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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Eliana, So glad to see you back!!! You have been missed greatly and thought of frequently!
  2. About a year ago someone here (Nan or Ethel maybe?) Wrote about how much they loved Charlotte MacLeod. At the time I didn't have easy access to her books and really thought I must have read them when they were being written. I spent a great deal of time reading mysteries before kids and went to 4 different library systems for my books back then. It didn't seem possible that I could have missed them, I quietly figured they must not have made an impression on me! ;) :lol: My Overdrive library recently added most if not all of her books. I dutifully picked a series and added myself to the holds list for the first book in the series. I just started reading Family Vault https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17976079-the-family-vault and there is no way I read and forgot this book or series. It's wonderful! I want to abandon my quilts and read all day but I can't. It's finally cool enough to work on the larger one because I have to be under part of it while I work. But tonight I plan to finish my book....also plan to read every time I get a chance today! I finished the Cat Who Sniffed Glue. Loved that one too but I remember reading that one the first time! Heather, Congratulations on a 100 books this year!
  3. I can't figure out how????? One odd thing was all were in her right eye with no extras in the left. I wonder if she had some sort of nerve damage that would explain it?
  4. This is probably no help but I read it in March of 2014. I know I read it because of someone here reading it and liking it. I know exactly what you mean about reading something very familiar......even worse not being able to locate a series that you vaguely remember reading one or two of. I worry it might have been on telly so being very quiet. We recently rewatched Logan's Run and Planet of the Apes. The dubbed Godzilla movies were great fun. As Jenn said the Sci Fi from the 50's is fun, Amazon Prime had some at one point. We recently were able to see many of the Dr. Who costumes and props from way back. Dr. Who started in 1963 and we have seen most of what we could buy on video and dvd. They lost many episodes. :( it was fun matching the costume to the episode but possibly a bit geeky that we were pretty good at it!
  5. I just discovered one of my favourite paranormal authors also writes horror under a different pen name. Seanan McGuire is Mira Grant https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3153776.Mira_Grant. The only reason that this matters to me is I finished Down Among the Sticks and Bones which was an odd experience compared to what I was expecting. I kept stumbling in my mind with describing it as Gothic which did not fit. Some on Goodreads have it on their horror shelf which is probably a bit much but it sort of is a bit more than anticipated.....it was a good read ;) but ramped up significantly from the first in the series I thought. Did enjoy it but we will see how much sleep I get. Imohttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31450908-down-among-the-sticks-and-bones For our newer members Whitby is a place BaW has had a few conversations about in the past thanks to Dracula and Steampunk so this actually goes with some old conversations but everyone might enjoy viewing ;) I live about 2 hours away....no direct route essentially but in the summer it tends to be close to places we go. We drove through Whitby unexpectedly today on our way home from fossil hunting. When we stopped at a stoplight I saw this, a Gothic B and B, https://www.yelp.co.uk/biz_photos/bats-and-broomsticks-whitby and begged for a camera. No one had one :( accessible and my wise children told me to find the website since I wanted to post a picture here. Lots of pictures beyond what I saw. I just saw the sign and the Dracula mannequin out front. I don't think I could handle this place without nightmares after seeing all the black in the photos. Plus the rest of my family were all very clear with No Way ringing out promptly when I showed an interest, this was before they knew I just wanted to share with you guys! The reviews are great....:lol:
  6. I love DE Stevenson! They are always such gentle reads that manage to impart wisdom disguised as fluff. The cover is hilarious! Yes, I looked.... Congratulations to your DS!!!! :grouphug: Ali, I hope you are feeling a bit better today.
  7. :grouphug: Rose, I'm glad she gets to have some fun and indulge a bit. I can't even imagine that amount of heat with no a/c. The lack of a/c is probably the thing I might miss most and I only have to deal with the 80's on our hot days normally! Loesje, I am glad you found the pavement and enjoyed the walk. :) I am currently reading Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31450908-down-among-the-sticks-and-bones which is the second in her new Wayward Children series. I'm only about a third of the way in and would have to class it as eerie. This will be my B for Ruby. I also finished a quick cozy called Once Upon a Spine which is the latest in the Biblophile series https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32148587-once-upon-a-spine. The rare book this particular cozy was built around was one from thd first printing of Alice in Wonderland. I suspect the author got the idea from this news article http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-33334311. I always enjoy these. :) This is my U for Ruby. War and Peace is going well. I am currently listening to Part 2 and loving it. Someone has put a hold on the audio version after me so I will be without for 2 weeks in 2 weeks. I plan to get as far ahead as my schedule will allow while I have access to the audio.
  8. My ds is also similar. For him Clep exams have been a good fit rather they can be done for college credit or not. Saylor might be another thing to look at https://www.saylor.org. My son has dome some classes there successfully.
  9. If you are referring to Walmer and Deal there is pavement. A really nice walkway that you probably can't see because it blends in. Go through the sand dunes, maybe 50 feet. It's an easy walk, really.
  10. Yes, lots of Castles and some interesting Roman ruins too. This might be the time to consider a membership in National Trust or English Heritage. I think the Churchill house is an expensive one so price it out. You could schedule next years trip before you expire. The Churchill house is nice. My dh likes it too. Lovely grounds if you want to take a picnic. His art studio was opened recently (as in the last few years) and it was worth the extra effort to visit it. If you like walks and next week is supposed to be lovely weather wise go to Walmer Castle http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/walmer-castle-and-gardens/things-to-see-and-do/queen-mothers-garden/ and park accross the road and go north on the paved walkway. You will end up in 2 miles or so at Deal Castle. Nice pier, good fish and chips. Another favourite adventure for evenings actually. Both Castles or interesting but not exceptional the walk is the best part. ;) Walmer is very pretty which is probably why the Queen Mother picked it to live in. :) Leeds Castle is my all time favourite. Totally fairy tale. That's all I am saying. Walk in if you go because it's my favourite part. Yes, I like pretty walks! :lol:
  11. Take a look at the distribution and comments https://www.totalregistration.net/AP-Exam-Registration-Service/2017-AP-Exam-Score-Distributions.php. With 11% receiving a 5 I would be tempted because the preparation might even add to your adventures. You can't guarantee a 5 but he certainly will have some great study opportunities! :)
  12. We go to Kent frequently for short holidays but no hope for next week because of dc's current online classes. If you have a chance go to the National Trust property that is along the top of the cliffs in Dover and walk to the lighthouse. It takes about 4 hours to do right but it is wonderful. It's possibly our favourite walk.....on a bookish note you can see Ian Fleming's home from the lighthouse if you can find someone to point it out for you. Also the castle in Rochester is fun but a bit rough for those of us who are scared of heights ie Dickensland. The first time dh and I visited it many years ago it had a sign on the walk to it from the C of E the said "Dickens wanted to be buried here". The sign is now gone but i think of it every time we go!
  13. I hope you have a lovely holiday! :) If you are heading in my direction let me know.
  14. Heather, Congrats on being done with spelling Ruby already! I am just starting my birthstone challenge for this month so am a bit behind. My first book was Rise and Shine, Benedict Stone which has the advantage of both an R and a B. I will only use it once but having options is a good thing! :) It's by the author of the Curious charms of Arthur Pepper which I loved earlier this year but wasn't quite as good. Nice fluff but if you are only going to read one of these read Arthur Pepper. Coincidentally the main character, Benedict Stone, makes jewellery and has a huge collection of gemstones left to him by his parents. Many quotes about the meaning of different stones. Apparently the author lives in the area which is the setting of the book. It's about an hour north of us and that part is really accurate even if the village is fictional (I think) nearby real places are named. I felt a bit proud of myself because a couple of things were changed for the book and I subconsciously caught them both while reading. I normally read author's notes even in my fluffy books and she said she had changed the oddities I noticed. ;) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32739979-rise-and-shine-benedict-stone?ac=1&from_search=true
  15. We actually did many Clep exams including the literature with both dc's. They are very similar to the subject exams. Remember College Board creates both exams. ;) Dd did the SAT II for lit first and her scores were very similar because the Clep exams are on an 80 point scale with a 50 being a pass so fairly easy to compare. The main difference is the SAT is more focused on individual passages and the Clep exam has a few specific questions about famous pieces of literature. Ds only did the Clep and used SAT review guides as part of his prep since we head them. FYI the similar scale\scores pretty much held true for all the duplicate subject and Clep exams.
  16. I hope you enjoy learning to crochet. Amigurumi seems to be dd's new favourite hobby. It's really satisfying because she can finish a character in a few nights while watching telly. She is almost done making all the Star Wars characters in this book https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32447422-star-wars-crochet-pack?ac=1&from_search=true and plans to do Marvel next. She also has a book of Fairy Tale characters out from the library but may "need" the literary characters. I'm thinking Christmas........ The recommendations for if you like the Laundry files which I have never read happen to contain 4 of my favourite series for the past couple of years! Peter Grant and the St. Mary's Chronicles are both on it. The fifth recommendation happens to be sitting in my Overdrive holds suspended because my stack is too high. I'm really looking forward to The Rise and Fall of the Dodo although I suspect it's one that will make my Kindle really popular with my dc's. Glad I can put my books on more than one kindle! https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/jun/15/the-rise-and-fall-of-dodo-review I suppose this means I need to read the Laundry Files now. I tried once before but think I gave up because of an issue with the physical book I had from the library. A few in the series are in my Overdrive library so I will give it a try that way.
  17. I did some googling and I think the thin lip part is referring to a thin short upper lip in plastic surgery terms which seems to equal a "gummy" smile. Lots of teeth and you can see someone's gums. I thin my audio book actually said hairy once.
  18. Fwiw, At some point in my ACT, SAT, AP journey with my dc's I came to the conclusion that for SAT Subject exams a 700 plus score is an A. 600's are B's with 500's being C's. A 720 is a great score! :)
  19. I watched GH but As the World Turns was my favourite. I watched it with my Grandmother then with dh's grandmother. :lol: I bought a best episodes dvd set for ATWT off Amazon at some point. It's fun to occasionally put one in and remember.
  20. Regarding War and Peace.....I am loving the audio book! I am getting very close to being caught up and probably will be tomorrow assuming that I am able to pull my quilting out for a couple of hours. The narrator has a lovely voice and I am enjoying just sitting back quietly and letting him read to me. Strawberries, The Rosewood Casket is the one I remember liking the best from Sharyn McCrumb's Ballad series. I don't think I read King's Mountain. I would like to read more in this "series" of stand alones so will probably try King's Mountain next. BTW, the movie for Bridge of Spies was great but I have not read the book. Matryoshka, I am currently feeling a bit proud of myself for finishing Too like the Lightning ;) :lol: and a bit more average. I still need to find my Ruby in the title book but have found my books to spell Ruby. I just need to read them! I am so glad Ruby only has four letters so I can make progress on Bingo. I might even manage to read News of the World ( my western) finally thanks to Jenn's recommendation today. Eta...I'm another fear of heights person. I once decided not to work in a tall building with a glass elevator because I had a hard enough time suffering the interview on the twentieth or so floor. I don't drive over big bridges either if it can be helped. If I have to I go slow on the inside lane.....if dh is with me he drives. Sorry about the typos. Different kindle.
  21. I want to echo Matryoshka's thank you. It sounds great and I plan to read it either this year or next. When I went looking for it in my main Overdrive account and discovered that my library is experiencing difficulties. Basically I can't get in to see if they have it. Very frustrating. Total panic actually since I had checked a few books out and sent them to my Kindle which has been turned off so was afraid they wouldn't download when I turned things on. Pretty sure everything is there so I am good for a few days..... ;).
  22. 😀 That title cracks me up because plants do drink tea! A friend here babysits my plants when we go away and they look much nicer when I return because she gives them tea. When I give them tea they turn tea coloured... 😥 I finished Jo Beverley's last book this morning. Merely a Marriage was a pretty good regency romance although someone on Goodreads really disliked it! :( Unlike most of her other books it was a stand alone. Since I knew the author had passed away I had a certain level of concern while I read that there would be characters left dangling without a satisfying conclusion because they were supposed to star in future books. She wrapped them all up which was sort of sad. I have enjoyed several of her books over the years and I believe she was one of the original WordWenches which Kareni frequently links for us.
  23. I haven't read it but just did a quick search and it is available. It even sounds good! I need an X for my Alphabetical by title category since I'm not double dipping so that one. Btw, didn't the Korean Noir article say Japanese Noir could be next? :lol:
  24. The AP History exam has been revised very recently so make sure she uses current review books etc. It now requires 250 images which are available through links via College Board and places like quizlet for review. Make sure you take a look at the sample syllabus (3) that are on CB for this one too. They looked really useful when I planned this one.....dd didn't do it because of a time issue.
  25. Thank you, I just fixed the link in my original post but here it is in case your friend is interested. https://www.worldliteraturetoday.org/2017/march/quicksand-malin-persson-giolito It really was good. Regarding the Korean Noir...I would be more tempted but am pretty confident I cannot handle a book titled Please Look after Mom. Also I did remember that you had tried it and your review pretty much told me I wasn't up for it. I guess I am waiting for the next popular one that I spot to try! I have actually been sleeping at night for the past few weeks so have been skipping my middle of the night BaW adventures. I think it's because I have been able to start walking a couple of miles a day after months with a foot issue. Obviously it's been helping but it rained all day yesterday and here I am wide awake at 4:30!
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