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Everything posted by Incognito

  1. Don't you all think that the "oh, you are good enough to homeschool, it's all the OTHER people who do" line is more of a CYA move by someone who actually thinks nobody should do it, but they are talking to you, so they are blunting the idea for social purposes? I find that in my world, confidence in what we do mixed with appreciation for what a difficult job teachers have in the public schools makes for pleasant conversation most of the time. It diffuses the defensiveness and antagonism.
  2. I think you should intentionally release some worthwhile yet extraneous words from your title. Choose to cherish brevity.😀 Perhaps something like "Light Spaces". Then subtitle with something about cherishing or making room to really live.
  3. It sounds like you would like a kindle paperwhite. It is not backlit, but if you want light you can have light. I love ours. It does not have games, it does not work for audiobooks. You can set limits on it for kids (or yourself :)).
  4. NM. TMI. I concur with the rage against the roaming animals. If you live on a few acres, that's great. And if they stay home. If you don't, keep them contained. Please.
  5. You can always buy one guide and its matching practice book and try it out before committing to the whole thing. For one of my learners, YES, it has been extremely worth it. For another of my learners, I'm not sure if we will do it (for a variety of reasons. However, even though the concepts have been met in other materials, I think the approach taken in BA is unique enough that there would still be a lot learned). YMMV - it looks like you are about to start Algebra 1? So this would be stepping back a couple of levels. It could be useful, but if you want AOPS materials, there are other levels that could match up better with where you are now.
  6. Thank you both. Your advice pointed me back to the right spot. Somehow, this time when I went to look the Kindle had folders in it, and I was able to find the camera and copy them. Before I wasn't finding anything on there. Maybe I didn't have it hooked up properly? Thanks again!
  7. I can't figure out the answer on Amazon, and the last couple of calls I've had with them for support have been really frustrating, so perhaps someone from the hive can help me out. How does one get a copy of a video taken on the Kindle Fire to Youtube? Or just onto my computer, then I can put it on Youtube from there? Or maybe some way involving "the cloud"? Thanks.
  8. I voted location, but also, FWIW, in your posts you sound like you want the one with the better location as well. I'm sure either way you'll have a nice home in which to create lots of happy memories. ETA: I should add that personally, we have chosen the more rural set up and it works well for us (but we are not nearing retirement yet, so we may see otherwise later). A 20 minute drive to town makes for more good audiobooks listened to, and more intentional shopping, but it is not FAR.
  9. Shingles at younger ages is a lot more common now because of the vaccine and reduced environmental exposure to keep up immunity.
  10. My science curriculum pet peeve is baking soda + vinegar. Overdone. AND has nothing to do with volcanoes. ETA: Great for chemistry, discussing acids/bases, etc. Not for volcanoes.
  11. My two cents, FWIW. Death is often equated with the ultimate evil, but that is a false assumption. Death is constantly happening - I'm even killing bacteria as I type this. To have my garden, I kill all sorts of things - many weeds, even cull some seeds I planted that are spaced too close, etc. Human death is different, but in some ways we are so miniscule in comparison to the universe that I tend towards thinking that we are not THAT different from "lesser things" on a cosmic scale. And, if the Bible sees death as the gateway to eternal presence with God, then death for a human who would end up in the presence of God is actually the opposite of evil. For everyone, death is a great unknown (and unknown things often bring fear - but I think it is important to differentiate the fear of death from death itself, because the fear makes it seem evil). As far as God being outside of time and people having a free will - it makes sense to me when illustrated as someone who is in a blimp over a parade (God) vs. someone sitting on the sidelines of the parade (person) - the parade being time. My beliefs and theology have taken quite a few interesting turns in the last while, and I feel a bit odd "standing up for" some aspects of theology while I am actually "at odds" with other aspects of Christian theology, but the above questions/issues have not been a problem for me. (FWIW, I strongly dislike gardening because it does make me kill all sorts of things to bring life to the chosen things, but doing it for a while I am growing accustomed to it and appreciate the good of it more than the bad of the life taking. Maybe it will help me appreciate the concept of God having a chosen people someday. ;) )
  12. I only briefly saw the teacher's guide in real life. I think you can email the people who wrote it for clarification, though. You order directly from them, and I gather it is a passion of theirs, so I bet they would be happy to explain it to you (and then you can tell us what they said :)).
  13. What about MCT's stuff? Caesar's English. Or the lower level - Building Language. Very accessible to young kids, but shows how English words are built from Latin (and also shows relation to Spanish). I have heard of this Word Works program. It seems to be just what you are interested in - but I haven't used it. http://www.wordworkskingston.com/WordWorks/Home.html
  14. Have you read about stealth dyslexia? The Eides have coined the term and it sounds like your daughter might fit. Things that help with dyslexia help.
  15. You'll be fine! Don't panic. You have met her needs through various avenues up to this point, and you will continue to do so. The Montessori school was useful for a season, you'll find something else to spend your $7500 on that gives you the break you need and her some time doing something directed by someone else. :) How's that - feel any better? I remember that first day of "Kindergarten" when I didn't send my oldest off to school too. It felt really weird. While I knew we were making the right choice for our family, that didn't make it feel normal. But we found good books, we found some friends to go on little walks with, and we worked our way into routines that worked for us as a family. I suppose my advice to you is to work on having your daughter entertain herself for a designated amount of time each day so that you have some time where you can count on a little mental space for yourself.
  16. I agree with the anxiety angle. Also, a tired or hungry child (or one with other stresses) is an easily upset child. Staying a week with grandparents is awesome, but stressful. DS's threat - really mean and if true would be horrible. She probably believes him. Cleaning up - it is overwhelming to some kids, and they need concrete step by step help with breaking down the job. FWIW, what you are describing is pretty normal around here for a little kid - and the feelings are there for one of my older children, but good sleep, proper routine, enough downtime all make the outbursts minimal. If your child will accept snuggles, I find that snuggling until the child calms down (somewhat) helps it all to pass much more quickly. I don't focus on the incident, I focus on helping the child calm down and then working with them on what we will do (after calm).
  17. FWIW, I have both Robie Harris books out from the library right now, and the "It's Not the Stork" book is a lot easier to read with a child first. The "Normal" book is intensely thorough - age appropriate, but very full of information. So, if you want to stick to generally details about baby making sex, "It's Not The Stork" does that.
  18. Wait a minute, I moved to a Mennonite area and they said those were Mennonite. They call them Rolkuchen. So, what I'm getting out of this is that Mennonites are really an offshoot of the Mormon church that speaks German...
  19. This is a GREAT hands on thing to do with the kids. I have done it with a number of groups and just my kids and it is always insightful (and entertaining). http://rhondaalbom.hubpages.com/hub/make-poo You can do it along with a Let's Read and Find out book on digestion - we did that. http://www.amazon.com/Happens-Hamburger-Lets-Read-Find-Out-Science/dp/0064451836 The Let's Read and Find out series has a lot of good books to use as springboards for whatever topics you are interested in for the lower elementary level.
  20. Here is a good place to start. https://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1100100013778/1100100013779 There is a page about residential schools that has links to various apologies, responses, governmental restitutions, etc. https://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1100100015576/1100100015577 FWIW, I haven't done it, but I think a comparison of the residential school situation in the US and Canada (and its aftermath) would be interesting.
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