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Everything posted by trlt

  1. After reading the thread about WTM books in your library I looked more closely at our local library (we don't go there since they never have books we need. We go to another city's library). Our library has a game cube console in the teen section. Is that normal? I always thought our library was lacking but this seems to be wayyyy over the top lacking to me! I found out about it by going to our "friends of the library" facebook page. Why would a library have a game console to play?
  2. Nope. I live in a very small town and I swear they have more dvd's than books. It's very sad. My dd is reading books from the Mensa list and they don't have most of those.
  3. That is really not okay. My DH treats my two boys as his own. He sacrifices for him and would do and has done anything they've needed. It brings tears to my eyes to think of how your older kids must feel. Did you know he felt this way before you married him? Is this something new? I wouldn't have ever tolerated my DH treating my boys any different than our dd. That would be a deal breaker.
  4. I'm glad to hear that considering the TG's are really expensive! Do you have your child take tests? If so, what do you use? We are currently using the Standards tests but I don't know what to do once we switch to MIF.
  5. I was just looking into this yesterday. We have been using Standards for dd for a year now and I love it however, it just didn't seem to click with dd. I looked into MIF and I was thrilled. I really like that the text lays out the steps very clearly. I just bought Standards 1B but after looking into MIF we decided to go with MIF for our new school year (which starts in April). I purchased them last night and am very excited for dd to start. I really hope it makes a difference for her! I didn't purchase the teacher's guide, do I need it?
  6. My thoughts are with you this morning, too. You and your family have been on my mind so much lately. I just wanted you to know that my heart hurts for you all. :grouphug:
  7. I am friends with some of my family on FB. There are a few people that I have ignored their requests but that is because I just am not close to them at all. I am not friends with any in-laws on FB and I plan to keep it that way.
  8. I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts. :grouphug:
  9. My dd can't have dairy. She loved cheese but she now eats Daiya cheese. It melts pretty good and she likes it. She eats coconut ice cream and coconut milk. I don't like her to have soy so I am careful about replacing dairy products with soy. Just read labels to make sure...dairy is in a lot of things you wouldn't think of!
  10. I say it with long e. I've lived in many different states and I have never heard anyone use the short i when saying any of the mentioned words!!
  11. What a good idea. That probably will really help a lot.
  12. We wouldn't ask people to leave either. I wouldn't even consider it. I would have spoke with the friend's daughter and said, "In our home we don't....."
  13. The move went very well. Grandma was having a good day yesterday. She had gone to a friends birthday party before the move so she was very happy about that. She likes her room and I honestly think the reason is because it is simple for her. They didn't get to hang things yet but they are doing that today. They aren't sure that she really knows she isn't going back to her old apartment but they are just relieved that she was okay with it yesterday and will cross that bridge if/when they have to. One thing that she seems to like is the attention she gets from her new caretakers. Thank you for all your support, I appreciate the hive so much!
  14. My dd is soon to be 6 and I don't mind at all when she brings dolls or stuffed animals around with her. She has never gotten weird looks. Her friends also have carried dolls around places.
  15. Thank you. I am going to suggest to them that they bring various pictures, and items that will be of comfort to her. I never thought about it being good for the staff and residents to converse with her about. Thanks for the idea.
  16. My DH's grandmother is being moved to an assisted living facility today. She has dementia but is still quite aware, if that makes sense. She has known about the move, but she was supposed to be moving into an apartment. However, when they evaluated her this week they decided that she couldn't move into an apartment, she really needed full care and so she is being moved into a 24 hour care facility. She doesn't know about the change yet, or wasn't told as of yesterday evening. This will be a very big transition for her. My Dh is very sad and it's been a wake up call for his mom and her siblings. They delayed this move for a long time because they didn't want to admit that she was as bad as she is, they were in denial. Now they feel like their world is crashing down. If you could send some good thoughts or prayers their way I would really appreciate it. My heart is just breaking for my Dh.
  17. I live in the DFW area and both DH and myself have nasty, terrible allergies! In the spring everything around us is covered with yellow pollen, it's really kinda gross!!
  18. My hubby doesn't like perfume and I really like it so I asked him if he would go pick out something that he wouldn't find offensive. He came home with Coach Poppy and I love it. He actually likes it, not just tolerates it!
  19. I agree with the above posters. Make sure you know what the monthly fee includes. The club my son goes to has a monthly fee that includes drills and sparring but that doesn't necessarily mean a coach is leading. A lot of times the coach is working with someone else and is not paying attention to those that are sparring and doing drills. In order to get time with the coach you have to pay extra for private lessons. Also, if there are private lessons ask about availability. At our club if you don't sign up on the first day that the new schedule is open then you probably won't get a lesson. They fill quickly.
  20. Thanks. It's really expensive. I read so many mixed reviews about it.
  21. My nephew received an invitation to the National Young Leaders Conference in Washington DC. The letter states that he was nominated by a teacher, which is named. I googled it and have found conflicting information. Is this a scam?
  22. Do they have to have buns? If not just a ponytail will probably work. If you want to make sure it stays then use bobby pins, gel and hairspray.
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