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Phyllis in Canada

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Everything posted by Phyllis in Canada

  1. Pray for peace in Chad, Africa. We lived there for several years.
  2. We used Mind Benders very informally when ds was around grade 5. Just this year (grade 8) we started Traditional Logic from Memoria Press with our little co-op and it's going very well. We all wonder why we need to learn this stuff, but they also find it rather fun to learn something so different!
  3. Math: Finish Abeka Algebra 1 Lit: Scholars Online Western Lit to Dante Writing: Scholars Online Creative Writing Science: Putting together my own program--lots of reading real books & essays, Joy of Science DVDs from TC, looking into Connect the Thoughts French: The Easy French 2-3 Logic: Finish Traditional Logic II, Start Material Logic History: TRISMS Discovering the Ancient World
  4. Ontario--just a little south of our nation's capital. :)
  5. My oldest ds loved crafts but I didn't. So he'd go through the guide on his own time and choose crafts he wanted to do and that he could do on his own and he would do them! I would just read plenty of books to him.
  6. Grade 2 for youngest dd in the fall: Grammar: Growing with Grammar History: finish SOTW 2 Science: ??? Math: MCP Math B Geography Trails French: The Easy French Lots of reading
  7. What we're doing this year for ds in grade 8: Math: Abeka Algebra 1 (to be done over 2 years) History: Survey of modern history (Renaissance to the present), using SOTW 3 & 4 as spines, adding in historical fiction and co-op projects. English: Scholars Online World Lit Science: Scholars Online Natural Science 1 Art: Artistic Pursuits French: The Easy French, plus reading the Harry Potter series Logic: Traditional Logic 1 & 2
  8. Hmmm...Nan's idea sounds very interesting! I should try to contact her. I'll check out that website too.
  9. He's taking an online class this year through Scholars Online, but it's a LOT of work and not terribly exciting for someone who already isn't interested. Plus he'll be taking 2 other online classes next year, and that's about my limit at this point.
  10. Ah, now real books and essays on them he could definitely handle and enjoy. Can I really count that as a high school credit? I guess if he's never going into sciences later, it really shouldn't matter that he doesn't take a typical course of study, correct? Someone please give me permission!
  11. Definitely. As I said, I have only read half a dozen of the intros to the books we're doing, but I really appreciate having all the questions laid out for me. I sometimes summarize the intro for my students or do my own or read relevant parts of it to them.
  12. Okay, here's the situation. Ds will be grade 9 in the fall, so officially needs high school science credit, right? He HATES math and science, so I need something EASY. He will only be taking the bare minimum of science through high school (2 years). Fun is optional, unless we can get something that's so much fun that he forgets that it's hard. The only other criteria is SECULAR. I put myself in the theistic evolution camp and have no desire to tweak things, especially when we're just trying to get through it. So what are my options???
  13. I feel your pain! Obviously your son is very advanced...Are you looking for something specifically geared for high school in order to count as credit or just the next step up from what he's doing?
  14. I have seen other people say that that wasn't an issue. Personally, I'm Reformed (for now anyway, but that's another story) but I found it TOO Reformed for my taste. I was not happy with quite a number of their introductions, especially in the Bible sections. I have not read the history book intros yet, so I can't comment there. On the other hand, if you're from a somewhat conservative Christian background, the things I had issues with probably wouldn't bother you. I'm thinking mainly of how literally one takes certain passages in the Bible. For the "too Reformed" feel, the way they approached God's sovereignty sounded way too automaton to me, even though I believe in His sovereignty. I've been loosely using this for Bible with my co-op group and have found that I can generally use most of the questions without any problems, but I don't bother reading most of the intros.
  15. P.S. Having personally tried (for a short period) Rosetta Stone, Destinos, and Learning Spanish Like Crazy, I would definitely concentrate on the Crazy one for wanting to learn lots quickly without having to think about grammar and bookwork.
  16. Another awesome conversational Spanish program is "Learning Spanish Like Crazy". It gets you speaking right away and very focused on the oral. My dad downloaded it to his iTunes from Audible.com and loves it.
  17. I love the WTM boards, though I limit myself almost exclusively to the high school board now that the other are so busy. My oldest son will just be officially starting high school in the fall. I've been homeschooling since he was in grade 2, so this is my 7th year. I started out almost strictly WTM, but have loosened up significantly since then! I love these boards with all your wonderful suggestions and encouragement. Interesting tidbits about our family include: I grew up in francophone Quebec though we spoke English at home, dh and I (+2 boys) spent several years in Chad Africa with Wycliffe Bible Translators, dh is now in the wind energy business (very exciting!), and I am currently working on my BA (English) via online courses (FUN!).
  18. I have not seen the Sr. High books yet, but ds has been using the Jr. High and they are wonderful. They definitely would not be too easy for a more advanced artist.
  19. I've finished 7 and am in the middle of four more, but I'm afraid the ones I've read are among the easier ones on the list! I also really want to take the time to think and write about some of them, so I have to force myself to slow down a bit. My list is here. And I've written about some of them on my blog also.
  20. My plan for the fall (ds in grade 9): History: Trisms (Ancients) Math: Abeka Algebra 1 French: The Easy French 2 Logic: Material Logic (maybe?) Science: ??? Literature: Scholars Online Western Lit to Dante Writing: Scholars Online Creative Writing Bible: Read from a variety of books and write reports Art: Artistic Pursuits
  21. I almost didn't open this thread--I can't believe my middle son will be grade 5 next year!!! Tentative plan: English: Growing with Grammar Math: Saxon 6/5 French: The Easy French Science: WTM recommendations History: SOTW 3 Geography: Geography Trails Literature and Bible: Reading and writing about it Writing: ??? possibly no program and simply cross-curricular narrations
  22. I'm reading Jane and the Barque of Frailty, a Jane Austen mystery by Stephanie Barron. Normally, murder mysteries are my light fare and I enjoyed others in the series several years ago, but for some reason, I'm having a hard time getting into this one. I'm also reading The Screwtape Letters for my co-op group and slowly going through On Being Catholic by Thomas Howard. Deconstructing Penguins is on my night table...
  23. Thank you for the information. No, I'm not familiar with the middle school texts either. I'm just looking for something secular, user friendly, and not too hard while still counting as high school science for my science-phobic son who will be in grade 9 in the fall.
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