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Everything posted by Journey

  1. First of all most companies do not charge for a person with a learner's permit. Secondly this is generally how auto insurance works with new drivers....say for instance you have 2 cars and 4 drivers....the company will put the two most experienced drivers on each car and then rate the two inexperienced drivers as occasional drivers, thus creating a lesser premium. The expense comes in when you have say....4 cars and 4 drivers...each driver, whether they are experienced or not, have to be rated as a primary driver on each car thus driving the rate up, especially with the inexperienced driver surcharge that most companies add on. I sell insurance for a large company and geico is one of our competitors. We can never beat their rates 99% of the time. I don't know how they keep their rates so low but i have heard that they have terrible customer service and i've also heard first hand that when they do finally end up raising rates they jack the prices to at least double. I would love to go to them to save money but i just don't trust them. I'm not even insured by the company i work for! Also, no company will charge for an accident that is an act of God, that's what comp is for. The charges start when the collision portion of your insurance is utilized.
  2. Elizabeth george. A young woman after God's heart...I think that's what its called!
  3. First the saddle fit....this is VERY important (think wearing a pair of shoes that are too big or too small). Since you don't know much about this, you should find a reputable, independant if possible, saddle fitter to come to your barn to measure your horse and then give you suggestions about what saddles would be best. As for the vet...you don't really take the horse to the vet, the vet comes to your barn. Also some foundered horses can be ridden but most of the ones i have known were not ridden. i don't know alot about founder but from what i've seen it's an awful thing and i wouldn't want to be riding a foundered horse, but again, admittedly, i don't know much about the disease at all.
  4. First of all, horse ownership is a wonderful thing, so congratulations on even thinking of doing this! Secondly, you will never, ever learn "all" there is to learn about owning a horse. Literally, you can learn something new every day! 1 How do you know what and how much to feed a horse?--if you are buying a horse from someone, they will tell you how much grain/hay/supplements the horse has been getting. Or you can read the feed bags and gauge from that but chances are you are buying one from someone who will know that information. 2. What vaccinations and routine care do they need?--this depends largely on what part of the country you are in, if the horse goes off property often, if he/she is going to be showing, how many other horses he/she is around 2. Is 1-2 acres enough?--i don't think so but what do i know!!! 3. Is there a danger of them getting too much hay? --only if it's alfalfa, they can't get too much grass hay so don't worry but they can get hay bellies! 4. I have ridden enough over the years that I feel like I still know how. However I now weigh just over 200 pounds. Is this too much weight for a full grown horse to carry?--maybe if it's a pony! 5. What are warning signs to look for that the horse may be sick?--don't even go there....read up on colic though
  5. Lenovo all the way then toahiba
  6. Thanks you guys. My stomach is finally starting to feel better...PTL...but i feel like my legs don't want to carry me anymore! I do feel better though and am so thankful.
  7. i think i'm going through it and from talking to friends who have gone through or are going through it, and reading about it....i think what i'm feeling is normal...but i still don't like the way i'm feeling. I've had my "friend" the last two months but hadn't had it for about four months previous. About a week ago i started feeling very crampy, which turned into stomach "pain" and gas and burps. I've also noticed a couple of bruises. So i'm convinced i have leukemia even though everything i've read about perimenopause line up with the way i've been feeling. I also just feel lousy...but not all day long. has anyone gone through perimenopause and can you give me some advice?
  8. Thank you unsinkable. It was incredibly hard and i wish she could be with us forever but it really was the best thing for her. She only deserved the best and I think your friend's dog does too and I know you do too!
  9. Find a different vet. If what you are saying is true this vet is a jerk. We just out our dog down last week and the vet didnt question us at all. We literally showed up at her office balling out eyes out and told her it was time. She did not hesitate to. do what was best for our sweet old girl. Please find another vet. Maybe you have one yourself that could take the ooor thing to. That dog deserves to die with dignity. Maybe you need to be his voice
  10. I do watch my account everyday. I have to. My biggest fear is bouncing a check. The money was in there. She got her money...that's not the issue, the issue I had is that I asked her previously to not cash two checks at once and she said she wouldn't, and I trusted her when she said that, then she turned around and did it again. I don't think that was nice of hetr to do. Of course she has the right to cash them the second she got them, I'm paying her for a service, but now I am broke until a week from friday and that is scarey to me. Thankfully I won't have to deal with this again but I have to say that it makes me trust people even less than I did before and that doesn't make me feel very good. I really really liked this lady before and now, not so much and the reason fo that has nothing ti do with the fact that she cashed both checks today! Actually now that I think about it, I'm glad she cashed d them both so now I don't have to play the waitinggame anymore!
  11. Oh.my.gosh.....are you kidding me? Obviously she has the right to cash the check whenever she wants to. Duh. She did cash the checks exactly when she wanted to and guess what, she got her money. So go ahead and press charges. Unbelievable. What ibwas annoyed with is that I asked her not to cash both of them again and she did. Some of you people really need to get over yourselves because you're really annoying
  12. No I'm sorry but I don't have $2000 in my account. She didn't cash my september check until today and she cashed my october check today. As i said, she did this once before and I asked her not to do that again anf she did. She knows I'm on a limited income who has a daughter in her first year of college...she does not need $2000 in one day...these people have money. I feel like she did this to get back at me and yes I think that's rude. Every other time sbe has cashed the current month's check at the middle or end of the month. I had learned to budget around her check cashing history. So no, I don't have $2000 sitting in my checking account.
  13. I am a single mom of two daughters...19 and 26. We rent our home and are on a month to month lease. We are moving out at the end of this month and moving in with my elderly parents, to help them out and to help me out financially. The home we rent is a single family and i take care of the yard. I very rarely have had to call the landlord in the three years we've been here. I pay my rent on time, every month. I am a good tenant if i do say so myself! So when i sent my last rent check to my landlord a couple of weeks ago, i told her we would be moving at the end of the month and i told her the reasons why (the ones i said in this post). I told her that they were very good landlords and that i know they can get alot more for rent than they are getting from me. I also thanked her for letting this house feel more like a home to my girls and me rather than just a place we rented. I think my landlords have alot of money. They never cashed my rent check until the middle to the end of each month. One time though they cashed two months worth on the same day. Did i mention i am a single mom on a limited budget? Well, i am. When this happened i called her and asked her not to do that again since i only get paid every two weeks. She was fine with it. So i go to mcdonalds today to get my daughter an iced tea ($1). The card didn't go through. Guess why? Yep, she cashed both checks today. Thank you very much. I am SO mad, I am SOOOOO mad. Not only did i not have the money in the account, but i got an overdraft fee and i had already asked her not to do that after she did it the first time. I want to do something so passive agressive but i can't. I want to take the "for rent" sign that's in our front yard and throw it in the garbage but i won't. I don't want to let them show the house when they want to show it but i can't do that either.....i do want to get my security deposit back so i can't rock the boat. Obviously they are angry that we are moving out...i think.....otherwise why would she cash both checks at once...again. i think it's rude and childlish and i'm mad that there's nothing i can do about it. thankfully i can borrow the money from my daughter but that's not the point. i'm just annoyed and i'm just mad at myself for thinking that this lady and her husband were people with integrity. THEY don't need $2000 in one day, i know they don't. they are just being mean. thanks for letting me vent.
  14. I am a single mom of two daughters...19 and 26. We rent our home and are on a month to month lease. We are moving out at the end of this month and moving in with my elderly parents, to help them out and to help me out financially. The home we rent is a single family and i take care of the yard. I very rarely have had to call the landlord in the three years we've been here. I pay my rent on time, every month. I am a good tenant if i do say so myself! So when i sent my last rent check to my landlord a couple of weeks ago, i told her we would be moving at the end of the month and i told her the reasons why (the ones i said in this post). I told her that they were very good landlords and that i know they can get alot more for rent than they are getting from me. I also thanked her for letting this house feel more like a home to my girls and me rather than just a place we rented. I think my landlords have alot of money. They never cashed my rent check until the middle to the end of each month. One time though they cashed two months worth on the same day. Did i mention i am a single mom on a limited budget? Well, i am. When this happened i called her and asked her not to do that again since i only get paid every two weeks. She was fine with it. So i go to mcdonalds today to get my daughter an iced tea ($1). The card didn't go through. Guess why? Yep, she cashed both checks today. Thank you very much. I am SO mad, I am SOOOOO mad. Not only did i not have the money in the account, but i got an overdraft fee and i had already asked her not to do that after she did it the first time. I want to do something so passive agressive but i can't. I want to take the "for rent" sign that's in our front yard and throw it in the garbage but i won't. I don't want to let them show the house when they want to show it but i can't do that either.....i do want to get my security deposit back so i can't rock the boat. Obviously they are angry that we are moving out...i think.....otherwise why would she cash both checks at once...again. i think it's rude and childlish and i'm mad that there's nothing i can do about it. thankfully i can borrow the money from my daughter but that's not the point. i'm just annoyed and i'm just mad at myself for thinking that this lady and her husband were people with integrity. THEY don't need $2000 in one day, i know they don't. they are just being mean. thanks for letting me vent.
  15. I sell insurance and if you were my customer I would fight for you to get it. Your agent should do the same for you. What company if you don't mind me asking?
  16. Thank you for the replies! I will check those suggestions out
  17. I need opinions! I am trying to sell our 2000 Honda civic. It has A LOT of miles on it (235, 000) but it also has many new parts. Tires, timing belt water pump catalytic converter exhaust (entire exhaust) brakes can't remember if its front or back oxygen sensors. I'm asking $2200 or best offer. This car runs very well and is excellent on gas. I don't want to sell it but we bought a bigger car for my daughter. So...am I asking too much for it?
  18. 2011...does anyone happen to have one? We might be buying one tomorrow and wanted to get opinions. I have a 2013 kia optima which is a nice little car and the hyundai is pretty much the same car but....we live in the NE and i haven't driven my car in the snow yet, and that is my main concern because the new car would be my daughter's and she is a new driver. Any info would be great. Thanks!
  19. i just wanted to respond to this statement by the OP... and just overall "normal 19 year old trying to find her way" type choices."...NOT TRUE! I have a 19 year old and she would be disgusted by this "normal 19 year old" behavior. Miley's behavior, sadly is so not normal. Yes, she is screaming for attention but maybe if she acted with more class and less crass she would be taken more seriously. At this point, good publicity stunt or not, she made an utter fool of herself and sadly, THAT is what people are going to be reminded of. And no, the poor thing cannot sing her way out of a paper bag. Never could!
  20. oh my gosh. we have 2 jack russells so there are many stories to tell. My younger one LOVES (i can't even begin to tell you how much she loves) to chase rocks. We board our two horses and at the barn there is a small hill that has alot of rocks on it. We will get to the barn (the two dogs come with us almost every single time) and this JRT will jump out of the car and run directly to "her hill". She will sit there for hours, not even kidding you, she will sit there for hours waiting for someone (and there is always someone who will) to throw her a rock. I am always having to say....sweetheart, i do NOT want to play rock with you now. She is known as the rock dog and get this...she will pick up bricks or realllyyy big rocks and bring them to you. My older JRT will sit there for literally an hour and lick my leg. Gross? yes. but i have the softest leg skin in town and i hardly ever have to shave!!! True story! I have to add just one more...i can't help it! So the older JRT loves shadows. We will make a shadow on the grass with the cell phone and she will dig at it. The other one (who is smaller) will stand in back of her and grab the flinging grass in her mouth. They will do this for as long as we let them and everyone who watches them pretty much pees their pants. It is so FREAKING funny to watch! I could go on as they provide endless entertainment every.single.day but i don't want to bore you guys too much!
  21. no, it's not too late for the other person to report the claim. since you hit her, let her report it. i work for a huge insurance company and our policy is, if you didn't cause the accident, and you are not hurt, then let the other person report it. And insurance adjusters are usually good at their jobs and they will be able to tell how old the damage is on the other car. Also, insurance companies are not going to pay for something they don't feel is legitimate. So, don't worry about it.
  22. well you don't want to tie a knot with a lead rope. you want to have the horse be able to get loose if he needed to.
  23. i hate to sound like a total jerk but i just noticed something in your picture. Your daughter has the lead rope laying on the ground. This could prove to be a problem. For instance, if one of our horses (thoroughbreds, so that should tell you something) stepped on that lead rope they would explode. I know there are horses that won't do anything if they step on the rope (and cadence SEEMS like that kind of horse but IDK) but many horses would step on it and it would pull on their halter and that would scare them and that would send them up in the air and that could end up having them land on your daughter or anyone else who might be around and it could also snap their leg, don't mean to sound extreme but it can happed.....just saying, just a reminder that you ALWAYS have to be careful of what is going on around a horse.
  24. "My daughter fixed Cadence's hair this morning"....i LOVE comments like this from non horsey people! Don't worry OP i'm not laughing at you...i think it's adorable. Kind of like a comment a non-horsey friend of mine made when she saw the fly masks on our horses...."why are they wearing a bug bonnet?" BUG BONNET?! what the heck is a bug bonnet!
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