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Melissa in St Louis

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Everything posted by Melissa in St Louis

  1. I was just reading a thread about someone who uses card gaes to re-enforce math facts and I have the stupidest question ever. (I didn't want to hijack the other thread with the dumb question.):glare: How does one play "war," "go fish," etc? I PROMISE I am a good mom that plays with her kids, but the whole card game thing is completely out of my scope of knowledge! I can play UNO, but that's all I know. Please help! (Yes, I know I can buy the Right Start card games book, but I'm talking about just simple games that I should know how to play.) Thanks!
  2. What is the difference? What do you prefer? Thanks!
  3. Chelle.....what are you doing making hamburger casseroles at almost midnight???? You and your DH are cracking me up! :D
  4. Good for you for following where you feel He is leading you. It is so hard sometimes, isn't it? :grouphug: Something I did years ago was give my hubby a page numbered 1-5 and asked him to list the things that I could do to be the biggest help to him. A few of the answers were things that I had no idea were an issue. Others were expected. Like the laundry. :tongue_smilie: It was helpful to at least KNOW what he needed from me, kwim? It is great that you already know about the lunch issue and that you were sweet/strong enough to jump out of bed the other night and make the lunch! It seems that really blessed him, especially if he was talking buddies at work about it. :001_smile: I love what Rose said about OWNING the lunch...putting in cute notes, treats, etc. ROCK that lunch! :lol: For some reason, lunches are important to him! Kudos to you for adopting this attitude. It takes great strength!!!!
  5. I'll call the bank and dealership and see what they say. Thanks!
  6. We owe more on our car than it is worth and have a Huge payment each month. (Not to mention we get terrible mpg.) This payment is sucking us dry! How can we get rid of this car when we still owe on it and get something else to drive (nothing fancy) with terrible credit? (Credit terrible due to opening own business.) Any thoughts?:bigear:
  7. Funtastic Frogs (and the logs for frogs are fun, too!)
  8. I just moved about a month ago, and used a cards-on-a-ring system. I bought a bunch of different color index cards that were pre-punched to go on a ring. (You could also use a file box, but I like the ring.) I thought about where things were going and packed accordingly. For example, I put all framed pictures to go to the family room in a box and wrote on the left half of the index card "framed pictures and put a "1" at the top. Then I snipped off the other half of the same card and wrote a big "1" on it and taped it to the box. Now I know that yellow box #1 contains picture frames. When people were moving stuff in, they could tell by color tag where it was to go. I also stuck some of the tage on the furniture so that people could tell what room it belonged in. This system REALLY worked well for me! I hope I explained it well enough. :tongue_smilie:
  9. I have a friend that did this for her daughter and they cannot speak highly enough of it. Within weeks the girl was having many dry nights!:001_smile:
  10. Im trying to go, but I have 2 little ones with pneumonia and woke this morning with a tickle in my chest. :tongue_smilie: I'll PM you if I can make it. I WANT to make it!!!!!!
  11. :D Rest assured that I am not imposing this on my daughter. It is strictly a "me" thing. Thanks so much for your helpful insight!
  12. Great responses. Thanks so much for the links, too! :001_smile: We are big "game players," so I can see the cards getting used, but I think it may be wise to just make my own/do online ones. Thanks, hive!
  13. Thanks, Dobela. That sounds great! I don't want to spend a lot of money, either, but I do want to make some changes. Thanks for the encouragement! :grouphug:
  14. WOW! Thanks! That is a treasure trove of even MORE great links! I'm stuck with 2 kiddos with pneumonia, so this will be great reading this week. Thanks!
  15. I accidentally read this as "I'm not naturally WIERD that way." :lol: HA!!!!!
  16. Would $100 cover enough material to make TWO tree skirts??? Keep one, sell one, and use the extra $ you made towards one of the other "practical" purchases? That way you get the awesome fabric without any of the guilt! :D Just a thought!
  17. I've been feeling a call to dress more feminine lately, but not sure exactly what that means to me...any thoughts? :bigear: Thanks!
  18. We have decided to do CLE math in the fall, and we're currently in the middle of Singapore 1B (we both loathe it)...CHEF confrence is coming up, and the budget is tight...should I get the Right Start Math Card games to play during the summer to firm up our facts ($50) or, should I get CLE math units 105-110 with the needed things (also about $50) so that we can start with 201 in the fall. Yes, both would be ideal, but that is not happening right now. :001_smile: Thoughts?
  19. I am sure the book is great and helpful, but I didn't want to have to buy it in order to get started on this system. melissel -- I'd love any links you have; I've been browsing around looking at different sites, but if you have some good one I'm :bigear:! Thanks so much!
  20. Yep, this is the song we learned and the feelings we have about Steve. ;)
  21. I am really interested in this and have even read all gazillion posts about it on the FIAR board. Do I need the book to get started with this? Think there's any hope buying it used? TIA! :D
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