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Everything posted by BillieBoy

  1. As unfair as this sounds; I would not trust this person until there has been a long time since the last relapse. These folks have a difficult time with right and wrong and would hurt their own mother for a fix if they were in a bad way. We once had our home ransacked and robbed while I was in the hospital for a week. They took anything and everything that could be pawned, including a "girly" chainsaw (I painted with flowers). They even smashed my then 2 year olds piggy bank and took the time to leave all the pennies and took the rest. They were latter caught and come to find out it was a neighbors son and friends. We knew this kid and his family pretty well. I would never had guessed. I broke my heart. But when meth is involved, be worried.
  2. Is this in any way related to Michael Clay Thompson? Can anyone elaborate on the difference? Or has anyone used either? TIA
  3. I do the same thing but I just use the one on the kitchen stove. It's free, I already own it. :001_smile:
  4. We did History Odyssey Middle Ages level 1, lots and lots of reading and R.E.A.L. Science Earth Space from Pandia Press. Both secular.
  5. Thank you all for your kind words. She lived a long, full and happy life despite the hardships. I only wish there were more like her in the world today.
  6. My Grandmother suffers no more, she has attained her Nirvana. Born in 1918 in the south of Vietnam, with a French education, unheard of in those days, she trained as a naturopathic nurse; she could speak and write in seven different languages. When she married my surgeon grandfather they owned and operated a 40 bed hospital. Even before the arrival of Americans in Vietnam it was a warring country. From communist China to the north, French and Japanese occupations in the 40’s and 50’s; my grandmother saw many crimes against humanity. She had 8 children; 7 boys and my mother. Several sons were lost to various wars. Through it all she maintained her spiritual quest to end human suffering. My mother tells stories of when she was a child; people would line up outside their family compound leaving gifts of rice, live chickens and pigs because often my grandparents treated them for no charge and they wanted to show their gratitude with what they could. Later when Saigon fell, my family had to take refuge in the jungle to avoid persecution from the communist government. For one year, and thanks to my grandmother’s knowledge of herbs and roots, they were able to survive until their escape on a boat to an island off of Kuala Lumpur. Even after surviving multiple pirate attacks and conditions on the South China Sea that most of us can not even comprehend, my grandmother was always grateful and never resentful. She literally never hurt a fly or had an unkind bone in her body. She was what people of all religions only hoped to attain in her grace. She never had an unkind word to say about anyone, even about those who humiliated her most. She could cook like there was no tomorrow. She was even the mid-wife to her first great, great grandbaby. Thank you for letting me share just a small fragment of what an incredible woman she was and will always be in my memories. Con yêu Bà ngoai. Yên giấc nghìn thu! I love you, my mother's mother; have serenity in the sleep that knows no breaking.
  7. Thank you all! I wouldn't dream of letting up on the hard work;:D we're okay there. She understands that this success means more work and she is really okay with it all. Somehow she equates PS to jail so as long as she doesn't have to go I have a willing and able subject. I am looking into the SCAT and I've put Mindset: The New Psychology of Success on my next Amazon order. I've added to already good curricula for depth. Great advice from all, thanks again.
  8. Please go to a doctor as soon as possible. There has to be a sliding scale community clinic somewhere if not call your local hospital and ask for community resources; someone should be able to point you in the right direction. Please, please go!
  9. I chose smart. Smart enough to be successful in whatever she chooses to do in her career and lifestyle. Smart enough to know the difference between kindness and being cruel hearted. Smart enough to know that happiness is a state of mind that can be attained by awareness. And smart enough to know that no matter what I will always love her.:001_smile:
  10. Oh boy, a new Kitchenaid! I like the silver/pewter color I think it looks professional and would match stainless steel appliances. But more than the color I'd want the 5 quart with the stand still arm. I've heard they hold up a lot better. Have fun mixer shopping!
  11. Cheese scrambled eggs, bacon or ham hunks, onions, green peppers (if you like them), sour cream and salsa. We have these for breakfast and quick dinners.
  12. We have a huge Merriam - Webster but I was wondering if getting a special one for middle school would be worth it. Dd does know dictionary skills but doesn't use the big book as much as I'd like. Perhaps one not so intimidating but not too dumbed down? Any ideas?
  13. Does it have to be one or the other? I have been very fortunate to travel the world over but my most memorable childhood vacation was one where we landed in NY bought a huge boat of a station wagon and went to the army surplus and bought cheap camping gear. We spent the summer staying in KOA's for $7 a night (I know old prices) and went from NY to FL across the US up to WA, down to CA and criss-crossed the other way back to NY. We gave the car and gear to a family that lived down the street from some friends of ours who said they had had some rough times and hopped back on the plane..... The best time ever and cheap. We cooked all our own food and visited sooooo many historical sites (free or cheap).
  14. Another option is actually preserving fresh eggs with this. Scroll down a page to get to Kepeg.
  15. Hmmmm Dh affectionately calls this dish VN Wraps: herbed shrimp or grilled sate pork skewers wrapped with wetted rice paper filled with rice noodles, Thai basil, cilantro, julienned cucumber, mint, bean sprouts, sweet vinegar julienned carrots, and leaf lettuce. Rolled and dipped in peanut sauce. Sushi made with a bamboo roller: Seaweed, vinegar rice, smoked salmon or cooked shrimp, cucumber, and avocado, sprinkled with Nori seasonings. Gyros with minced lamb kabobs and homemade Tzatziki sauce Arab Kapsa; cardomon and saffron tomato based basmati rice with dried lemon peppered chicken Mediterranean chicken and rice in the crock pot Good ol’ Baguette and really, really good cheese with apple or pear slices Vietnamese caramelized white fish cooked in a clay pot. And of course a hearty slow cooked pot roast with new potatoes and carrots oh man I'm hungry.... :drool5:
  16. I bought my dd a "real" pair at Costco a few weeks ago. I'd try there or Sam's Club. They were only $12.99 (I think)
  17. Welcome bdroberts1998! I'm gonna bump ya; so hopefully some MO homeschoolers can help you!:001_smile:
  18. Math, Grammar, Writing, Spelling, Latin, and Geography plus History or Science and Art or Music plus extra elective on Fridays. So I guess that's 8 unless you group LA together and then it would be only 6.
  19. I had a silver dog tag engraved for my best friends son when he was one. She wore it for many years. He is now 9 and wears it around his neck. It has become something special for the 3 of us. I put his name, moms name and DOB, allergies would be good too but he didn't have any.
  20. 2nd vote for History Odyssey. It is a study guide that meets all of your requests and puts it in neat lessons. There is a lot of lit reads, map exercises and many, many activities to choose from. Usborne's Encylclopedia of World History is your main spine but they suggest supplementing with STOW and CHOW(optional).
  21. This is far more simple and is of simple times but boys might enjoy Farmer Boy from the Little House Series by Laura Wilder.
  22. I sound like a advertisement but this series from Michael Clay Thompson and Royal Fireworks Press sounds very exciting. This is just the Latin based vocabulary, there is also a grammar, writing and poetry component for a complete LA program.
  23. I'm sorry about the hen but kudos to Molly and Dani, that is no small feat. Dogs are amazing and loyal animals. Awesome! Good Job!
  24. No, I haven't seen Gran Torino but I'm going to now :001_smile: I think my first choice would be to send Dh by himself, but he is never keen on being apart from us. Right now there is some sneaky going on. MIL got a prepaid phone card so Dh can call her under the radar. If he can convince her to get him to the Dr. 1/2 our troubles would be solved but she is pretty old school. They've leased out most of the farm these past few years so at least the fields are being taken care of and it covers the stupid mortgage they got a few years ago. I need to ask Dh to get some details for me regarding FILS union retirement insurance benefits to see what can be covered. But selling off a farm, esp. in these hard times, will be a huge chore and could take forever. Physically Dh would have to do everything if FIL went into a facility, MIL is fairly immobile. Then there is what will MIL want to do after, she will need assistance.
  25. Do you live near a major city? I would check out restaurant supply stores. They almost always have white and they are VERY heavy duty. Or check craigslist and look for restaurants going out of business.
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