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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I love Evans. Pretty sure he travels into England in several of the books while solving his case. Wales is not part of Brit Trip, just England. That being said on the Cadfael detective level a book set in Wales is needed. http://www.read52booksin52weeks.com/p/england-mystery-road-trip.html. Basically have fun! ;) Amy any thoughts?
  2. Thanks for the recommendation. I have added Birdcage Walk to my master list and plan on reading it myself. Looks great! Recommendations are very welcome especially for Brit tripping. For the purposes of Brit tripping Bristol is being combined with Gloucestershire but I do know it is now a county. Actually recommendations are always welcome! :) The Inspector Gently book that I am reading is set in Norchester which is fictional and Gently is on holiday. King's Lynn is the only real city mentioned and a character simply worked in King's Lynn at the start of their career so not relevant to my location issue. Northumbria makes sense in terms of the episodes I watched for filming, especially the accent. ;)
  3. Midsummer Murders is ITV. The older episodes air during the day frequently here. I have moved on to a book that is behind another great British TV series, Inspector George Gently. I’m reading the first book, Gently Does It, in the series and haven’t been able to assign a county. I have watched a few of the episodes in this series including the one based on the book I am reading. I have wandered off the bus after finishing my audiobook The Treasure at Greene Knowe by L M Boston which was set in Huntingdonshire. I really enjoyed it for what it is classic childen’s lit. There are a couple of offensive words in our time period but overall good stuff. I think I might actually prefer it to the first in the series. I have several physical library books for upcoming county’s that I need to be able to return this coming week so I am speeding ahead in order to try these. I started a Nick Quantrill mystery set in Hull (Yorkshire) last night. I definitely want to read this one because it has an indie publisher so I can use it for Bingo!
  4. Midsummer Moon was wonderful! :). I need to get back to the St. Mary Chronicles. I ended up all out of order and frustrated. I think enough time has passed to start again. Ready Player One is one of my all time favorites. I hope you enjoy it! I finished my classic mystery in terms of television popularity although I have never watched the series! The Killings at Badgers Drift https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/256936.The_Killings_at_Badger_s_Drift is another book that I have checked out of the library many times but never opened because of the pressure of the very famous Midsummer Murder tv series I think. This time I read it in an attempt to assign a county to this favorite series.......Berkshire definitely. It was a good mystery with a whole village full of suspects which made it confusing for me because I seem to have several books in progress that all seem to be quite similar in terms of the characters. I will read more in this series soon and may even record a couple of episodes of the show to try!
  5. I was throwing up the day before dd was born 2 weeks late so I sympathise. Dh used to make me boost (old people calorie drinks) smoothies before bed. If I managed to fall asleep they stayed down.
  6. Cool! I hope you have a great adventure and please take photos. Awww, the hedgehogs are so cute. Mine appear to be in deep hibernation. Rumer has it they come out if temps reach around 50 degrees which hasn't really been happening but whenever we have a nice day we are all busy checking the yard for hedgehogs. I found hedgehog houses for sale at a nearby nature preserve but need to do more research.
  7. A couple of reading updates...... I was up reading late into the night and finished The Siren https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8588180-the-siren which is the second in the Cambridge Blue series. It was good but perhaps not quite as good as the first in the series. A strange thing happened with Goodreads while I was reading this Overdrive book which I was reading using a Kindle app on my iPad. Apparently I highlighted a quote (I fell asleep :lol: ) and today Goodreads sent me a message to see it I wanted to share my quote with my friends. Um, no......please let me know if I accidentally start sharing really odd quotes on Goodreads. I can't seem to delete the quotes. I also started The Killings at Badger's Drift which is the first book in the series that became the Midsummer Murders on TV. The book is wonderful but as I have never watched the show I can't compare. I think these are set near Slough so Berkshire. Filmed in Oxfordshire.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/256936.The_Killings_at_Badger_s_Drift
  8. ETA.....Actually my new link is refusing to work when I try and use it. The article is from 21 July 2010 Period Living. Seems to google with Lucy Boston Period Living.
  9. Well, I am sitting in Cambridgeshire with you. Stacks of books from all over England around me. I lack organization....... I haven't even pick my Huntingdonshire book yet let alone sourced it! Off to do that..... Oh, and for British food don't forget the incredible Mary Berry. I just watched one of her shows the other day and just adore her. http://www.maryberry.co.uk/recipes
  10. I think many of us who use the library extensively for the book will find ourselves occasionally in a different county from our bus. I have several books that are part of long hold chains which I suspect won't appear at the right moment. ;) Glad you enjoyed Howard's End! Knit Together appears to be interesting but I thought you were talking about her knitting patterns. I actually used one of the ones at the back of her books once and itg turned out great! A book on England by county would be hard even for me to find I think. The details blur so often. My village has been part of two counties throughout history and the one that we are currently in changes it name regularly. :lol: The dissatisfied people in our area currently would love to move ourselves to the other county which would give us a new borough and better services, maybe. ;). Seriously, if I head out my door I can be in a different county in 5 minutes by walking and go around all the obstacles on the way.
  11. Wayfarers didn’t exist when my kids were that age but At the Back of the North Wind did. It was on lists, multiple lists of what we should be reading, so when I spotted it in a library we tried it as a read aloud. We didn’t finish, beyond that I can’t remember. The sample schedule looks incredible for Wayfarers but I don’t really understand it so this advice could be totally odd. I think your other choices include Wizard of Oz which we loved and Doctor Doolittle which was also a hit at my house. Kareni, What a great find in the book! I normally find icky pieces of paper and other useless things.
  12. Two O ideas that you might own. The Last One by Alexandra Oliva https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27245997-the-last-one and The Rook https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10836728-the-rook. I really loved both and just added The Rook to my spooky London list. ;) Also Melissa F. Olson's Scarlett Bernard books are also favorites and have been free on kindle in the past or with prime so you might have one of those available.
  13. For Cambridgeshire I have been busy reading and listening to a couple of really great books! :). I doubt I ever would have read them without Brit Tripping so I have to say I am having a wonderful time. Cambridge Blues https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18929647-cambridge-blue was a really interesting police procedural with a fascinating Detective. He's different and I really frankly want to understand this character. Late last night I checked the second in this series out from overdrive and am halfway through it. His grandmother is his confidante among the unique bits. Not fluffy but good. Thanks to a drive down the A14 Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire can also be considered for this book. Mistress of the Art of Death https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2228348.Mistress_of_the_Art_of_Death is the book I am currently listening to. This series is one of my BF favorites and I have never been able to get past the first bits. So glad I am listening to it this time because it is really good. Set in the 12th century a female doctor who has been trained in forensics by her father is sent from Sicily to investigate the murders of children in Cambridge. The local Jewish population is believed to be at fault and are being held at the castle. Love it, half way. A Woman Unknown by Frances Brody https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/51042385-mumtotwo?shelf=currently-reading is my latest in a more cozy series that I enjoy. The setting should all be in Yorkshire and these are written by a local author. Kate Shackleton is a private detective in the 1920's having fallen in to the job because her father is the head of the police force and her husband was declared missing in WWI. The detective part grew out of her search for her husband. I recently finished Man in the Queue by Tey which I enjoyed. I recently read the second in this series so am skipping to the third when my hold appears. I definitely will finish reading all of the Tey books this year......there aren't many (7, I think) so a reasonable goal! I also read the first Dalgliesch by PD James. Cover Her Face wasn't what I had hoped for. A bit disappointed is all I can say. I have the first in another series by PD James on hold. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3832.Cover_Her_Face
  14. I am voting for career counseling also. My first thought when I read your post was to wonder if a subscription to Aleks Math https://www.aleks.com/ be helpful.? It should be able to identify exactly what she doesn’t know and work with her to learn it. Since she seems to be interested in careers that use math maybe a different method of learning would be useful. One price for all levels and a free trial.
  15. Similar, my dd did both with similar scores. Ds just did the Clep. The Clep had a few questions that required vague specific knowledge of famous titles and authors.
  16. Bumping you! Dd did Excellence in Lit pretty independently but loved it. As I remember it was one short and one longer paper for each book.
  17. Totally agree! Yeah! Six already. :). I am just so glad you are enjoying Brit Tripping! I was already planning to read one of Connie Willis' books while Brit Tripping.....it's starting to look like Oxford is going to be a really busy week. But multiple county's right? I LOVE Mary Stewart and those covers are so pretty. I did match a few with county's on the original list. I probably should try and figure out more for me. There are several I haven't read. Vowels are tough and you are doing this by author, right? Just plain painful!
  18. My grandparents had a disagreement regarding my dad’s middle name. It must have been quite a fight and my grandmother just gave my dad the initial for the name she wanted. It has been a pain for his children even. Yes, 20 years after my dad’s death we still get questioned when filling out legal documents. Because my mom died recently there have been quite a few of those occasions. It’s embarrassing to have to say that you do actually know your father’s middle name and the form is really correct.
  19. Even with having to remember to keep my WiFi off frequently I still adore Overdrive. Yesterday I learned that I can “only†request 5 books for purchase per month on overdrive. I am sort of embarrassed to have learned that one. Spring is the season of new releases for a few of my favorites and I have discovered the easiest way to jump to the front of the queue is a purchase request even for a book I know they will be buying. So I even put them on books like the In Death series. Still waiting for but I am close! Others are using this trick too! ErinE mentioned Hoopla yesterday. Anyone else use Hoopla? I forgot to quote her but my question is along the lines of how easy is it? Same as Overdrive or a bit more quirky like the magazine thing........I always seem to lose magazine checkouts and need to get them again. No biggie because it’s a magazine but that would be painful with books! I think I have access but am not sure if it would be worth the effort. I have read one Pym years ago and didn’t feel the Love. I added them to the Brit Trip lists because so many adore them and I am curious enough to try one more time. :lol: You changed your name! I started reading your post thinking new person, then it was this is not new person because I know I know them. Which turned in to it sounds like Scoutermom.......Thanks for putting your former name in the siggy, :)
  20. We had the same book! Dh went through and circled the names he liked which were few. :lol: On my due date I finally looked and picked both a girl and boy name since we didn't know the gender. Oddly, they are both names I loved before kids but never would have expected dh to like. I have always been pleased with the book method for me it worked great! ;) They sound rather alike which my kids complain about. I suspect it's because they were both named the same evening. My family has a middle name for girls so we used that. For the boy name I just picked something off Hubby's list that sounded good with the first name. We liked what we had so when we found out the second was a boy our naming was already done!
  21. We are consulting! ;). Take a look at English Paper Piecing if you want to try quilting without needing a machine. There is something really comforting about sewing my bits of fabric covered paper together.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDrTVi0jk6w
  22. I did this for 50 years ago. No seating. I was told by the person who normally handled these conferences at our church to serve Bacon Butties which are a British thing, basically two pieces of bacon in a hamburger bun. We had some mini muffins and fruit on the side. I wonder if sausage muffins/biscuits might work easily. I kept the bacon which was cooked ahead warm in a crockpot ready to serve. The best thing about this kind of a meal is one each. Easy and obvious. Some didn’t eat which meant others had two. No leftovers really.
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