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The Bobby Soxer

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Everything posted by The Bobby Soxer

  1. Guess what was in my mailbox today? :D The gold level of KM. So, no, I have not used it yet. This is just a long winded bump! :tongue_smilie: Just flipping through it seems to move fast but logical. Here is a sample----> Page 3, problem 41... Oscar has 3 green balloons and 3 red balloons. How many balloons does he have in all? By page 23 problems are... 1.) 2+2= 5.) 20+20= 30.) 43-21= 39.) 90-80= 48.) 40-2-8= By page 42 you are learning how multiplication and division are related. 7x7=49 is related to 49 divided by 7=7
  2. :grouphug: It's so hard on so many levels! :grouphug:
  3. :grouphug: Hugs to you! It sounds like you have been plugging away and doing a great job catching up! It's hard, isn't it. Wish I had a great suggestion for you but I have a question instead. :001_smile: What test did you use to find your son's learning style? Thanks! One thing that has worked for us (an idea from Carol Barnier's book) is to have quiet/mindless objects available to fiddle with during a lesson. Like a Lego mini-figure that matches the history lesson or something as simple as silly putty to add a kinesthetic element. A friend of mine even lets her boys wad up their math problems (they do them on scrap paper) and shoot each one into a hoop. Not every day, but it helps on "those" days to get through the things that are near impossible to get through.
  4. Thanks for your interest! :) Barton has 10 levels. We are working our way through Level 7 which teaches vowel R syllables. We plan to tackle 8- Advanced Vowel Teams, 9- Foreign Language Influences and 10- Greek and Latin Roots. But that will be over the next year or two depending on the difficulty of each level. It’s so hard to explain how I feel. It’s not exactly that things have NOT been working but it’s really not noticeable that they ARE working. Sounds crazy, huh?!?!? I’m having trouble seeing the forest through the trees. Is Barton great? Yes! But reading is a constant challenge. Each. Word. Is. A. Hurdle. To. Be. Jumped. Barton takes a lot of energy for my ds to get done each day. We also do biofeedback. It would be nice to make some gains, especially in other areas, over the summer that are not so draining.
  5. Do a search on the Special Needs board using the tag words "working memory" and that thread should pop up. Sorry, I don't know how to add a direct link. This is what I ordered http://www.achievepublications.com/a...ialmemory.html It is a basic list of numbers and words but I was glad to have the score sheets and instructions. I thought it was worth it, others did not. Good luck on your search! :grouphug:
  6. Thanks everyone, for the hugs and suggestions! I needed them! And a big hug back to all of you who are walking this same road! :grouphug:
  7. -12 years old -Dyslexia -Dyscalculia -Dysgraphia -ADHD Inattentive type -Reading and Reading Comprehension LD Strengths - perceptual reasoning visual learner Non Strength- expressive language auditory learning Thanks for asking. :)
  8. Do you ever feel like you are spinning your wheels but the scenery isn’t changing? I’m at a standstill and was wondering if there is anyone on this board (or a site you could direct me to) that would look at my son’s testing scores and give recommendations. Yes, the original psychologist did give suggestions like “Use of a diction program (like Dragon Naturally Speaking)†and “a scribe for all assignments†but that’s not what I mean. I want ideas like Barton (which we have done for 3 years and are working on Level 7) or Seeing Stars or board games to target his weaknesses and strengths. I have read and researched but it’s hard for me to interpret the test. I know there are no easy fixes but it would be nice to experience a small breakthrough. Thanks! :grouphug:
  9. THANK YOU!!!! This has been a huge blessing to our family! We ordered 1-7 and the Christmas episode. My 12 year old laughs till his sides hurt! Too funny! :) And he is learning a lot... ya can't argue with that. Is it perfect? No. But what is?
  10. :iagree: Great job on the room and the kids! ;)
  11. You had me at "huge gains!" :D Congrats, to you and your son! :grouphug: Off to order :auto: Thanks!
  12. Voted for SOTW! Not one person has voted for Drive thru History. :001_huh: It's not a full program but we really like it!
  13. BTDT! Finding out that I am dyslexic as an adult was quite a shocker! My emotions ranged from relief to anger and everything in between. Hugs to you as you sort it all out! :grouphug: But in the mean time, YOU are more than qualified to teach! You will have a level of grace and understanding that can not be learned or taught without having walked in dyslexic shoes! Or as we like to say in our house… going through life in Elvis’s jeans! (Which refers to my son asking why his Levi jeans have a tag on them that says Elvis? And then me saying, that's weird, why do they say that? And both of us are like :confused: and then :001_huh: and then :lol: ) Your understanding and acceptance of yourself will be one of the best lessons your children will learn. :grouphug:
  14. The cards are available for free on the Barton website. They are located in the tutor support area. And as for the jingle part, you can do it! My son started his Barton journey with an awesome tutor and she set the rules to a rap song. It was too funny! He will NEVER forget how to split those vowels.
  15. :iagree: Contact Susan Barton. The flash cards with pictures have been a HUGE help to my ds. :grouphug:
  16. :iagree: Overcoming Dyslexia is not one of my favorite books on the subject. It seemed to lack hope as well, and hope is what I have needed and will continue to need to navigate through this maze called dyslexia.
  17. When people ask for money for gas or oil or any car issue I always tell them I am a AAA member and I would be happy to call and wait with them while an AAA agent comes to help. You should see the faces and crazy reasons why they don't want my help, even after I explain the bill will come to me.
  18. We did a mix of things but the information that stuck (and is still recalled years later) was from FIAR. My son said he felt sorry for the kids in his gym group that didn't use FIAR. :D We went on to use all 4 levels.
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