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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I hate the work that goes into having a yard sale. We'll be having one in a few weeks. We try to have one every Sept/Oct to make money for our fall Disney vacation. I get excited when people pull up to the house because I'm hoping they will buy something....or everything LOL! However, I do make DH deal with them. I just sit back and watch.
  2. I haven't read anyone's responses.....but I'm a stay at home mom who homeschools. I do not run a business or have a job (well, you know what I mean LOL). And I do not think I could live without my iPhone! I've had it since March and the thing has become a permanat attachment to me. I keep birthdays and reminders in an app. I use it for my alarm clock in the morning, my glowing bedside clock at night. I play games on it when I'm waiting somewhere, my kids play games on it when we are waiting somewhere. I keep notes in it such as funny things my kids say, Christmas and birthday lists for different people, etc. I keep my grocery list on it and use it at the store to check off the items I get. I use the camera on it if I forget my main camera at home. I use the calendar all the time. I use the internet any time I'm out of the house and need to look something up, buy something, any time that I'm waiting and get bored, etc. I use the weather channel app whenever I see a dark cloud rolling in, so that I'll know if we're getting a bad storm or not. If I hear a great song on the radio and do not know the name, I use my Shazam app to "listen" to a few seconds of the song and then tell me the name of it as well as the singer. I use it to text my family and keep in touch with them. Sometimes I download books to the Kindle app to read on the go....that way I never have to remember to grab a book too.\ I check my facebook and my email when I'm away from the computer. I use the timer to let my kids know how much time they have to do something. Such as "I'm going to read for 15 more minutes, when the buzzer goes off, we are finished." Or I use it for a cooking timer as well. I use the flashlight app for stumbling around in the dark after I put the kids to bed. I have a few kids TV shows downloaded to it for long waits at various places. I use the Travel app for my packing lists when we are going camping or on vacation. I listen to music on it. I use the calculator sometimes. I use the photo album to show off family photos. No more wallet sized photos needed! I use the GPS all the time when I do not know exactly where a desintation is at. This is especailly useful when we were looking to buy a home a few months ago and I wanted to ride by a particular house that I found on the internet for sale. I have a Bible app on it and read that during my devotions. Oh yeah, I also use it as an actual phone as well LOL! So yeah.....it gets a TON of use from me.
  3. That sounds REALLY fishy to me. I wouldn't let them near my house with a ten foot pole. I would look up the number to the cable company directly, ask to speak to someone with authority, and explain the whole situation and that these people are using the cable company's name and trying to enter your home. See what the powers that be say about it. If it still sounds fishy after speaking with the cable company, I'd call the non-emergency number to the police department and explain it to someone there. And if you see the vehicle again, I'd get the tag number.
  4. I consider chili pretty much a meal in itself. Like others mentioned, I would just do salad and garlic bread (I do not like cornbread) along with a dessert.
  5. This is crazy! I'm going to talk to someone at our library. 25 books per household is ridiculous. It seems like everywhere else is waaay more.
  6. I think there's quite a few homeschoolers on the DIS boards. There's an ongoing post in the Disney For Families section....I never post on it though. I usually hang out on the Parks board, the Family board, or the Camping board. I've never been on a Disney cruise. I would love to though! Except for the slight fact that I get motion sickness easily and I am TERRIFIED I would get out and sea and end up puking and nauseous for the entire trip. I know I can take meds and patches and stuff like that....but I'm such a worrier that I think I could make myself sick just by thinking about it LOL.
  7. We would soooo be fast friends LOL! We could plan our trips to Disney, freak out about our hypochondriac ways, and shoot each other with Nerf guns LOL! All the while trying to homeschool our children. It would be a blast!
  8. Gosh, we seem to be on the low end. I thought our library used to be where it was like 25 books per card, but now it is 25 per household. Wonder if they would make exceptions for homeschoolers? Although, I'm quite sure the library hates me right about now LOL. I've paid for three books in the last 6 months that my 2 year old either ripped, destroyed, or lost LOL. But I DID pay for them LOL. I didn't see that post LOL! I'm off to hunt it down now!
  9. We can only check out 25. I thought that was a bit low, considering we read about 4-8 books per day. I guess we'll just go weekly and re-read some of them towards the end.
  10. We did go through a phase where we let her listen to music to fall asleep. Maybe I should try that again. Or books on tape, like you mentioned. I just wonder whether listening to a story would actually help her fall asleep, or just give her more incentive to stay awake so she could hear all of the story LOL.
  11. I. Am. Going. Crazy. My DD is 5 years old. We didn't have an official "bedtime" for her until she was a late 4 year old. I began trying to establish a routine for her because I needed some Mommy Time in the evenings and I knew she would need to get up in the mornings at a decent time to do kindergarten. But mostly because I wanted Mommy Time in the evenings LOL. So we've been doing this bedtime routine for about 5 months now. I hate, abhor, detest bedtime around here. At 8 o'clock we start getting ready for bed. Jammies on, chores done, bathroom, water, etc. As soon as I say the word "bedtime" around 8 o'clock, the horror begins. First it is the excuses.... I'm hungry! I don't want to go to bed! I'm playing with Sailor (her younger sister)! We just started playing! I never get to play with Sailor! (Ugh, you are with her ALLLL day long!) I'm not tired! I'm thirsty! I dooooon't waaaaant tooooo goooo toooo beeeeed! Groooooaaaaan, cry, grooooaaaaan some more. Why do I have to go to bed? When I grow up, I'm never going to make my kids go to bed! Yes, I have heard it ALL. I've tried letting her know ahead of time that bedtime is coming. Such as "You have 10 minutes before it is time to clean up and get ready for bed." Doesn't work. She still groans, complains, whines, and cries. Then, we actually get to the routine part after chores, bathroom, jammies, and water. Usually, the routine is a disaster. We've tried doing this several different ways. I've tried reading her a Bible story, praying with her, and leaving. Then, I was tired of dealing with the main part of it, so DH began getting her into bed, reading her a Bible story, and praying with her. Then I would come in for 5 minutes of snuggle time. I set the timer for 5 minutes or else she would try and keep me in there for much longer. Well, when the timer goes off after 5 minutes, the crying and whining and complaining begins again. So we end up leaving the room with a child who is crying and whining. Every. Single. Night. And then, it is not over yet. Sometimes she screams at the top of her lungs. Sometimes we'll hear her back there just mumbling to herself and complaining. Sometimes we'll hear her crying. She will call my name no less than 10 times. This REALLY ticks me off because she's cutting into my precious Mommy Time. And our house is not huge, so there's really no way to "escape" her cries and calls. Sometimes she gets out of bed and comes into the living room. Every time she gets up or calls to us, it is something unimportant. She tells me something she saw on a TV show that day, or she tells me something that she wants to do tomorrow. She's always thinking up something. We've tried several reward systems for staying in bed and not making any noise. They worked for a week and then she told us she didn't want to do them anymore, she just wanted to call us and cry for us. We've tried just shutting the door to the bedroom. Then she shrieks like a banshee and I swear the neighbors are going to call the cops because they are going to think we are torturing her or something. We already let her sleep with the light on so she is not afraid. I am at the freaking end of my rope. I dread bedtime every single night. Is there anything that anyone does that works? I will pretty much try anything!!! And the thing is.....she will NOT go to sleep. She will just lie there and lie there and lie there. Finally, after an hour she usually does grow quiet....but she is just lying there. She will lie in bed for over two hours. However, if I came to bed in there, she would fall immediately asleep. UGGGHHH! Bedtime troubles have got to be the single most frustrating thing ever.
  12. I always feel like the odd woman out. I do not care about fashion, manicures (never had one), finding cute clothes, cooking, gardening, sewing, etc. I'm the definition of a tomboy. You will always find me in jeans and a polo shirt. I think this is the reason I have trouble finding friends. For example, our Sunday School class is having a game night complete with Nerf wars and board games. The Sunday School teacher announced "don't worry ladies, us guys wont play Nerf wars all evening long." What the heck? That's what I'm most looking forward to LOL! Why is it assumed the ladies care nothing about Nerf wars? Aside from not being "girlie", I'm also shy and quiet around people I do not know well. So all that adds up to having trouble making friends.
  13. We go often and we just use a backpack with lots of pockets. However, we do still use a stroller since our children are still little. Actually, we use two backpacks. One stays in the bottom of the stroller and holds things like diapers, wipes, change of clothes for the kids, snacks, etc. It stays there even when we go on rides. The other backpack holds my camera and lenses, wallet, tickets, etc....anything of value. That backpack comes with us on the rides. This way, we just grab the "valuable" backpack and get in line.
  14. We got a puppy at the beginning of this year. DD5 years old was begging for one. We found one that met our criteria and got him. The novelty wore off extremely quickly. Like in a week or two. Long story short, we ended up giving him to my sister who adores dogs....we were having training issues with him because I just did not have the time to devote to a puppy right now. He's much happier with her.
  15. Ugh, I'm a night owl too. I would love to stay up till 1 and 2 AM (and I did until a few weeks ago). But I NEED to get up early, before the kids, in order to do my exercises. If I wait until they get up, it is impossible to exercise. So I've been trying to go to bed by 10:45 or 11 each night. I hate it! I get up at 6 or 6:30 AM and I feel like I've been hit by a truck! I've been doing this for a few weeks now and I'm still hating it.
  16. I've attempted it.....but my kid is waaaay too picky and sees through the cute packaging LOL
  17. Wow, from the sound of how they were operating, I'm surprised they didn't quarantine you. :D I've never heard of them handling patients like that....at least not yet anyways. I hope you get to feeling better quickly!
  18. I keep my camcorder and camera as seperate things. A camcorder that has a built in still camera can not take as nice of photos as a stand alone camera. I'm a photographer so I only want the best quality for my photos.
  19. I found a large lump in my breast (probably about an inch long) one time a few months after I had my first DD. It was hard to the touch, but not painful. I called my doctor and they wanted me to come in and have it checked. Turns out, they had no idea what it was even after an examination and wanted to me to go for an ultrasound the next day. So I made the appointment while driving home. Once at home, I was examining the area. It was towards the base of my breast. Then I noticed a tiny white dot on my nipple. I gently scraped it off and liquid began spurting out. Not milk, but clear liquid with a whitish tinge to it. It was a lot of liquid that was draining....and when it was finished, the lump was gone. I was seriously standing there in shock. I called the ultrasound place and cancelled my appointment. Then I called the doctor back and told them what had happened. They said it sounded like milk had gotten clogged up in there (however, what drained out was not purely white). They told me that usually comes along with pain. It was the strangest thing. And from then on, I had plugged ducts occasionally in that breast. I dont know it this may be what is happening to you, but I just thought I'd let you know my story. Maybe you can check and see if there are any white specks on your nipple.
  20. I think that plastic surgery is okay for people who really NEED it. Those who have had an injury that deformed them, someone born with some sort of deformity, someone burned, someone needing it done for something that is hurting them (such as a breast reduction, etc). But for purely vain reasons, I do not agree with it. I have VERY small breasts....but God gave me those very small breasts and I'm going to wear them with pride. They nursed my children, that's all that matters.
  21. There's nothing better than cuddling with my sleeping children. We co-sleep. I have our 5 year old and 2 year old still sleeping with us. We're about to change bedrooms though, which will require a smaller bed....so I'm a little stumped about what to do. I'm wondering if we can fit a full size bed in our room along with us. Then DD5 can sleep on that and DD2 can still sleep with us.
  22. Right now I stick them into individual plastic baggies and label them with the child's name, date the tooth was lost, and what position the tooth was in their mouth. However, we only have two teeth lost right now since my oldest is only 5. So we'll see how long I keep it up LOL.
  23. First I find out you are in the disboards like I am, and now I find out you are a hypochondriac like I am LOL! I am SUCH a worrier about my health. And it puts a lot of unnecessary stress in my life. I'm always worried about cancer, my heart, a brain tumor, etc. I wish that I was not like this. I pray about it often but it is something that I just cannot seem to let go of. I'm currently going through some things where I just feel bad all the time. I'm achy, I'm dizzy at times....I've had these symptoms before and went to the doctor, but they found nothing. So now they are back and I may end up going to the doctor sometime this week and ask them to check my blood. But it is driving me crazy with worry. I often wonder if it is my thyroid, or hormonal (I'm still nursing my two year old) because my periods have been different/strange. But....you are not alone in your stress! I have to live with it as well and haven't really found anything to do about it. I'm not at the point where I'm willing to go on meds or anything. I'm too hesitant of drugs.
  24. My screen name is the same over there. Do you have the same name as well?
  25. I go to several different sites throughout the day.... Facebook a private mommy group I've been a member of for about 5 years ilovephotography.com (professional photographers) disboards (Disney) sweetshoppedesigns forum (digital scrapbooking)
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