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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I try to read a lighter series book before bed and\or during the night (insomnia frequently) for just this reason. I can't get too caught up in the story because I need whatever sleep I can get! I actually went into overdrive and checked a Carola Dunn cozy that is set in London for Brit tripping last night. Now I have my middle of the night book too! :lol: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11722860-rattle-his-bones
  2. So cute! My little guy is now 6'4" and I just look at those really huge feet (size13) and think his feet are almost thee same size he was at birth. Amazing.....
  3. My tips for driving in the UK........ The driver should be sitting in the center of the road. When returning to the UK I check constantly to make sure we are where we belong. Also when we arrive in the US. Floor painting makes roundabouts easy. The driver needs to follow the instructions for car placement that are on the pavement. They work. Easier than the signs. Imo Understand the basic signs. Google or you tube. Both the passenger and the driver need to know them and watch when not on M’s. Use your signals. Let me repeat use your turn signals.
  4. I hope you hear something soon! :grouphug:
  5. I have been busy trying to finish the books in my stack that are not set in the UK....after that comes just England! ;) I finished Flame in the Dark the third Soulwood by Faith Hunter. It totally lived up to my expectations and will be used for my Fantasy Bingo Square.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33258414-flame-in-the-dark I have moved on to listening to Dance, Dance, Dance by Murakami after finishing another Charles Finch. I am hoping to finish binding a rather experimental baby quilt today as my outside plans were cancelled because our friend's illness. Hopefully I will finish the Murakami also. I have never listened to a Murakami on audio and have to say I am loving listening. Robin, it isn't technically part of the Rat trilogy but it continues the story right down to the sheep man. Glad I kept going. I hard a hard time stopping yesterday and almost switched to the book so I could bring it with me when I went out because I checked the book out before seeing the audio was available. I stream so they are easy to return to the library so not portable. I also finished my Silk Road challenge and Bingo Square with Song of the Silk Road, also a Y author. The polite way to put this is I continued because of the challenges and sincerely hope this is my worst read of 2018. It was a quick read fortunately! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8567279-song-of-the-silk-road Now for my favorite book this week, Sourdough by Robin Sloan who wrote Mr. Penumbra (loved). It was a joy to read. The world of food meets high tech. I learned a ton about sourdough bread but still have absolutely no desire to make my own. Feeding that culture is something I have failed at numerous times. For now at least I think it works for the Foodie Bingo Square but if something better comes along I will switch it out. ;) I read cookbooks all the time but rarely the whole book so..... This book was about Sourdough, a very special starter perhaps but essentially bread. Plus it made me hungry to read it, all that bread and butter...so foodie. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33916024-sourdough
  6. :grouphug: I am so sorry :grouphug:
  7. I haven't read the thread so my suggestion may not fit what has already been discussed but Aleks is online and good IMO. It would allow her to potentially move through a great deal of material at her own pace. Frequently has a free trial of some sort running. https://www.aleks.com/independent
  8. I separated what I could. Just use a Cambridge one. ;)
  9. I had planned to go back and attempt to separate the Cambridge ones out but forgot. Sorry. I will work on it right now on Goodreads. The lists I looked at tended to ignore Huntingdonshire so I found it easier to also. In most people's minds the Huntingdonshire is sort of part of Cambridgeshire. They can be used for more than one county on the list but you will need to read an extra book from somewhere depending on what level you are trying for. Definitely keep track of all the counties your books go through. There are a couple that may be harder for some of us. ;)
  10. I have taken synthroid for 30 years and have always taken it before bed. I know it’s not the conventional time but it has worked for me. If she is sacrificing sleep over it and is nauseous in the morning changing that might really help. Can’t remember why I started taking it at night but suspect nausea was my reason.
  11. I will be really impressed if I manage to read in order! I have found many mystery series that I want to read this year that pretty much hit all the county’s but are never going to be able to line up in the right order for the Roads. I have no serious intention of trying to force it to work. When it does wonderful! Of course you may read the counties out of order. Our primary objective is to have fun......when you are off somewhere else just consider yourself curled up in the caravan reading! My best friend sent me Ghostwalk as a birthday present a few years ago. Obviously I liked it! I hope you do too. So what are you reading for Bedfordshire? Personally I find that county to be hard.
  12. FYI, I don’t think anyone would ever describe Now you see me as fluffy! Obviously everyone is welcome to friend me. Of course my friends all just got flooded with those 540 books but I am not anticipating another data entry binge ever!https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/51042385 The first couple of years I used Goodreads it was to simply keep track of how many books and to help me read in series order. Seriously that was awesome. Then I learned about shelves and the ability to sort shelves which was a real game changer for challenges like the A to Z ones. I started those mid year last year because Matryoshka appeared to be having such a great time by simply creating shelves, alphabetically arranging things different ways and filling the shelves. I wasn’t done but had a really good start!
  13. We purposely tried to pick roads where we had a good assortment of counties, some with lots of choice and others very little choice. Perfectly fine to sit on the caravan and read the bounty from a prior or future stop! You all have me worried about Charles Todd. So far they are good. I read a prequel back in December. I had a hard time finding Charles Finch also. I managed a couple of books, tried being out of order (which never works for me and gave up) then during our planning phase I discovered that one of my libraries has them all! When I was writing the note about your in-laws I was thinking half that long also! :lol: 30 years this June.
  14. I like this map the best http://www.destinationwessex.org.uk/about-wessex.htm So the counties are Somerset, Wiltshire, Hampshire, and Dorset. If you can identify something like Stonehenge as part of the main setting put it in the appropriate county otherwise I would just make a note that it can go in any of the four and keep reading. ;)
  15. I just lost a mostly finished post with lots of multiquotes. Going back one at a time! This newsletter from the author came to my email yesterday. https://mailchi.mp/2467d96d7aa8/anna-lee-huber-february-newsletter-giveaway-ebook-deal-release-events-more?e=fc8bf14bff. Basically I think it is because of her new release next month. The news letter indicates that As Death Draws Near should be the discounted volume but it must be part of the new release.
  16. So what is in my stacks for the start of the trip? Gnomon by Nick Harkaway https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34974738-gnomon is my rebel book of choice. I love his books and am so happy that my hold arrived! I am probably going to sit on both buses because I found so many tempting choices that I don't think I will be able to resist! Charles Todd...I have the first two books in the Ian Rutledge series because I am planning to read the series this year. The series covers so many Brit Trip locations and he is a Scotland Yard Detective...... Charles Finch, I am listening to A Death in the Small Hours https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33827377-a-death-in-the-small-hours which is set in Somerset and plan to continue my listening spree. Whose Body? By Dorothy Sayers is on hold. I want to kick off my Sayers reread, plus it is set in London in part. Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie. Start of my multi year Cristie reread. Hopefully in order this time through!
  17. I am so happy the list is working well for you. Is it sorting the books by county for you automatically after you add the recommender in. I've been having problems on my iPad with that but all the other devices Amy and I have tried work just fine. We really enjoyed compiling and suspect Amy and I will probably be the biggest beneficiaries! Generally with series only the first book is listed if they all appear to take place in the same area. I think it needs to be considered a work in progress because I added a few new ones this morning and am happy to take recommendations. The list will grow as our adventure progresses! I am also starting to put books set generally in England, Scotland.....at the end of the list by putting a Z in front of the location. The Flavia books are a perfect example of that because Buckley is a made up village. I am secretly (not so secret now ;) l hoping to be able to pick a county when I read the latest one in the series next week!
  18. I spent most of my free time today curled up with The Wild Sheep Chase https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27224887-a-wild-sheep-chase which was supposed to be the end up my Murakami reading for the year. I knew that there was technically a forth book in what is know as The Rat Trilogy but fully expected to be able to ignore it.......but......I really loved The Wild Sheep Chase and it ended with a cliff hanger. I just checked out Dance, Dance, Dance on Overdrive. I am still reading my Song of the Silk Road book for a Bingo Square. I don't like it and find it poorly written but I am too far to quit now.
  19. Yes, it does. I am so sorry. :grouphug:
  20. I have a couple of chapters of the first Ian Rutledge completed on my Kindle and have the admit I am now a bit concerned. ;). I remember how enthusiastic you all were... I think you will like the Charles Finch series. Definitely a must be read in order, at least for me because I skipped ahead because of a missing book issue a couple of years ago and quit. The book I skipped ahead to was on my kindle and the kindle remembered. As I went by my furthest spot on this read all I could do was wonder why I had abandoned a book that was just getting really good! You can hop back on when your events are over! Enjoy all the special memories....Married 60 years, how amazing. You are definitely making progress. Using the first word is the hard way. ;) I am close to done but am using the first letter of any word in the title. Mothersweets, I am so glad the wedding went well. Also it's just plain wonderful to hear that you love your dil for someone who is yet to experience those events. Does that make sense? I am also waiting for pictures! :)
  21. Yes, it was Burial at Sea. I was trying to get a post done while cooking dinner and didn't have time to do links or hunt for the exact title. I am now sort of dreading the change in his personal life.....I hope it isn't what my mind springs to. I really love this series so far. Regarding Brit Tripping we hope everyone remembers that we have two tracks. Mystery and other books. If someone wants to read classics (your Shakespeare challenge for instance) and keep track I want to make it clear Amy and I totally consider you to be Brit Tripping. You are participating as a Rebel. ;) I haven't attributed county's to many classics because they didn't appear on my lists and newspaper articles but they are welcome. I just didn't have time but would love to add more. The Secret Keeper is set in Kent I believe. Great book and is on my Goodreads county list. I even have Sci Fi and Fantasy on my list. I tried really hard to be inclusive. The main goal here is to have fun and discover new books. I really hope to read a mystery for each county but that's my personal goal mainly because I am in the mood to read series mysteries. I have a great stack which I will share as soon as I get done entering books into Goodreads. We would love to have you join us!
  22. I just finished listening to another of Charles Finch's Charlie Lennox mysteries while working on the Goodreads list input. It was good but took place at sea! So I couldn't really assign it to a county easily, they left from Plymouth so it will be Devon! It was good.... Regarding the Goodreads list please remember they are just ideas. I have gone through lots of lists and compiled my own but some books are multi county and the list just works well with one county so I picked. I am happy to add books to the list so feel free to let me know any ideas that should be added. I have had a great time putting it together and definitely plan to keep expanding it! I am also finishing my last Murakami for 2018. A Wild Sheep Chase is the third in the Rat trilogy and the best by far.
  23. I never heard of Dinny but wish I had. I have to say my teen favorite was far cheaper when I bought it last week at £3. Waiting for Lionors to arrive.....not a teen book BTW, probably one I shouldn't have been reading. Looking forward to finding out! To my Goodreads friends I apologize. I know I am filling your list with books but I am working really hard to be ready for the Brit Tripping announcement tomorrow.
  24. I never had a chance to read the Bobbsey Twin books because they never appeared in the second hand bookstore I frequented with my mom. I bought the first few for my kids as reprints and neither child was enthusiastic. I did manage to collect 30 or so Nancy Drew's and a majority of the Trixie Beldon\_Cherry Ames series so it really was an awesome bookstore. Someone upthread mentioned Judy Bolton. Those were wonderful but I only had 3 or 4. I recently read both The Witches Tree and the Olive Ranch. I enjoyed both and was happy that Agatha is finally being portrayed as a more realistic 50 something. When I turned 50 I started having issues with that series and didn't enjoy it as much. Desperate Agatha made me sad. They seem to be more in balance now. I think I have been reading Agatha Raison's since the first one was published. Pretty much since the beginning for China Bayle's too.
  25. We did the English Lit as an extra in an already paid for sitting. One practice exam for timing practice the day before. I sympathize with the Japanese. The language exams are a pain. That being said the French exam without listening was a good one and offered every single time I think. We did not take it but I have heard positive things about World History without a whole lot of review. If the English Lit doesn't work try that sample exam.
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