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Melissa in St Louis

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Everything posted by Melissa in St Louis

  1. Do I need to get the Bona mop? Is it worth it? Or is something else better/more durable? I have broken MANY Swiffers. It must be my brut strength. :glare::lol:
  2. We just moved into this house and it has wood floors (the old kind) throughout...and the kiddos have black feet all.the.time! The floors LOOK clean, but the toes tell a different story!:confused:
  3. What do you wash your wood floors with? I have sticky, messy kids and I do a lot of sticky, messy cooking. I really want the floors to be CLEAN, not just swept. Thoughts? TIA!
  4. If I print out the *FREE* 2002 version, am I missing out on anything that has been added since then? My plan is just to take what is scheduled out for the week and do it as I can during that week. Am I missing anything by saving $8? I'm cheap. Er, frugal. ;) We just moved and everything is so clean and organized and I want it to STAY this way. Hoping MM will help. :D TIA!
  5. I was making my own to save money a while back and after a while I noticed that the clothes just weren't getting clean. I have messy little people and NONE of the stains were coming out with the fels naptha/borax/washing soda mix. I am READY for one that works and will be gentle on my kiddos' sensitive skin. Tide Free is a killer at $8/week. :tongue_smilie:
  6. :glare: "It is illegal - on a Federal level - to attempt to do this yourself unless you happen to be an EPA certified technician. Hire a professional. [From HVAC-Talk and Environmental Protection Agency]"
  7. So I need freon? Sure I can't do it myself? I'm quite handy!:D
  8. can I add that myself? That is what I think is wrong, too!
  9. Ok, so the AC is blowing air out the vents, but the air is not really "cold." I changed the filter and pressed the little reset thingie, and it's still not cold. We're moving in a few days, and I don't want to call the repair man, so do you have any other thoughts? Thanks!
  10. them take take-out pizza (order it un-cut) and use circle cookie cutters to make them into nice looking-mini pizzas. They topped some of them with meats, some with herbs, some with veggies, left some plain. They really did look quite nice! (But they were still plain cheese pizza for the pickies! :D) It's all about the presentation!
  11. I had shingles a few years ago and neither kiddo got it from me -- and one of them was nursing! Ugh. Shingles was horrible. :ack2:
  12. Thanks, Momto2ns....:grouphug: Needed that one. Yes, DH works prt of the time from home, so that is why we need space. We were just talking about how diffrent our needs would be if h had a "regular job" and the kids went to "regular school." Also, there are now 2 other homes in the running! Goin to see both today! YAY!:)
  13. I have a mother who worries like no other. No further comments there. Also, DH works so hard (at his dream), and he has verbally said he needs to come home to something nice that he feels good about. I am just trying to do what is best for everyone. (read as: impossible)
  14. Option a) hubby (and deep down me too) feels it is a step up option b) hubby (and deep down me too) feels it is a step down We would continue to go to same activities, not find new ones. Kiddos would still have own rooms no matter what. Main concern is dh works nights and we may not be able to be quiet enough in house B. :confused:
  15. Would you choose a) TONS and TONS of space but 30 minutes from children's activities, ok yard, WOW neighborhood b) might be just enough space with careful planning, 2 minutes from children's activiies, perfect yard, good neigborhood prices are the same.. HELP!:lurk5:
  16. My own rambling and disjointed thoughts: We own a bar. In this economy, I can certainly understand owners wanting to make enough money to actually pay themselves. I personally probably wouldn't take my kiddos to a "dance party" at a bar. We have been kicking around the idea of a family brunch/kiddo activities during weekend days. Yes, many bars are filthy, but some owners(*ahem*), are a bit OCD to the point that they themselves scrub the place because no one else will put as much care into making it look great. ;) Yes, that bit about Jude Law's child is horrific -- but I agree with an above poster that said that it could happen many other places as well. What a blessing that the little boy was is now ok! I understand about it being kind of strange, and I am the LAST person in the history of the world who though they would ever own a bar...but I do, and I just wanted to put in my 2 cents. Thanks for listening!
  17. First off, I'm not SELLING Alphabet Code Cracker or Minimus -- I'm thinking I could use yard sale money to purchase them! :tongue_smilie: Thanks so much for the words of wisdom. I just got back from WalMart with my package of pre-printed stickers. I'll just let it be known that best offers are welcome also. Ugh. Moving. Packing. Yard Sale. I'm tired, guys!!! :tongue_smilie:
  18. So.....I'm cleaning out the house getting ready to move, and there are many things that would bring several dollars on craigslist or in a yardsale....I don't really have much time to price things out/pull together a yard sale or to list each thing individually on CL, so would it be odd to advertise for a yardsale and then just have people make me an offer on things? I mean, as long as they are not offering $.25 for a pack-n-play that is in good condition, I'd go for it. I was planning on just sending everything to Goodwill or the store at the seminary, but I keep looking at that pile and seeing dollars....dollars for Greek Alphabet Code Cracker, Minimus, shorts for the kiddos, etc, etc, etc.... What do you guys think?:lurk5:
  19. :thumbdown: I really wanted it t be ok!!!!! Thanks for warning me! :tongue_smilie:
  20. Hi, Hive! Has anyone used a service that sends you a list of rental properties on the market? Are these services legit? They have many listings on craigslist that say to call this particular service for info on the listing, and the it is $85 to get a whole lit of places. I am skeptical, but I am skeptical of everything! :confused: Thanks!
  21. any other thoughts from the late night crowd? :001_smile:
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