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Jumping In Puddles

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Everything posted by Jumping In Puddles

  1. My kids have tried archery and bb gun shooting and they like both activities. I would like to get them each a bow for Christmas. My dh thinks bb guns would be better (more fun). Anyone have any experience with either?
  2. Sorry, one more question... are the manuals and the case that it comes in worth about the $40 premium over the standard 750? If the standard doesn't come with a case, is it difficult to manage the pieces? Thanks again!!
  3. Just checked it out! Hard to tell with Amazon, next time I see a steal, I'm ordering!
  4. They usually connect fine, but it is limited to letters that connect naturally (like a to b) but when you have a letter that needs to be lifted (like r to o) there is not two options for o... One to connect higher and one to connect lower. So there is a limitation to the font in that way. And yes, the letters do not just hang, they do connect in German cursive! Sorry if this is not clear, but do you KWIM?
  5. Yesterday morning it was on sale for $70! I didn't buy, then last night the price jumped $9 :glare: What is the difference between the SC-750 and the C-750 Student Training set for $119... now $122? I see that it contains some books and a case, but how valuable is the extra stuff? Thanks!
  6. Ok, today is another day! I'm taking all your suggestions to heart (except eat nothing but pb and cream for 2 days, lol! *Rosie I would never get sick of it!) and I'm going to exercise, drink water, snack on SF/FF snack IF I have to, and write down everything I eat. phew! Thanks all!! :grouphug:
  7. Ok, I'm off to get rid of the tempting things in my fridge, then I'm going to write down what I'm going to eat for the rest of the day and try to stick to it! Thanks all, for the encouragement! :grouphug:
  8. I lost about 20 pounds and I'm on my way to gaining it back. I started out this morning saying today is the day, I'm gonna do it! Then I had a cup of green tea and about 15 minutes later had a little scoop of peanut butter with a dollop of whipped cream on top. :sneaky2: Seriously? I can't make it 15 minutes? I feel like an addict and my drug is killing me. For lunch, I had turkey and BBQ sauce then some more of my peanut butter/whipped cream spoonful. HOW can I stop this craziness and just eat properly? :crying: Just do it, right? Any advice welcome. :)
  9. I had the same thought about subtraction! It took RS forever to get to subtraction (making it very frustrating to use supplemental workbooks!) and then it kinda of gets dropped. About the mental math, my ds always adds the tens then the ones and I don't ask him to keep trying the strategy with adding the way RS is pushing. He totally gets it his way, it works and he does it quickly which is good enough for me! He KNOWS the way they are pushing and understands it but likes his way faster ( 46 + 57 = [90+13] = 103 ). I am looking for something different for 2nd grade too but I'm not willing to give up on RS C just yet. LOL, All that to say that I'm interested in this same topic :bigear:
  10. Can you link to it? I can't find it on the site.
  11. Do your kids like the clear tiles or the solids? Thanks! I think my dd6 would love these!
  12. You said your son took and passed a lie detector test, I think SHE should have to take one too because it sounds like she is guilty of something.
  13. Reading this thread, I didn't think everyone here thought that Glen Beck is talking about this issue to make a buck but I do think its fair to mention that there has been talk about this because of his show. That's why he mentions it right, to get people talking about it? I also think it is fair to point out how he is profiting from it too. BTW, I don't need anyone or any "alternate media" to get to me about what to think about Beck. I don't like him and no one had to tell me not to like him. I don't see how it "sounds like some alternate media" is getting to anyone in this thread either... that is a strange assumption. :confused:
  14. I don't use U or R but I don't see anything wrong with abbreviating anything that you say often. For example: TTYL for talk to you later. What's the difference between that and stating I use OPGTR instead of always typing the words out?
  15. I love that and, yes they would get along very well! :lol: Haha, what is this strange culture? lol My son would LOVE that! :w00t: Oh, and my parents sent my grandparents a telegram of MY BIRTH (!!) in 1972 to the UK because my grandparents didn't have a phone. :svengo: Oh my goodness, that is sooooo funny!!!! :lol:
  16. Who knows, she could decide to sunbathe in her garden. :eek: That would be news for weeks! lol
  17. because my ds7 asked today if he could send a telegram to his father telling him he learned his roman numerals! :lol: Yes, he was completely serious. That's the funny part!
  18. For the :lol: smiley, just type in a colon : followed directly by lol then another colon. : lol : (no spaces) :svengo: His plans may change after he has the touch for awhile. The touch is amazing, even without the apps.
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