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Everything posted by BillieBoy

  1. :iagree: Have you been examined yet?
  2. The same Billieboy. I just joined and I haven't filled out my profile yet, but I found the WTM knitters. :001_smile:
  3. Oh! What happened? Sorry if I sound paranoid.
  4. Thanks all! Has anyone here dealt with the Snohomish School District?
  5. I just peeped at your Lady Elenore Stole..... I love it! How are you doing on it? I've been looking for a me project... ohhhh....gonna go look at stashes now.....
  6. I plan on finishing my husbands 2x fisherman's sweater I started 2 years ago:001_rolleyes: 2 pairs of boot wool boot socks for DH (1 pr done). 1 pair of sport weight socks (haven't picked a pattern yet) for dd as well as finishing a long sleeve shrug for her. I'm thinking about making my Mom a shrug but I have only ever used natural fibers and she thinks everything is itchy, so I'm not sure if I'll bother. Thanks for the reminder BTW, time is flying by.
  7. Wow, that's nice of them! So do you mail yours in as well?
  8. Batteries not included Do Not feed after midnight Caution - capable of shock Do not operate under the influence May cause unknown side effects
  9. We've been homeschooling for almost 4 years in WA but my dd just turned 8. So now I must fill out the Declaration of Intent to Provide Home-based Instruction Form. Is the form that is downloadable from the WHO site generally acceptable? Do you mail it in to your district superintendents office or do you hand deliver it? I'm afraid of it getting lost in the system. I've called our district several times for many different reasons and they seem so utterly disorganized and uninformed of who does what. TIA
  10. I know they have teacher appreciation days, but I can't remember when. Does any one know? I think the last one was sometime in May or April???
  11. Laura, I know you take a similar approach to geography as I do, from a world view in and secular. I have not found any one geography curricula that fully encompasses what my goals were so I made it up. With a four year rotation in mind I started with year 1- Africa, year 2 -Europe and part of Asia (Middle East), year 3 -Americas, and year 4 -Asia and Rest. We ended up doing a lap book of sorts with many components. I am changing over to a huge binder this year. We used The Geography Coloring Book (not like it sounds) for black maps. I used the Trail Guide as discussion points. We made half/peek sheets for countries and capitals. In the beginning (young) dd would draw and write a postcard from every country to her dad. Latter we changed this to collecting photos online and she enters information into a Photoshop template and prints out “baseball†cards for each country. I taught her how to Google current news events for every country we were “inâ€. As a family we often discuss places over dinner. Our dining table has a map on it covered with a plastic table cloth, not incredibly aesthetic but functional. We would even cook with the cultural flavor of the week. I only required a report on 5 countries the first year and then it is up to 10 for the states. She uses fiction, non-fiction, and internet sources for her reports but must site them as such. She is finishing up year 3 so we did get more intense with the states. She knows all the capitals and countries of Africa without fail, about 90% of Europe, Middle East and Americas. We’re working on 100% mastery. I must say I’m pretty satisfied with the results thus far. She can keep up with world events quite easily and often helps adults with their geography. For the logic stage I plan on just intensifying it, more reports, government, cultural immersion, a lot more reading from native authors, etc. Like you I come from a very well traveled family and I just find this approach almost imperative to even a basic understanding of the world. Some old pictures below
  12. No, just registering for selective services does not give you military heath care.
  13. Yes, only upon the enactment of a draft will a person's ability be assessed. This is a quote from sss.gov Almost all male U.S. citizens, and male aliens living in the U.S., who are 18 through 25, are required to register with Selective Service. It's important to know that even though he is registered, a man will not automatically be inducted into the military. In a crisis requiring a draft, men would be called in sequence determined by random lottery number and year of birth. Then, they would be examined for mental, physical and moral fitness by the military before being deferred or exempted from military service or inducted into the Armed Forces. I believe only men that are infirmed in an institution, are currently in the military or in a military university do not have to register.
  14. Ahhh Impish, I used to live in Canada and I love it and it's citizens but .......... Canada is really still a monarchy, albeit a constitutional monarchy. By definition it is what it is. Oh heck I don't really want to get into a freedom war. Canada is cool and great too.... ;)
  15. Oh come now, it's to see how high that frosting gets piled.:tongue_smilie:
  16. That's a bummer. We have about an 8.5% sales tax in WA, no wonder they don't give us any breaks. I just thought some help for homeschoolers would be cool.:glare:
  17. I agree, actually, that it is our responsibility to question anything that encroaches on our freedoms foreign and domestic. That was in fact how this law came into being in 1917 by a vote of our representatives. Yes, there was opposition but it was not the majority, obviously. I never said coward. Cowardice is something I believe one person says or labels others when they do not know another’s cumulative experiences, threshold of pain, or inherent fear. Who can? I also agree that there are faults to our system, we have not reached anywhere near the utopian paradise of a free society, but I still hold that we are the FREEST country in the world today. That should hold some merit. With people as passionate as you and I we will strive to maintain and make this country even better, right? ;) I think it’s wonderful that you object and that you live in a country in which you are free to do so. However, because it is currently a law that our predecessors voted on and passed, mere objections and failure to comply currently has its consequences. Initiatives and bills brought before our government for change will be the only road for change. The sit-in’s and peace rallies of the 60’s should have taught us that lesson. So work within the system to change the system. I just don’t see how not paying your taxes or just saying something is wrong is going to change anything.
  18. I had no idea that some states gave sales tax discounts for school supplies, that's kind of cool. :) I just happened across this article
  19. As I understand it you can be a conscientious objector only if they enforce a draft and then call your number. Until then it is only a list. I am not sure it you state that on your registration or not.
  20. I've been following you guys and all i have to say is :hurray::thumbup: Keep up the great work!
  21. Sorry to chime in and give my 2 cents late…. I’ve posted about my Asian half, now I’m compelled to speak on behalf of my American side. Citizenship in this county is a privilege and with it comes obligations. We are obligated to pay taxes. I guess one could conscientiously object to taxes, but that generally results in jail time and other taxpaying citizens (like myself) covering those costs. Though I sometimes dispute what these taxes go for, I vote for the person I best feel will represent my views. Voting is a privilege; so is living under the security of our armed forces in YES, the FREEST country in the world. The Selective Services Registration System is a law that states all males between the ages of 18 and 25 must register with the government; that’s it just register. It is not the draft; it is only a list of eligible men. If the draft is ever implemented again you are able to object to combat based on your moral beliefs. They would then try and use your service anywhere but the frontline. If you do not register than privileges afforded other law abiding citizens are not yours to take advantage of. Like another poster mentioned we do not have mandatory service like Israel, but if that is what it takes to keep our country safe, then so be it.
  22. :grouphug: I can not put myself in your shoes but I can offer you hugs from a mom, the toughest job in the world. :grouphug:
  23. Oh I forgot to mention... We were afraid that they had used our home to make the stuff too but the Sheriff inspected and said no. He also said most the the users that rob are looking for quick money to buy not make, most are not in the right mind to produce it. Dh just reminded me that the sheriff also said if you see small propane tanks with blue stuff on it than that is a sure give away. We lived in a pretty secluded area in the Cascade foothills and they were finding those propane bottles everywhere. One of the reasons we sold and moved.
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