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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. We have done this more than once for a month...sometimes 2. It sucks, but we made it through and you all will too! :)
  2. Oh wow...that is super neato! Thanks for sharing the link. :)
  3. We have actually been "storing" and "stocking up" for the last year or so. Our goal is to ALWAYS have at least a year's supply of canned goods/meats in the freezer, etc. We do this to prepare, in general, for anything that could happen (i.e. dh loses his job, etc. or even things like war or pandemic disease spread). I am not sure I would run out and do anything different right now just because of the flu...but I think it is a good idea, in general, to have enough food to last awhile and be overall prepared for any hard times that could come. :) We also grow our own veggies in the summer and can/freeze accordingly.
  4. Zaner Bloser was the one i had been leaning toward. Now I really like the looks of New American Cursive and Cursive first too! LOL
  5. I have been totally blown away by CLE. We are using Math, Language Arts, and Bible on two different levels and it is just working beautifully and is SO EASY to teach. What a blessing it has been. My older ds and I have also really enjoyed CHOW this year. :)
  6. Sure. :) ds5's area (and view as you walk in) Middle of the room. ds9 uses the big table. This room also serves as my office/computer room. Opposite side with my closet and bookshelf and ds9's map/timeline area.
  7. That brought tears to my eyes. That is NOT just representative of the common teenaged struggle. There are many times in my life I have strayed from Christ..even as an adult - maybe not through drugs or alcohol, but I have just the same. I also see the struggle as a personal one - Christ will not come rescue you and take away everything that is bad - because we go through these trials. Christ wants US to choose HIM. Once she started fighting to come to him, he reached out for her and protected her. Christ's love won't keep the demons and the trials from coming, but it will surround you in the storm as long as you always reach for HIM. Very moving. Thank you for posting.
  8. I know I am going to get a ton of opinions here, but I want them! My almost 6 year old is really wanting to learn cursive like his big brother. Each night, he gets out a cursive board we have and starts "practicing." I figure that, this summer when we aren't doing full school, I can take some time to let him learn cursive. :) Now, the question is...what do I use? We have been using Pentime (which I really love) but I am not thrilled with all of the "curly things" they stick on the letters. The way I write is really a blend of cursive and manuscript, but I prefer to keep my beginning capitals simple - no fancy curls. That said, I want a program that does not have a lot of curly things on the letters, I want Q to look like a Q and not a 2. I don't mind the cursive G. And my son is a very workbook-y type kid, so he likes to have the little book to work from rather than sheets I print out at home. I guess it feels more "official" to him. :lol: Anyone care to share a recommendation for me?
  9. I let my 9 year old write his copywork just from the dotted middle line to the bottom line and we ignore the top half of the big lines. He has been writing well for sometime and this does not confuse or bother him (and it saves me the extra effort).
  10. My first year with both kids at home, I sure felt like one. LOL But hopefully I have found what works and can stick with it better this year!
  11. I actually do tend to let my older do things even if the younger is sick...because never, in the history of their lives has younger ds given ANYTHING to older ds. Older ds has had 2 illnesses in the last 6 years. When he was 4, he had a horrible flu. When he was 8, he got a sinus infection. The end. Younger ds will run a fever sometimes just because he feels like it. It is totally weird (never 106. Holy crap!) but up to 104 at times, and then it goes away. Those times, it has never been anything more than a virus (usually a throat infection, but never strep). Now, if I had to cart sick ds2 out in order to take ds1 around to wherever, then no. I would keep them both home. But, just to let ds1 walk to a neighbors to play...sure.
  12. BEST: Hands down Heart of Dakota has the best shipping EVER. It is followed closely by CLE, Rainbow Resource, and Amazon. I haven't had any bad experiences yet...other than with used curriculum from online sellers.
  13. Maybe I am just not impressed because school closings don't have an effect on us at all (as homeschoolers with no one in ps). Personally, I think they should just shut down everything for about a week and call it good. ;) LOL
  14. I agree with a lot of this article - not because the person is a professional (heck, I am not either)...I just see a lot of "yep" in some it.
  15. Surely no one is surprised there are more and more cases popping up. Imagine if we knew about all the people who didn't care if it was swine or otherwise and aren't at the dr. being swabbed and "counted." I know my kids, dh, and I would not be.
  16. It was good, good stuff. We should all only wish to be so uninhibited in the bedroom. LOL
  17. I have a dear friend in her late 30's with two daughters (8 and 16) who found a lump in her breast a few days ago. She went to the doctor and he is concerned. They are sending her for a mammogram and ultrasound this coming week. If you would, please say a short prayer for her. She is very scared, but handling it really well.
  18. My name is Rebecca. I am a book sniffer. Must be an East TN thang...
  19. You didn't offend me. I was JEALOUS (well, not of the child and the lack of scissors...you get my point). :lol:
  20. Oh well...at least I got to read it first this time! Usually I am just left confused with deleted posts...:lol:
  21. Are you sure dh didn't misunderstand and the friend was as aghast as you and dh about this preacher? Maybe he was just wanting someone else to hear it and be as freaked out as he was. At least, I hope that is what it was. If not, OMG.
  22. Weeellll...I am thinking it may be a bit late for that. ;) Are there children involved in this sneaking act or just the adult? Rebecca (without and exploding smiley)
  23. Okay, that has me thinking of old Freud and his Oedipus complex theories...but your ds is a bit old for that. Honestly, his reaction and the oddity of it would bother me more than what he heard or saw.
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