninsula. Isabel did HUGE damage all over the state, mostly due to flooding, and I remember being shocked since we were... wet. Completely different - almost perpendicular, actually - storm track, but I wonder what this one will have.
  13. Maybe try just rubbing it with some oil? That should be safe for any finish and won't stink up the place like goo-gone (I'm not a fan of the smell, either, but it's great when I need it.)
  14. I think we're well prepared. Supplies are accounted for and placed where I can find them. Camping stove is set up in the garage so I can (quel horreur!) make coffee tomorrow if they power's out... and my husband is off to work across the bridge that will be preemptively closed at 4 this afternoon. :glare: (It should be noted that he is always, ALWAYS at work when there is a disaster - not because it's his job, because they always, ALWAYS fall on his shift. For pete's sake.) Right now, I'm looking for craft ideas to keep us busy. Be safe, everyone!
  15. Germ ridden and dookie covered are two VASTLY different things. (And our toothbrush holder has a lid, thankyouverymuch, for that very reason) No, as a general state, no reading material in the bathroom. For all the reasons already stated.
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