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Joan in GE

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Everything posted by Joan in GE

  1. Here's the US Dept Ed list...and when you go to those accrediting agencies where it says 'inactive'...it explains more...I don't see how these are considered as valid accreditation agencies.... http://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/Agencies.aspx And if you search SACS CASI....well, SACS has another branch SACS COC which is recognized but not the CASI branch.... But maybe someone knows more about accrediting than I do and I'm quite interested in hearing.... Joan
  2. Haven't taken time to read other replies yet but I've been wishing we'd done - more interest led science..... - For life skills, I'd try to make it just related to what is needed in the home rather than following any text. Need-based learning can be very energizing... Over here, second and third languages are mandatory in grade school...so I would keep that...plus English, math, penmanship, history/literature doing a modified WTM approach... Joan
  3. Ok, so SAT II Lit is not difficult...thanks for the info regentrude! Kareni I'll check out that book...I was looking for a shortcut so I didn't have to analyze it myself :-).... Certainly for French, the previous AP (the exam changed in 2012 and dd hasn't taken the subject test yet) was harder than the SAT French subject test (as ds did both)....and maybe there have been changes re Latin and German as I don't know the years of testing that this is from, but here was a recent post about Latin..Certainly the AP German test has been changed recently as well.....it was years ago that I remember hearing that about German...But German and French are coming up this Sat so I'll get a personal analysis soon and we can chat more.... Joan
  4. Generally I would think the course descriptions would be the same, except 1. if there are major changes to the AP exam itself (some of the revision schedule - previously they did French, German, and maybe others?) 2. if the teacher changes texts...of course you can go through and check what has changed, but that involves going back into files. (I just tried to do it for Eng language texts....two are the same but it seems like there were others so I have to look back through emails as last year more works were posted either from the welcome email or somewhere along the line). One warning....sometimes they change texts even from the initial course description. So you might want to just check in the fall, if the course description has stayed the same... Glad to help as so many on this board have helped me! Joan
  5. We're doing, hopefully 4 English credits in 3 years...So far 2 1/2 done and 1 1/2 still to go... This past year was AP English Language so I'm looking at possibly a 1/2 credit of Journalism and 1 credit of literature/ composition...Because dd has lots of math plus AP Chem and Euro I don't want to add AP Lit...so I was thinking of just going for the SAT subject test of Literature just to have something to work towards.... If you've prepared the coursework for this exam - do you have any advice? I've heard with the foreign language exams that they can actually be harder than the AP exam (eg Latin and German - we're about to find out for German)....Does anyone know if this is the case for SAT English Literature? Another possibility is preparing for Writing contests - has anyone done a credit or half one of English just preparing essays for contests? Dd gets very inspired with contests so this is something she'd really like to do...But then I'm not sure what to call the course. I'd asked for English course titles in this thread (Course Titles - options for English) but none of them seem to fit perfectly - Any ideas? Thanks! Joan
  6. I'm doing my manila folders now - (I do really like this system - just haven't always followed my own advice timewise!) and it's already too late for the course description from PA Homeschoolers (for last year)! I should have taken the description off when I signed up dd....Seems like already in Feb or March the new year was posted.... For anyone in CH....keeping receipts of courses and exams has been very handy in proving home education for 'allocation familiale'! Also for Europe - I think it's not in this thread but in the 'credit for 8th grade work' thread where I found out that we basically couldn't get credit for the languages and math done earlier - over here - due to the percentages of branches required for the 'general education' (they think that the liberal arts education should be done in high school and 'college/university' is for focusing in the field)....So I have some manila folders of 8th grade work that are put aside just in case I need to reissue the diploma with other credits if applying in the US.....
  7. Hello, when researching myself, thinking of starting a bilingual umbrella school, it seemed like there were a lot of options in CA in terms of umbrella schools...Hopefully you can find something that matches your needs. There have been some lengthy discussions on this board about question '2' - if you look at the 'pinned' threads at the beginning of this board under transcripts, you might find some of the threads that have them...not sure if they're there and I have to run out now... Joan
  8. I see the book you were reading is really for American history.... So is this a credit for American or world history? Some of the topics posted might fall more under world history - though they could be framed from an American perspective/involvement...Or if there is a lot of student interest and free time, you could save some of the hours for World History credit and go into more depth... Joan
  9. Just have to add these new finds: roasted beet smoothies! best raw kale salad ever (YouTube video of how to make it) and I'm going to be trying out this book - More Vegetables Please by Elson Haas
  10. A few anecdotes from our experience... dd used Jurgensen Geometry, which she liked a lot - but it has no Algebra review built in (at least in the edition we had) which was really a problem when she was ready to start Algebra II...We had to go through the whole Algebra I book again (test, then review if poor grade) due to her poor results on an Algebra placement test....You can see a thread where I was dealing with this problem here. ds3 didn't use Jurgensen for Geometry, so didn't have this problem as his book had Algebra reviews built in at the end of every chapter or few chapters (I forget which)... ds3 used Foerster for Precalc....He started the Dolciani Math Analysis book and just couldn't get into it....Now he's a civil engineering major, so it wasn't a problem with math per se...He did very well on SAT Level II Math after Foerster, though I think we had to supplement with some probability and statistics lessons which weren't covered in the book... for Prealgebra - ds used Saxon and dd used Dolciani.... I really like the way the student is led to think with the problems in Dolciani books!!, but at least the older editions could use a bit of built in review for students like my dd who need it...They have "reviews" built into the program, but it just involves going back to quite recent sections and doing a few of the problems, so it is not really sufficient for certain students....(ds didn't have a problem with that)... just our experience, Joan
  11. I agree with Lori D that the Intro to Poetry is really good! We also like Uncle Tom's Cabin...which brought in a lot of Information I hadn't known... There were others that we liked but I'm drawing a blank at the moment....I'll try to dig them out shortly...
  12. Yes -for 2014-15 You can read here: http://advancesinap.collegeboard.org/math-and-science/physics
  13. I wish we were in a boat that offered DE at a CC....but they don't even let you enroll in university-level courses until you've finished high school here... Not being able to do AP Physics is really affecting what dd can do as a Specific Option later for Swiss exams....turning everything upside down...all my plans are falling apart... Hmmmm.... Joan
  14. I'm sorry to be so slow to post! Life is just so hectic these days trying to keep up with math etc.... It's funny to have to learn about French recipes from an American forum when I only live a few miles away...but that is life with the internet :-) I like how you put it that every family has their own version of "potage" and how you described making it....I hadn't realized it was so flexible. I hope to look at more of your posts when I have more time... Thanks! Joan
  15. What a rude awakening! For years we'd planned dd would do Physics B for the science AP needed here....Now they won't even offer Physics B and it's divided into Physics 1 and Physics 2....I do understand the need for more depth but the changes weren't on my radar at all and since it's so new, PAH is not offering it...Landry doesn't seem to be.... Where to find online AP Physics 1 or 2???? Anyone have any advice? Hopefully, Joan
  16. These are really delicious! And I've just tasted a "new to me" kind of beet - white beet. It was delicious roasted...but found out from this page about the health benefits of beets, that you have to be careful not to cook them too long or you lost the special nutrients... Atb, Joan
  17. Hi loesje! Actually, I'm planning for her to do Goethe after the AP.... Cost wise, I think OSU German is a better deal for the lower levels. So my rational is to bring her along as far as she can go in the US system for a reasonable price, and then switch over to Goethe... Plus, there's the possibility that she'd enter higher education here with US credentials, so she'd need the AP exam results with her other AP's (I guess that would be for Germany since she already has AP French and will have AP English) as a cohesive group of tests...You enter with the 'high school' credentials by country.... But clearly AP German is not enough to prepare her for the subject of German for Swiss exams so then she'd need a higher level of coursework to help prepare for those... We're a very mixed case, I know!!!
  18. The Berlin idea is actually very good! I was thinking about this again last night... Now we want to work in a little 'immersion' time...Even though we'll go to Zurich, there's the Swiss German problem....so I was thinking it would be better to have immersion in a 'standard German' speaking town...It's just that we have free accommodation in Zurich... The transport from Geneva is the same cost! Easyjet flies there from Geneva for about 40 and the train to Zurich will cost 40...There is just the carbon footprint... When I first looked at the word Berlin - it seemed so far away and so much more costly - but actually it wouldn't be, in typical circumstances... So I'm posting this just in case anyone else reads this in Europe...:-)
  19. Well I finally got through to someone in Zurich and should know by tomorrow whether they can confirm a place! And at least it is cheaper than Zug Ecolint wihch wanted 270 chf for one test = close to 300$ and they didn't even have a place... Your situation is a lot worse than mine! And that is an interesting table...I can't figure out why it doesn't show Switzerland though...there are schools that offer some other AP's, just not all... BTW - for those looking for schools - the AP course ledger is helpful for finding them. And it seems better than in years past - asier to see what courses are given...
  20. Well, I'm just looking around for a school where dd can take the AP German exam - not so easy! Was even thinking of going back to the US to combine a visit, since AP's can be rare and so expensive here...But the districts where my relatives live don't offer it!
  21. I believe the AP German exam was revised as the French one....The French one is VERY different from the previous exam...It is built around 6 themes...and perfect grammar is much less important than before... They require more written and oral work than before...eg email sample, argumentative writing sample, presentation, and I think one other oral sample, though I'm drawing a blank... You can go into the AP Audit preparation materials and find lots of ideas of what type of preparation they are looking for..... We're going with Oklahoma but I did find a book mentioned somewhere, maybe on the AP teacher's community, Denk Mal...So far though, dd is pretty busy with the Oklahoma materials... HTH, Joan
  22. Black cabbage! A friend brought it from Tuscany, Italy and told me the recipe: A little garlic sauteed in olive oil. Cut the spine out of each leaf and chop. Add little bit chicken boullion and little water. Add black cabbage leaves and steam, stirring occasionally. Then serve on a slice of toast (Italian style), which I tried just to see what the original is like. Link with picture of 'black cabbage' (= choux noire). I thought it would be like kale but it's quite unique. Does anyone know if they have this in the US? I'm sure it's packed with vitamins... Joan
  23. I like the salsa instead of ketchup idea ! Helena! (by the way, I bought the Mexican food book when last in the US, but my luggage was so overweight I had to leave it behind for the next time! It looks really great though) that baguette looks yummy too! But it will have to be for my kids...I've found that all those yummy additions just add up to too many calories in my old age :-), so now I've given up on the eggs as well...and the nut butters... But I finally got raw beets! Here they're normally sold cooked except at market...so I do have to finally try that beet rosti Iron Ethel!
  24. Hi Nan - waving back! We had more than a week of fog which we've never had in all the time we've been here (ok there was an afternoon or two of sun, only to have more fog) Now it's raining...but I can see snow from my window-up on a nearby mountain :-) :-) Joan
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