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Everything posted by tullyfamily

  1. Here is my post: "I Know it Looks Bad, But I Can Explain..." (I also thought of titling this post "Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner")
  2. Ours is up here: "Child Labor." :001_smile:
  3. Here is mine: A Dishwasher that Cleans Floors!
  4. I've been on a blogging break, but I LOVE this idea & hope to join in when I go back to blogging (maybe next week?)!!!
  5. We've been struggling with book 2 for LC. I took a look at First Form at the Cinn Convention but ended up buying Latin Alive! from Classical Academic Press. Latin Alive! is more for the logic stage & focuses more on translation but I'm thinking (hoping) it will compliment Prima & LC book 1. We never struggled with Prima & LC 1 but we did use the DVDs and took book 1 slow- don't move on until they have it down! Oh, and we used Ludere Latine I, which are Latin games. I think this was a HUGE help for LC book 1!!!
  6. Your post made me chuckle... and check my calendar! (Did we miss piano on Tuesday?!?!?) Loved your pic- so sweet! :)
  7. We own the entire set of the Ballantyne books and a few of the Henty books. (Bought Ballantyne books when VF had a huge sale- 50% off entire set.) We are in the process of adding to the Henty collection now. Henty does seem to have a bit more meat & is more of a challenge to read, though is worth it. Ballantyne has been enjoyable to read aloud. Jim Weiss sells some of the Henty books on CD. We would recommend both Henty & Ballantyne- they are a GREAT way to study history!!! - Heather
  8. I posted, I posted, I posted! Yeah! You can go here to see it.
  9. Anyone do it w/ a specific program? What do you use? Thanks! Heather
  10. :iagree: This is why we are doing WWE- I've seen some fruit already! But it doesn't take long to do WWE- this is a blessing but sometimes my children long to write more or to write creatively. That is when we use IEW.
  11. This past summer, we made the switch from IEW to WWE. Why? Several reasons: 1) while I always meant to teach IEW, I found we did not do it consistently- I didn't feel confident to teach it (even though I watched the DVDs several times), 2) I found IEW a challenge to teach to many littles, 3) I began to be concerned that IEW way of writing was all the same (always have the same things in every paragraph), 4) I wanted a guide that was more classical in its writing approach- taught how to narrate, dictate, thesis paper for rhetoric. I plan on using the supplements for IEW (theme based products) and I still own the "Teaching Writing: Structure & Style." I'm glad I do- I learned & still use what Andrew taught (LOVE the banned word list!). I esp think IEW is great for creative writing, which one of my children loves to do but the other doesn't. Andrew is so encouraging & funny! I hope this helps or makes sense- I'm still wrapping my mind around it all. We've been consitent with WWE (YAHOO!) but one of my children misses IEW (the creative writer), so I'm going to devote some time to it. Sometimes WWE seems too basic & easy for my children, so I think adding in IEW will help to mix it up & allow creative juices to flow. - Heather
  12. The hard part comes when you do not have a "good or decent" library. We just moved to GA and I'm missing our library back in Columbus, Ohio!
  13. Mine is up here- these are pics of what my children made on MLK day. They played outside almost the entire day. :)
  14. Anyone use these? Likes/Dislikes? Better yet... anyone BLOG about these & show pics? :001_smile:
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