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Everything posted by Mommamia

  1. I've thought about this a lot lately. What I realized was that I believe it's more the season of life that I'm in than homeschooling etc. If that makes any sense?? LOL. We just moved to a new area so we don't have any friends yet. I do have friends that I chat with on the phone a lot(which helps so much). Most of my friends do not homeschool. I've found that they are also feeling isolated in some way. Maybe it's just being a SAHM. I realized this because before we were surrounded by many friends, we were involved in a co-op and a couple of homeschool groups. I still longed for someone who "got" me. I have to say that I met one of my close friends right here on the WTM! We chat about once a month and email often. I hope I've helped, though I have a feeling I just talked nonsens:tongue_smilie:Guess I was thinking out loud. BTW-I found with our co-op that it was just a lot of work. No time to make friendships.
  2. We had some measurement/weight issues in Beta. Even I would forget or get confused (memory blip):tongue_smilie: In Beta, since we were doing school in the kitchen I would pull out some liquid measuring tools. I thought that giving them a visual example would help cement the idea as well. I love MUS, but whenever we would get stuck on a topic we would stay there a while using various tools (MM, real life, math websites etc).
  3. I have the same problem. Even when I was a child I had a hard time running or doing aerobic activity. Later, I did find out that I have a hard to detect heart murmur. An aortic specialist also found that I have mitral valve regurgitation. Now the strange thing is I had a stress test done recently and they did not detect the murmur or valve issue( I believe it's still there-how could it not be). Anyway, my point is that I believe the valve issue makes it hard for me to catch my breath when active. My son has cough-induced asthma. His reaction seems different than mine. His lungs get tight and he gasps for air. I'm sharing this in hopes that it helps you figure things out.
  4. Are you taking probiotics? Also, do you drink a lot of coffee in the morning? The probiotics might help balance your system.
  5. You are so wise!! Hard to say if she's older. I think she might be younger.
  6. FEAR is not what keeps us homeschooling. We chose to homeschool for various reasons. Fear has nothing to do with our homeschooling. I guess (as is common with the internet) I did not explain the situation correctly. We are new to the church...a very small church. I think that she is somewhat curious about us and asked my dc some questions. My dc did not volunteer the info. They were asked specific questions and answered. She said that she asked them if they wanted to go to ps and they said that they were "afraid to go". They have never been to ps, they are 8 yrs old, and a bit shy (I was shy as a child too). They have voiced to me that they were afraid of ps as well(to which I had a full conversation with them about ps) The point that they said they were afraid did not bother me( I understand what my dc meant by that)....what bothered me was that she seemed to think that we homeschool because I am overprotective and my boys are afraid of school. The reason she thinks I am overprotective is because when I dropped them off at VBS, I stayed in the building. As I said, we are new to this church...I would never just drop my children off anywhere that I did not know the adults involved. At one point, I was walking to the bathroom, she stoppped me and said "don't worry momma , they are doing great". I wasn't asking and I wasn't worried. I don't think she was being malicious with any of her comments, she seemed like a very sweet woman. I was looking for feedback as to various ways I could have responded. I chose to just move the conversation forward.
  7. We just started going to a new church. Yesterday, I met a woman who occasionally will teach my boys in their Sunday School. So, she came up to me and said that she knew all about my boys. She said that they told her all about themselves....that they are homeschooled etc. She said that they also told her that they were afraid of going to school. She shared that she explained that school was just like sunday school(not!) and she went on and on. She then put her hand on my back and said "I know mom, it's hard letting our kids go". I thought..."huh?". It sounded like she was implying that I was overprotective(maybe I am, I don't care) and that she was trying to convince my boys to go to "regular" school. What would you have said to this person?
  8. Did you know that he just came out with the next level book(or it's coming out this month??). I believe it's geared for 3rd-5th grade.
  9. I'm surprised by the responses as well. I feel like BFSU has been a breath of fresh air. It seems very open and go. The BFSU yahoo group is wonderful. I have been especially impressed with all of Mr Nebel's input and help. We have just started using it, but I am very happy so far. In fact, I just ordered Bernard Nebel's Elementary Education book....I've been really inspired by his advice.
  10. Thank you everyone....you all had such great points. I appreciate all the thoughts.
  11. Both. I am concerned that they would be uncomfortable, but I am also very concerned about my family. I was just talking to a close friend of mine and we were saying how we would never even want to stay at someone's home while visiting. I like my down time. It's great to get together, but it's also great to be able to go and chill at night. Anyway...still deciding:tongue_smilie:
  12. Cat---I know, I know. Ugh. Thanks for your thoughts. I keep flip flopping about what to do.
  13. Everyone gave me some thoughts to ponder. Not sure why I'm having such a hard time with this. I think it's because I'm just tired. So tired. And Jana....you made me :D :cheers2::thumbup: Oh, how much fun we would have!
  14. Let me set the scene. We recently moved from a large house to a small apartment(moved out of state-temporary digs). There are 2 small bedrooms, a really small kitchen, living area, dining that seats 4 and a small playroom. We have very dear friends who would like to come visit for the weekend and asked to stay with us. This would be a total of 6 visitors + 4 of us=clogged toilets/chaos. That is, I'm guessing it would equal clogged toilets(bad apartment plumbing) and chaos because of 10 people in small quarters. We are torn as to what to do. We have told them that our apartment is super small and we are worried about their comfort etc. They said it wouldn't bother them. Would you go ahead with the visit or suggest a raincheck until you move to different digs?? I'm stressing about this. Thanks!
  15. Have you read any of Bernard Nebel's thoughts on science? He wrote Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding. I say, shelve the curriculum and go with your son's passion. If he likes experiments, there are tons of books and online sources. I saw one where you do experiments with candy. I'm teaching 2nd this year....we will be working through BFSU and going with my dc's interests.
  16. :grouphug: My boys are much younger than your high school son, but will it help to know that I get that homeschool guilt feeling about once a week. Maybe it just goes along with being a mom. I'm sorry.
  17. I know.... I'm feeling so anxious. I need to go to the post office and cannot get myself to do it. The footage was so sad.
  18. I'm sitting her feeling frozen after watching a "drive safely" video that someone posted on facebook. Has anyone else watched this?? I serioulsy don't want to leave my house now. FYI-it's a video showing real and fake car accidents. I'm sure it was made to encourage people to pay attention while driving, but oh.my.word..I'm so fearful to get in a car now.
  19. 1999 recommendations for... History: Usborne Book of World History(1st grade-5000bc-ad400)(2nd grade-400ad-1600) Science:1st grade-life science w/ Usborne Illustrated Ency. of the Natural World as your spine)(2nd grade-earth science/astronomy w/ Visual Factfinders series Planet Earth/Stars and Planets as your spine....or....Susan Mayes Earth and Space) Grammar....Spelling Workout, English for the Thoughtful Child Copywork,dictation and narration are recommended...they have simplified that by writing Writing With Ease. HTH
  20. I know....I go through the same "weeding" process. I just shelved a curriculum(and I have not even started it yet!).
  21. I was a child who was terrified of sleeping alone. I'm so grateful that my parents allowed me to crawl into their bed whenever I needed to. They told me recently that they had purchased a king size bed just because of my night fears. My dad would also sleep on the floor next to my bed as an alternative. Some people may disagree with the fact that they allowed me to do that, but I am forever grateful to them. I'm pretty sure that I needed their "night help" until I was about 12. The interesting thing is that I have no problem sleeping alone now.
  22. I have the 1999 edition in front of me.... Which subjects do you want to know about? The book lists the recommendations for each grade level within the grammar stage. If you let me know the grade, I'll do my best to share what they suggest.
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