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Everything posted by Journey

  1. what supplements did you get for him? So glad you got him a friend!
  2. In regards to the feed, you need to ask his/her former owners what grain (if any he/she was/is on). You can't just switch a horse's grain. It needs to be done slowly and over time. The best senior feed, in my opinion, is Triple Crown Senior. Also, i agree that smartpak is a great company for supplements but you need to know that they are very expensive (the company). There are many, many supplements out there so you'll just have to research. If he/she was mine, i would have him/her on a joint supplement and i would think about arthiritis. There is a supplement line called Animed that have very good products at very reasonable prices. Another thing that is VERY important is saddle fit. Alot of people just throw a saddle on a horse away they go but imagine wearing shoes that are a poor fit, it's not comfortable and most times, very painful....think of a poor fitting saddle in the same way. Another thing to think about, again, just my opinion, is to not have the horse wear a halter when it is outside. Or, if it must wear one, think about getting a breakaway halter, in case the horse ever finds itself caught in something. You definately need to think about getting a companion, whether it's to borrow one of your neighbor's other horses, or a mini, or getting another one sooner (much) rather than later, or a goat, whatever. get him/her a friend. Horses are herd animals and they do not like to be alone, especially in your case where this one has come from a group. IDK where you live but one of the first things i would learn about are the symptoms of colic. One of our horses colicked, again, the other day. She is fine because we caught it early but colic can be deadly and very, very painful. Sorry to sound like a jerk but there is so much to owning a horse and so many important things that need to be taken into consideration, and these are just some of the things that i think are important. Supplements are majorly important so please look into them. take precautions now to make him/her comfortable in his/her older years.
  3. My dad is trying to find the best coffee maker. He just wants his coffee to be hot. he's tried the Mr. coffee, black and decker, keurig and cuisineart....not good enough! Anyone have one they love?
  4. oh how i knew someone would be offended when i mentioned bi-polar. i mentioned it because the girl is bipolar. plain and simple. i didn't say there was anything WRONG with being bipolar. just like i am overweight. big deal. when this girl has her bipolar outbreaks she goes bazerk. everyone there knows it and she can be scary and she can be offensive and she can be rude. that's a part of the disability. i get really tired of people who get all bent out of shape when a word like this is mentioned. people need to stop being so sensitive. and i disagree with you orthodox...when this person has one of her outbreaks...the first thing i want my daughter to do is TO AVOID her. There is no telling what this girl will do (has done) during one. I do not want my daughter in her path. Call me insensitive or whatever but sorry i want my daughter to be safe.
  5. no she isn't the only one who isn't invited. it's just that this girl has bipolar disorder among other things and quite frankly, my daughter is afraid of her and her outbursts (which are usually directed toward my daughter, and i'm sure they are directed towards her because mean girl is jealous for some reason, maybe because my daughter is making something of herself and mean girl wants to smoke pot and crap like that!). It seems like a rather "simple" thing but it's really not, again, because of mean girl's outbursts and untrustworthiness.
  6. My daughter is graduating high school next month. We are having a graduation party and she wants to invite some friends from where she works. Some friends. Not everyone at the place. There is one girl in particular that isn't nice to my daughter so obviously this girl is not someone we want at the party. But how do we not invite her? We are thinking that we are going to send invitations in the mail but this girl will find out when talking to the other people at this place of employment. My daughter was thinking of putting up a sign telling about the party which the girl will see. I don't like this girl either. don't trust her, she's not the kind of person my daughter would be friends with. but how do we do this? There are people that she works with who she likes very much (she doesn't have any friendships with these people outside of work) but she really likes working with them and considers them work friends. This situation is really bugging her/us.
  7. Jennifer3141, i'm not sure where you got the impression that i think it's okay for the kids to share helmets. i totally don't think that is okay. i would even encourage parents to go to a reputable tack shop and have the employee fit the helmet to the child.
  8. You probably don't want to hear this but i think 6 is too young to start taking lessons. I just don't think the attention span or the ability is there. Horses are big and dangerous. I've never had alot of respect for lesson barns that take kids so young. But in your search, make sure they make the kids wear well fitting helmets and they should tell you to wear boots with a small heel and jeans.
  9. I sell insurance. The insurance follows the vehicle, not the driver
  10. i don't know anything about mules but the lady who bought our horse trailer the other day was singing their praises. apparently there is one local that is going for $25,000!
  11. Thanks to everyone for their words of encouragement. my daughter took her to the vet this morning and the vet doesn't think it's cancer. she took a sample (i think that's what my daughter said) and is sending it out. she said she thinks it's an infected anal glad and gave her more medicine. Poor pup needs to wear a cone but if that's what it takes to make her feel better than that's what she is going to do. boy i wish they didn't capture our hearts the way they do otherwise things like this would be so much easier. our pets are so imporant to us and i am so thankful for them.
  12. Our appointment with the vet isn't until tomorrow and i am so upset. A little backround, my female JRT had severely impacted anal glands, a week ago last thursday is when they were expressed. At that time she also developed a mushy lump "back there". The vet said it wasn't anything to worry about. She has been uncomfortable since then (scooting and licking the area). She is on medacam (i think that's what it's called) for pain relief. She is pooping and eating normally. I checked her behind today and that lump is harder than it was before. The vet said that if it gets hard that isn't good and that a hard lump could be a tumor. This dog is my "heart" dog and i love her so much that now my Easter is ruined because i am sick with worry. I guess i just needed to get it out and onto "paper". Thanks for listening.
  13. good idea for the salt. we give it to our mare when we know the weather is going to change. need to keep them drinking water! glad he's doing better
  14. I have my two on Kaufmann's Equine Gold. it was recommended by a horse friend that i totally trust. just started them both this past week. I especially like it because our mare (who had never colicked in the 6 years we owned her, and has colicked twice now in just over a year) should do well on it. i think her colics were weather related too. You might want to check the stuff out especially since (not sure where you live but) we're going to be starting to go on pasture soon. Hope everything is okay with your gelding.
  15. Journey

    Fish Oil

    What do you take fish oil for?
  16. My daughter (18) suffers from acne. Literally, we have tried pretty much everything known to man! it seems like nothing works. she has started to back off with the cleansers, creams and medications and it seems like her face is clearing up. She does take zinc and we also know when she hasn't taken it consistently. We actually found (at a vitamin store) a zinc that is made for acne, she hasn't started taking it yet so i can't tell you how it works. also, we have been told several times that acne isn't caused by what you eat but that it is something on the inside.
  17. the new Straight Talk home phone? it's $15 a month.
  18. ok first of all, thank you for making me cry. i couldn't hold back the tears. i was just imagining you seeing her after 6 years and what that would be like. How wonderful is that going to be and how wonderful are you going to feel when she sees you for the first time again?! I cannot wait to hear how it goes. i sure do hope that you will be able to find a way to lease her. i love that so much!
  19. ask your agent if the company has a safe driver program---6 or 8 hour course, if they do all of you should be able to take it and you should all save about 10% each
  20. yep farmington is a town about 40 minutes from here. the race track is in farmington (lots of very nice racehorses are available from there at the end of each season)
  21. no one is allowed to ride our horses, our insurance won't allow it. i'm really glad about that because people actually have the nerve to ask if they can ride them. NO you can't!
  22. i'm sure with the price of tuition at that school no one would have any spare money for to pet the pony! where did you deliver (what town) the pony to?
  23. Creekland, i just realized that your child goes to the U of R. That school is about 15 minutes from me!
  24. So then, how do you tell how good a rider really is if he/she is riding a totally "made" horse? I'm talking about the horse and rider doing something like..say...jumping a 3 foot or higher jump or doing some kind of barreling racing in the Western riding world (which i know nothing about!)
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