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Everything posted by bodiesmom

  1. I hadn't realized that a good portion of the symptoms I listed were vision related. This is definitely very eye-opening! I'm so incredibly grateful for the time you (all) have taken to explain the process to me and to offer encouragement. Slache- thank you for sharing your experience with your kiddos. It does seem so easy to compare them without realizing it. We just all want the best for them- don't we! OhElizabeth- thank you thank you! for the breakdown of info for the COVD/OT. You make a good point regarding seeing the COVD first-definitely something to seriously consider because yeah....we are hitting the midpoint of what you quoted for NP. I'm.starting.to.FREAK OUT! ;-). In a good way of course. I'm fighting this creeping sense of being overwhelmed but I know the info and support from everyone will get me through this just as it has for all of you moms/dads who have gone and continue to go before/alongside me. I've started researching more of this forum and am finding a wealth of knowledge. It's hard to explain, but I almost felt like I needed "permission" to mine this forum for info/help. Based on the responses to this thread, I'm confident that there is definitely a concern that needs to be evaluated...and for this I am VERY grateful! Has anyone had success in having ANY of this at least partially covered by insurance? From what I understand VT is definitely not covered, but what about everything else?
  2. Merry gardens- thank you for your insight. I hear you on the cost of these evaluations. We are paying 100% out of pocket and it is one of the reasons I have waited so long to really "make sure" there was a valid concern. My word, I can't beleive how expensive an eval is by a NP! I'm sure it will be worth it though. OhElizabeth- thank you too for your insight and also for the extra nudge towards getting her vision checked. I'm going to make an appointment tomorrow. Do I need to ask for specific tests when making the appointment, or is it assumed that those tests will be done? I have no idea where to begin with an OT eval. I'll start researching and looking for recs. Pen- thank you for chiming in! Perhaps I'm not going crazy after all!
  3. Thank you merry gardens. ;-) Regarding the other evaluations, are these something the NP would recommend if needed, or is it something I should go ahead and have done regardless of the NP's findings? In other words, if the NP doesn't mention the need for an evaluation by a COVD or OT, is it to be assumed that they aren't necessary? Or would having them done before/or in conjunction with the NP just add more pieces to the puzzle? Am I making any sense? ;-)
  4. OneStepAtATime- grabbing that book as we speak. Thank you- And thank you for the hugs and encouragement. I'm not one to second guess myself, but with this particular situation....sigh.
  5. Aha! Just got the rest of your post. I now understand the 2e. To clarify, only my oldest has tested 2e. My youngest has not. In my opinion,I think he is just your regular kiddo. :-) Off to do research- thank you for the nudge.
  6. Wapiti- good point. I've been wondering if I should schedule an additional exam for her eyes. I've always assumed her regular eye doc would catch anything that needed to be caught. I'll make arrangements with a developmental optometrist. Thank you!
  7. I'm not sure exactly what Im asking for...maybe some encouragement? Perhaps someone can tell me I'm not going crazy? Or tell me that I am? I have had concerns over my dd11 since she entered school (ps through 1st grade, hs ever since). After our first year of homeschooling I had her tested through the ps. Though she tested in the lower range, she was deemed to not have any kind of learning disability. Fast forward to now and I still have these concerns. I made an appointment with a NP that two friends of mine have recommended. However, upon sharing my list of concerns with a friend (who happens to be a teacher), it was insinuated that I was comparing my dd11 to my ds13 ("gifted"- not familiar with the correct terms to use on this forum) and my ds 8 (school comes easy for this kiddo). If your child exhibited these behaviors, would you have them tested? (Please forgive me if this is against the rules...I'll delete if it isn't appropriate to list here) -difficulty with handwriting-physically painful at times, avoids cursive writing thugh she knows how -omits/adds letters to writing - very poor spelling- -incorrect usage of upper/lower case letters -letters not on line-they seem to float -slow reader- is improving slightly in this area over the years -complains of headaches, dizziness, and sometimes stomach aches while reading (she currently wears glasses) -difficulty with memorization -says words aloud while writing -reading shows repetitions, additions, substitutions, and omission of words (all.the.time) -easily distracted (I utilize headphones and classical music to help her focus- music seems to work) -limited vocabulary -mispronounces words, uses wrong word frequently in communication -difficulty coloring/cutting (I'd venture to say her fine motor skills seem to resemble that of a kindergarten/1st grade level) -sensitive to loud noises and repetitive noises (the classical music mentioned earlier can't be too loud) -sensitive to touch- very particular about the fabric she wears (headphones are rarely used to help her focus as they don't feel "right" on her There are more but these are the ones I have come up with thus far. A far as grade level, she is at a 3rd grade reading, 5th grade math, 2, maybe 3rd for spelling... WWYD? Thank you in advance for even making it this far. I'm frustrated and realize this post lacks clarity and cohesiveness. :-(
  8. 7a is here!! Wa-hoooooo!!! http://www.mathmammoth.com/complete/grade_7.php
  9. My family passed around a stomach virus for five.weeks.straight. at the beginning of summer. It was the weirdest stomach virus because we could go several days with absolutely no symptoms, and then bam....the next victim came along. Unfortunately we infected some friends during those few days of what we thought were a reprieve. :-( I'm so sorry OP. No advice but lots of hugs. :-(
  10. We have been exposed to the chickenpox via a kiddo who was vaccinated, but currently has a mild case of it. My dc ages 8, 10, and 12 have not had it yet and are not vaccinated against it. 1- knowing we have been exposed, is there anything I can do to boost their immune system to help their bodies through it, other than what is normally done? 2- are my kiddos considered contagious even though the incubation period has just begun? In other words, do we need to avoid church, outings, grocery shopping, etc. for the next two weeks of the incubation period? 3-I had chickenpox when I was young. According to my MIL, my DH has not had chickenpox. However, she also claims that she hasn't had it either but was diagnosed with shingles a few years ago. ???? My Dh is attempting to call his doctor to have his titers tested... Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. :-)
  11. We've had good luck with the ones sold at Target. :-).
  12. This is such a timely post for me! Dh and I are heading up there this weekend to scout out the area for a soon-to-be relocation. ;-) Thank you everyone for your input!
  13. You are spot on SparklyUnicorn- it is indeed very individual (which I love!). ;-)
  14. Just echoing the Big Sur, Monterey, Santa Cruz areas. I realize you wouldn't be camping per se, but we have no qualms about taking the time (7+ hour drive one way) and gas money to go camping in those areas. Gorgeous. We just returned from Big Sur (shameless brag....sorry) and I'm already itching to go back.
  15. I clearly remember those days...prayers and hugs for you. :-(
  16. I'm so sorry Rivka- :-( We are currently going through a painful breakdown in our church...tough times.
  17. The Hive rocks- seriously-you are all sooo amazing. You would think all of this would be obvious to me,but I'm taking notes! Great points are being made! Sadie- ((hugs)) for the tight market where you are.
  18. Oh my word y'all are making this difficult! In a VERY good way of course. ;-) Clearly I need to continue praying about this! Lol! I want it all...mature landscaping, fantastic neighbors, a home with lots of character (updated to the nines of course-j/k), land, privacy, and walking/not-so-long distance to ameninities. Sigh....back to reality...ha!
  19. Crimson Wife- thank you. Off to google. See...I'm new and ignorant to all of this moving stuff. ;-)
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