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Everything posted by Hen

  1. my father in law was a cross between John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart, Dick van dyyke and gosh can't remember his name but the main actor on Hello Dolly. I love watching some of our old movie favorites and thinking of him. I have a family member who is a Mrs. Bennent (P & P) and an aunt who reminds me of one of our chickens...hubby cracks up whenever he sees her now, cuz it's true. I have to think real hard not to call the aunt by the chicken's name.
  2. I don't think you need to ask, most people are happy to be linked, happy to be liked...it's kind of fun to be clicking around and find yourself on someone's sidebar. It's polite I think to mention someone and link if you are borrowing an idea from them or a meme or sharing something they found.
  3. we switched this year from abeka, and yes we went from dragging feet to no complaints. They are still enjoying it.
  4. I really liked it, I realize they took some creative liberties, but it was sweet, and the ending was satisfying even tho I knew it couldn't be the ending I would have made up. Hubby refused to see it, he doesn't like unhappy endings and for that matter doesn't like true stories...but I think even he would like the ending.
  5. Here is mine for this week, my dd5 and the cat sleeping... Wordless Wednesday-dream
  6. Here's mine, it's with my signature...come check out my iron-pill-induced constipation inspired Haiku. boy, that was a mouthful... I post about the family, all things Jen and homeschooling I like the blog roll, great idea
  7. that looks really neat, I tried a few lessons out, they were fun! My only worry would be that I like the writing practice in the books....hmm, I guess I would have to approach the writing a different way...it looks very good and like alot of fun. thanks for the link.
  8. I would say- what Holly said. We are using Epsilon right now, and you do need the overlays. We haven't gotten as far as Holly did, so I don't know if we will get stuck, we did have a lesson my dd had trouble with, and I just explained it in a different way than the video and that seemed to do the trick. We just switched this year and this is the first year my kids don't groan over math- and yet we do have to do yearly standardized testing for our charter school and I'm getting kind of weird about it and I just picked up a few workbooks at B & N to make sure they haven't forgotten everything else they learned and to make sure my oldest dd can do a few things that will be expected of her grade...I'm planning on adding that lightly tho, I think it is totally doable and hopefully no groans. I wrote a little review over at my blog about Math U see, here's the link, http://homeiswhereyoustartfrom.blogspot.com/2008/01/math-u-see-homeschool-show-and-tell.html
  9. confession- I'm not using page protectors, tho I had decided to use them- the reasons are so it will be in good condition next time we go through it, but I haven't done it yet. My thinking was to do it slowly, one unit at a time, but I haven't even started...
  10. I'm glad you asked, I was meaning to ask this question- my daughter gave up on Russian, so we are going to pick back up with Spanish, we just got United Streaming a few months ago, thanks for the info.
  11. I kept getting a "busy", too. The rest of the country is in bed, but I should be too..I just couldn't resist peeking in to see if it was busy or not...
  12. I do mine for fun, too- and I don't post everyday, just when I can it's my creative outlet I guess.
  13. I like seeing everyone, too. this format takes longer to see what is being said, tho- I liked being able to skim the boards and see quickly what was being discussed.
  14. ha! LoL! it's good to see you here! I was pleased I managed to register, too I really need to stop reading posts and go figure out how to add a photo...
  15. I like your name change! I took the opportunity to change mine too, mine was boring... (used to be Jen in Ca) glad to be here!!
  16. I'm glad it's working again, too! change is hard, I was just thinking about how when I first visited the hive boards I didn't like the format and found it hard to use...then I got used to it, now I find this kind of hard to get used to. I do like seeing everyone's photos and avatar images, nice to link an image to a name. I used to be Jen in Ca, now I'm...
  17. I like the new boards, tho it's going to take a while to get used to...funny how we fight change. I used to think the old boards were hard to use, then I got comfortable with it. I like being able to associate a photo or image with a name, lots of fun! now off to see if I can get a photo in my avatar, I am a computer klutz... See- I did do a signature thing!! (you have no idea how long that took me!!) I used to be Jenny in Ca- now, I'm....
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