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  1. https://theoysterbag.com/collections/our-masks/products/cloth-face-masks?variant=35963984019606 Oyster Bag company masks are updated each day with new styles. As she makes them each day, they are uploaded/ updated with new designs and availability around noon est. I bought 3 and they are all high quite fabrics and very comfortable to wear.
  2. GIFTBOOK18 will take $5 off a book purchase of $20 or more on Amazon.
  3. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/473885-picture-perfect-i-may-have-pictured-you-all-wrong/
  4. Living in New England, I agree that it is customary here to give a gift off the registry for the bridal shower and the wedding gift is $/check in a card to at least cover the plate per person (and typically much more depending on the venue/ relation to the bride).
  5. Saying this gently... Although a blanket/ pajamas sounds like a wonderfully comforting gift for most procedures, she may not want a physical reminder hanging around her house in the weeks/ months to follow. Just a thought. You sound like such a wonderful friend!
  6. Instead of being known as a gift giver, could you start small with cards? I have an Aunt that mails us a card every single holiday (the big ones and small ones alike). In today's world, a mailed card with a small note is a special way to remind us that she is thinking of us throughout the year. It always makes me smile to see a bright colored envelope from her in the mailbox. Sometimes it's just the thought that counts rather than a monetary investment.
  7. Opulence at it's finest... http://www.sothebysrealty.com/eng/sales/caribbean-and-bermuda
  8. Could he be teething? Our youngest was fussy, looser stools because of drooling, slight fever, ect
  9. Insuremytrip.com is a wonderful resource for travel insurance options. It is a free comparison site that offers options from multiple travel insurance companies based on your needs.
  10. My go to for last minute appetizers is shrimp cocktail. No cooking necessary.
  11. I'm not sure if it's regional, but I can't recall the last time I've heard an actual gift given as wedding present other than a sentimental picture frame or some sort. Around here the bridal shower is for gifts and at the wedding itself, the newlyweds receive cards with monetary contributions to their future. I'm in New England if it matters.
  12. The city of Orlando is starting to release names once they confirm the next of kin has been notified. My thoughts go out to each and every person affected by this tragedy. Such a sad day. http://www.cityoforlando.net/blog/victims/
  13. So many different factors come into play... name brand, all new, is so different from second hand. I'd say our dd12's budget (total yearly, broken down by month) is around $1K per month. We are in a high COL area and she attends many society events requiring formal wear, adding to the $ figure. As long as our children are happy with their own unique style though, that is all that really matters.
  14. Stroganoff? If the weather was nicer I'd say hamburgers.
  15. We too have always paid gas for our oldest two until they were out of college. Maybe come up with a set figure a week for the kids and anything over that you pay for? I'm not sure how car sharing would work, as we've never had that issue.
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