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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. I love their Latin materials...but I received the Spanish Primer A and answer Key in the mail and was just, honestly, stumped! I was planning to sale it, but I called today and ordered the DVD instead (I had called to see if I could return it and the customer service person was SO NICE. She offered to discount the DVD for me as if I was buying the package they offer online. It saved me $14. :) Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone here has used the Spanish and what you thought of it. I did not take Spanish in school (I took French) and I am just hoping I can teach it! If you used the DVD, is most of the teaching done on there? If so, that helps me out a ton! LOL Opinions please!
  2. I hope your son is feeling better. They are now reporting that swine flu is no worse than garden variety flu...so that should not be an issue. But I am definitely in prayer for those who are immunocompromised and for your son to get well soon. :grouphug:
  3. I think it is bizarre that they are reporting the pregnant woman had underlying health issues. I *get* that she was pregnant, had developed pneumonia, and delivered a baby via c-section. That is definitely a LOT for the body to try and handle. However, one article I read cited that her "underlying conditions" were "severe obseity and gall stones." WHAT? Since when are gall stones and obesity underlying medical conditions that cause you to die from flu?
  4. I have used all three and I prefer, hands down, CLE LA. :)
  5. Partially true or not true at all...he wasn't lying about the 23month old and the pregnant lady - both fighting for their lives (and he wrote this before we even knew about it in from media exposure). Now, both of these people have died. The pregnant woman gave birth to a healthy baby, but died in the hosital May 5.
  6. Singapore is a good math program. For me, it came down to being able to effectively teach it. The HIGS are very important and I used them, but I did not like the teaching style there. I often went my own way and ended up confusing ds9. We traded in Singapore after a year in level 3 (A and B) for CLE Math and WOW...love it!
  7. Thank you for the update. Prayers for continued healing and that you keep feeling better and better. :grouphug:
  8. Also wanted to add that I am a technical writer. I actually met dh because I was working with him on a project for which I was writing the manual. I made great money and learned a whole lot about engineering and what engineers do just from being *in the way* ;)
  9. My dh is an Engineer. He did go and get his 4 year degree (a BSME), but didn't finish until he was 28. Then, he went to work for a small company and made peanuts for about 3 years. Then he went to work for GE and wowza. They trained him in Six Sigma and he is now a Six Sigma black belt. That goes a LONG way in the engineering world. He went from making peanuts to making triple digits in a matter of 5 years. :) He just kept going and learning and doing. They pay for his masters, but currently, he still has his BSME along with his Six Sigma black belt and T-plus/Lean training. Now dh is a manager over realibility and safety design engineering at a fortune 100 company. Working hard definitely makes a difference. That said, dh also has an engineer that works for him who started out in the lab as just a lab technician. This guy has a 2 year degree and has worked his way up. He has been with the company over 10 years, but they did send him for extra training (once they saw promise in him and his designs) and now he is an engineer in title and salary even though he does not have the degree dh started with. If he is interested in the field, then it can't hurt to try it on for size.
  10. You are absolutely right. I would actually not watch her child anymore if she can not be respectful enough to call when you have her child. I can not even imagine being so irresponsible and rude!
  11. This just makes me cry. The innocence of a child... :grouphug:
  12. Is this the neighbor that was terminally ill? I am so sorry for the family's loss. :( Praying for peace for them.
  13. I really wouldn't care if the kids had swine flu, Ebola, or a common cold...I still wouldn't get my kids around them knowing they would likely get sick while grandma is visiting. I think you are being smart. :)
  14. We just finished our year with CHOW today! Overall, the book is not really all that religious. In the beginning, when they speak of Greek and Roman Gods, it makes reference to "they didn't believe in the one God we believe in today." It teaches about the birth, life, and death of Christ in a very short...1 LESSON synopsis. I think it could easily be read to exclude the bit religious content.
  15. That is hard for me to answer becuse we don't really budget that way. We have a grocery fund of $400 a month. This includes things like paper towels, cat litter, shampoo, etc. However, we use a good bit of that money to "stock up" items, so it is not like every penny of that fund goes to feed us each month. A good bit goes toward meat and canned goods that we may not eat for another month or even another 3 months. We grow food in the summer in our garden (we live on a big farm) and we can/freeze for winter. That helps tremendously on the grocery bill. :) I guess you can average it out to $25 per person per week. ??
  16. I started with Workbook 1, but I do own the hardback book because it is a wealth of information and really told me where to "start." I would recommend getting the hardback book first and then placing your child based on SWBs suggestions.
  17. I have thought of her too today and said many prayers for her last night. She did mention that she would be home on Friday, so I doubt we will hear an update before then.
  18. We started WWE with my 9 year old about 2 months ago and I have seen huge marked improvements in his summary writing for Science. He is much more aware of sentence structure, periods, capital letters. Yay! And we are actually working at a "regular" pace. I think he needs to take his time and soak it in. He had a lot of issues that were just ingrained in him from Public School. :(
  19. I have decided to give New American Cursive a try. :)
  20. We have one dog (a spoiled, allergic to everything and on allergy shots, goofy Cocker Spaniel). I have had him since he was 5 weeks old. I have always had animals, so no...I don't find it hard to take him out and feed him. However, puppyhood is a totally different story! It is like having a newborn. LOL
  21. I only have boys. The 5 year old is utterly clueless as he just doesn't care. My 9 year old is cool about it. Just yesterday, I had to remind him that if the door is locked, DON'T KNOCK. Mom will just be mad. LOL
  22. My kids constantly nag me about why we can't get out of school for snow. Ummm...because there will be plenty of snow after you finish your lessons...now get to work!
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