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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. We used it and liked it quite a bit. It was designed in a very open and go manner which I loved. It also seemed to coordinate relatively well with multiple grade curriculum going at the same time. We did the jingles together etc. The writing was on the same day etc. If I didn't like the assignment easy to skip. Initially I found it confusing so look it over well when looking at samples or the actual book. I actually bought it and set it aside because it confused me. A friend mentioned she was considering it a couple of months later so I pulled it out again and discovered it was perfect. :lol:
  2. I have never read War and Peace but just started looking at what my Overdrive has available. I know I would prefer to be Kindle form because the weight will bother me. Transactions available via my Kindle library are Maude (Duke classics) and Garnett(Modern Library Classics). I found this article https://www.theguardian.com/books/2005/oct/08/classics.leonikolaevichtolstoy And this blog http://ospidillo-blog.blogspot.co.uk/2011/02/which-translation-of-war-and-peace.html I keep seeing mention of maps. I like maps (really like maps ;) ) but for maps Kindle is useless generally. I can get the Maude translation from the physical library in 3 volumes (my hands and August will be quilt intensive) which supposedly has good maps. Also could go between kindle and paper which seems like a great solution to me. Might be the best way for me to actually do this from my current perspective. Physical library also has the Pevear translation. I could try it and just buy the kindle version if my hands bother me. I suspect the Garnett edition is at the library too. There are also some abridged and what appears to be a graphic novel..... So over to my more knowledgeable friends...... VC was posting at the same time. I am happy with the Maude recommendation. Book nooks, I love the under the stairs picture.
  3. Re: War and Peace read along, I would be willing to try.
  4. One thing that always amazes me when visiting a small village is the comparatively long list of names on their war memorials. The length frequently seems impossible but true. Dh ended up having to do pretty extensive research on "our" village memorial because of another local project. Such sad stories...... I would love to participate in another of your read alongs. Just let me know when! :)
  5. Now for the currently reading...... I am still listening to The Bear and the Dragon by Tom Clancy. I "only" have 25 hours to go. I managed to renew it so hopefully I will finish in the next two weeks. The temptation to just read the book is getting pretty strong. If a different audiobook takes my fancy I probably will make the switch. I finished Paper and Fire which is the second book in a YA series called the Invisible Library. Enjoyable. The best way to describe it is Amy's dd would probably like this series but only if it's readily available. It's an interesting series and definitely YA. It ended on a cliffhanger so I am now waiting for part three! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25890355-paper-and-fire The latest Jane Yellowrock is my current book. I'm trying to beat the overdrive return date. So far I am really enjoying this one. I have finished spelling Emerald. E......Echo Burning by Lee Child M......Music in the Hills by DE Stevenson E......The Seduction of Elliot McBride by Jennifer Ashley R......Running Blind by Lee Child A......Undercover Amish by Ashley Emma L......The Safest Lies by Megan Miranda D......Pushing Up Daisies by MC Beaton I plan to attempt to read my other Emerald book, The Hot Rock, as soon as I finish Cold Reign.
  6. So Razor's Edge...... Sophie is so tragic. At one point Larry was talking about how much he had enjoyed talking with the teenage Sophie and made a comment that perhaps she was the only person he could ever marry. I think he found her personality to be as 'searching for something indescribable' as his own. All their discussions in gardens about her writing. The difference between them is she found the contentment she was searching for and tragically lost it. I don't think their marriage ever would have worked but do think his gentleness towards Sophie is what brought out Isabel's dislike and cruelty towards her. Obviously I disliked Isabel. I found Larry curing Grey to be interesting. Grey was a bit of the ultimate nice guy who for some reason loved Isabel. Larry....I am back to the ptsd diagnosis. Although I tend to think he was traumatized by the loss of a family at a young age which was compounded by his war experience. He certainly had an inability to connect with people on a long term basis. Overall a good guy who was doing his best. While I liked Elliot his last words were so meaningless. Worrying about his fake party invitation. For a moment I thought he knew it was not a real invite but as I ponder it I think he truly cared about a silly invitation from someone he didn't particularly like. I enjoyed The Razor's Edge and have really enjoyed the read along. Thanks to both Jane and Stacia for making this happen! I do need to say I found the ending disappointing. It just sort ended with everyone losing touch. Perhaps it was one of the most realistic endings ever. Elliot was what held them together.
  7. As you probably already figured out we just arrived home from our BaW adventures. Probably best summarized as .....and a lovely time was had by all. Amy is very lucky my dd didn't smuggle her John home with us. What a cutie! And yes a political alliance was formed. Stay tuned for future meet ups! I'm just sorry things couldn't work out for all three of the BaWer's to meet at once. It was so hot in Scotland. Not something one hears often. Dh convinced us to travel in shorts yesterday and we never changed into our other clothes. The forecast I looked at said mid 60's in Stirling, so wrong! We drove home over the North Yorkshire moors with a massive lighting storm that finished off with hail. Very atmospheric and definitely made me think of my fluffy historicals. Last night around 3am I finished Razor's Edge while my family made sleeping noises all around me. I was boiling while they slept peacefully.....this morning I discovered that the fan definitely wasn't pointed in my direction. Grrr I didn't get much other reading done because the scenery great was on the drive.
  8. I never actually taught the course but prepared for it twice so looked at both exams. I originally bought a very old used Gardner's and we really liked it. Made it part way through before we discovered we would not be able to find a test location that year. That was the old exam's last year. She ended up doing the Clep Humanities. When the new exam came out dd was super busy but probably had a test location so I researched just in case she found time to do it. It was one of our original goals so I tried to save it. I looked at the approved syllabus selection on CB and picked the one that I thought would work best for us so I would have a framework. It used a different text. Used book again but I really liked this book. I just gave my art history books away a week ago and cannot remember what it was. Fairly sure Gardner's is still an option. I still feel bad we didn't do this exam. The new picture sets are all out there. Easy to access. I believe either quizlet or memrise had some easy to use study sets.
  9. :grouphug: Rose, I know how much you miss your girls. Safe travels on your way home. During the night I finished my latest in the Jack Reacher series by Lee Childs and thought Echo Burning wasn't quite as good as the others so far. It was just a bit off. I can't point to anything but the story was one where "seriously" kept popping into my head. This series is based on an unreal almost super hero so they aren't especially believable but normally the dots all connect well enough to make me believe for the story. I have already checked the next one out so it hasn't really put me off......:lol: This is more of a don't start reading the series with this particular book warning I guess.
  10. :grouphug: I am so sorry for your loss. Scoutermom :grouphug:
  11. I just found some useful lists for challenges......Titles that start with...... on Goodreads. https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/17759.Titles_that_start_with_X_Y_or_Z
  12. I just finished reading my book of Murakami short stories for Bingo. Men Without Woman contained a couple of great stories, some OK ones, and a couple of ones that were a bit so what's the point. Probably my least favourite Murakami but short stories just are not my thing. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33652490-men-without-women
  13. Yes a cat on the cover is a good thing! :lol: Thanks, I did download it because I am not at all sure about my current Emerald book, which is number 4. Maybe a cat on the cover would help, seriously. I have given up on many books this month..... So far I have managed to spell and read a related book each month. I really want to finish the challenge. One more book (Lee Childs so I should like it) and I will have Emerald spelled so I just need my gemstone book.
  14. Congratulations CandenceSophia! Butter, I hope both you and your dd feel better soon! I spent this morning tending my highly neglected garden. It's gorgeous out after many dull rainy days. Dh took me out for a walk in one of the local National Trust gardens this afternoon. Not much reading happened. I am close to finished with my DE Stevenson book. Music in the Hills has been a perfect book for my current a few pages here and there stlye. ;)
  15. Make sure you look at the sample syllabus on the college board. They are already approved. http://www.collegeboard.com/html/apcourseaudit/courses/art_history.html
  16. Regarding The Razor's Edge rather quickly, I'm supposed to be cooking! I now like Elliot and feel like he truly is a good guy. I also enjoyed his shopping expedition! I like the fact that he is helping Isobel and Grey by essentially giving them his Paris lifestyle including his apartment. He even found the girls a school that he felt was appropriate. I'm not sure that I like Isobel always although she really hasn't done anything wrong. I feel terrible for Grey but admire that he still is trying. Larry is troubled. I adored what he did for Suzanne but than he turns and does something super selfish. Not sure what I think of him. My stove is calling.....
  17. I know I struggle with some of the readers. I find it hardest when it's a book or series that I am somehow familiar with and the reader does not sound like they should in my opinion. Also it can be irritating when the reader does voices, Elizabeth Peter's books became very hard to listen to when the son started talking. Drove me nuts! I love the series but ......
  18. We had a lovely day with a large group of friends from our early days of living in England. Dh has seen many of them through his work but I haven't. The gathering took place a couple of hours away so I was able to catch up on my reading for The Razor's Edge. I am really enjoying it. I am also reading my Murakami very slowly, one story at a time. I read one of those this afternoon also. One of the friend's is hosting a Japanese student so I spent part of my afternoon having English practiced upon me. I think my not overly British accent was seen as a challenge! :lol: Murakami feels appropriate today..... All my books are finally checked out to finish my Emerald challenge. I need to start reading but am not feeling overly motivated. I have the next Lee Child's thriller in my series read which just happens to start with an E and D.E. Stevenson's Music in the Hills.
  19. Dd loves Jaffa cakes so I am sure our girls would like each other. Tonight's plans for our Tower meeting include her and her bf eating a package of them. ;) Kareni, yes they are chocolate and orange. As hard as it is to believe I don't actually like them. I finished the latest CS Harris. As others have said it was good with more of a continuing story line than normal if that's possible. I can't wait for the next one!
  20. :grouphug: I hope today's appointment went well.
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