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Hot Lava Mama

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Everything posted by Hot Lava Mama

  1. Ask them what they want to watch. Don't forget that at this age, they can watch the same movie a zillion times without being bored! Enjoy! I hope it is fun! Hot Lava Mama
  2. Great advice from everyone. I completely agree. There are many days that I feel like I am pulling a train with rusty wheels! I have found that when I am stressed out, it puts out such a cloud of negativity that my kids instinctively react to it. My "jokers" do it by kidding around more, my "procrastinators" wait even longer, and so the song goes on. I absolutely agree that taking a day or two off will absolutely help. YOU need to take the time off and relax. A few days is NOT going to damage your children for life. Think of all the kids in situations with natural disasters. They miss a ton of school, but still they go on. So, a few "mental health days" for Momma is a good thing! Your kids are also of the age where you can start to get their reasoning skills involved with "why" you are doing school. My second child has been the hardest (so far) to get motivate. Screaming, lists, threats, begging, rewards, charts...you name it...I tried it. Finally, I just started talking with her about what she wanted in life. She wanted a life style that looked like "X", so I talked to her about how to get there. I told her that if you want to live a lifestyle like "X", you have to make a ton of money, which means you have to work with your brain (dear God, NOT with your body!) To get there, you need to start hitting the books HARD! It started to sink in and now my procrastinator is a total self-starter! She is even working ahead of schedule. Mostly, I think, because she sees what is in it for HER. It isn't Mom just being a total meany anymore, it is her working toward what SHE wants. My point is you just never know what will work. You are the expert on your children, and you can eventually figure out how to motivate them to do it themselves. Don't doubt yourself. You can do this. But, I do agree that you need to step away for a short break to get more perspective on the situation. Things always look better in the dawn. :) Hot Lava Mama
  3. :) Bummer! :) But, but, but, but....can't they see how stressed I am about how we are going to pay for it! (Doing pouty face and slumpy shoulders). Please! (on my knees, begging) Please, oh money god, bring us some moola! :) Sheryl
  4. Thank you J-rap, Lori D and G5052 for all the information, also! I have some reading to do! It is a real bummer that we can't find out what scholarships he will get until he get accepted, but I guess there isn't really any other way of doing it. I take it there are a lot of college kids that get accepted to schools but then have to refuse because they can't afford it if they don't get enough scholarships. That is a real bummer! I really appreciate everyone's help! Hot Lava Mama
  5. Thank you JanetC for all the great information and web sites! I will search those out. This (#5) is also good to know! I appreciate your help! Hot Lava Mama
  6. Can someone explain to me how we find out about all the scholarships out there. Ds is just starting 11th and we are starting to look at possible colleges. How do we find out about scholarships he may be eligible for? Does he need to be accepted into a college first? How does all that work? He took the ACT last month and did very well. He can still take in again to get over-the-top-super-high scores since he has all of his 11th grade year and the following summer to study more. Does stuff just start appearing in our mailbox because of his scores? How do we find out about other ones that may not be grade/score related? Thanks Hot Lava Mama
  7. Hmmm. That happened in Amityville Horror. Have you checked the basement behind a brick wall? Just make sure there isn't a portal to hell down there. :) Tee Hee Hee. Just kidding! Hot Lava Mama
  8. On this forum board, it says my "message folder" is almost full. ???? What does that mean and how do I empty it? I only have one "personal message" in there. Very confused! Hot Lava Mama
  9. I want to put my request in for Ms. Richardson to teach Rhetoric III next year! Ds took her Rhetoric 1 class and love it! She's great! Hot Lava Mama
  10. I agree with Ottakee! Absolutely! Immediate family means spouses and children. OP, you might remind your dear sister-in-law that "she" is extended family in your eyes! If it were me, I would go and act confused if anyone brought up the "only immediate family" comment. Then I would insert a "why would you want to insert a wedge between my husband and I? It doesn't make any sense because you are "together as one...until death do us part." Then remind her of the vows at your wedding (assuming she was there!).
  11. If you want independent work, you probably should not go with AAS. It would be pretty hard to tweek it so that it isn't teacher heavy. Can you use BJU or Mega Words? Hot Lava Mama
  12. Yep. I agree. The reason why UC Davis is so appealing is that it is really close by our home and it has a great reputation for the field that he is interested in-engineering. No dorm fees, plus DS can live at home and save for a down payment on a house. :) Hot Lava mama
  13. Really! I didn't know that! What about the college tests kids take in high school? Should I even bother to have him take the AP's, SAT, SAT II, ACT tests, or is it only his transcript that is irrelevant?
  14. Fantastic! I will check that out. He is taking a lot of AP courses this year, so hopefully, the scores will be up there. I will look into the SAT II, also. He will be taking both the ACT and SAT, also. I think I read somewhere that the ACT can replace the SAT II tests. Thanks for your help. Hot Lava Mama
  15. DD did delayed "Creative Writing" last year. It was a 1/2 year course, and mostly for younger kids (not high school as she was in 7th last year). For that class, it was fine because the feedback did not come during class time, but later as homework. So, she did get feedback. It was helpful, but I think if we had done it live it would have been better. FWIW, Ds did Rhetoric 1 (not the Prep class) last year, and I don't think you would get as much from a delayed course. But even given that, I would still spend the money for a delayed course as the stuff they learn is really useful. I just think you are better off not doing delayed if you can swing it. Sounds like you really don't have a choice, though. I have been very happy with the experience we have had with WTMA. Writing is just very hard for me to get done effectively, so it took that burden off my shoulders. I do intend to have all my kids do their writing (at a minimum) with WTMA. Hopefully, someone drops out of the time slots that you can make so you child has a spot. Good luck. Hot Lava Mama
  16. It isn't that he isn't prepared or that he hasn't taken hard courses. He has taken all of the requirements for a-g, but the courses weren't "approved a-g" courses. In fact, the courses he has taken exceed those of the a-g requirements. He has taken many honors courses, too. He is taking ACT this year (don't know scores yet) and PSAT this year. Based on his "practice" PSAT scores the last two years, his scores should be pretty high and well within the range of the UC scores. Do you know if they look past the "approved" part of the a-g if his testing scores are high? If so, maybe that is where he would be able to lean. Hot Lava Mama
  17. Ds is only in 11th right now, but we are trying to figure out the best route to take. He has taken courses that are actually tougher than the a-g requirements, but my understanding is that the courses had to be approved. They weren't. If the college actually looked at what he did (on the non-approved courses) they would see he exceed the requirements. I just don't know if they take the time. So, given that (1) he could handle and is well qualified for the UC system, but (2) he doesn't have a-g "APPROVED" courses, what would you suggest? Go the CC route? I guess I am thinking that if the college actually looked closely at his courses, they would admit him. But the question is do they do that? Hot Lava Mama
  18. Hmm? Has it ever happened? Can a student be rejected for a school as a freshman, but accepted as a junior? ?? Anyone? Hot Lava Mama
  19. If Ds applied to a UC (Davis or Berk) as a freshman, but was not able to get in because we don't have "approved" a-g courses, will that rejection mess up his ability to go in as a transfer student from CC? Thanks Hot Lava Mama
  20. Oh, o.k. So I can't get a actual jump start on all the boxes, etc. on the actual application. Bummer. Thanks for the ideas, though. :) Hot Lava Mama
  21. I am watching the help videos that were linked on this board. It says on the intro video that "accounts created before August 1, 2015 have been deleted. Is this an unusual thing or do they get rid of accounts every August? Ds will not be a senior until next year, but I wanted to start on the Common App now because it seems like a lot of work. Will I be wasting my time if I do it now (because it will be deleted next August)? Thanks! Hot Lava Mama
  22. Thanks. Yep, I agree about the books, too. We have been using the old ones since it is all we had. He used Khan Academy and the little bit they had on CB, but there isn't much out there. Figures they would change it on THE year it counts for him! :) Hot Lava Mama
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