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Everything posted by GothicGyrl

  1. We already know my favorite.. and of course, 20 some years later, I'm getting to see them in concert-scored front row seats, right in front of John!! :)
  2. I"m disheartened at it as well, Scarlett. I only hope the OP doesn't take the advice and decides that feeding her family is more important than strangers advice on the internet (including ours actually). And Wendy, just because one isn't paying income tax, doesn't mean they aren't paying taxes. There is more than one kind of tax and it is used for more than one thing. It all goes in to the same "pool" and is pulled out of that "pool" as needed. If we actually had our taxes used as they were supposed to be used, things like this wouldn't even be necessary and no one would be questioning why or whether or not they should use it. I've largely been ignored in this thread, even though I made valid points. I just hope the OP listens to her heart and decides that it is truely ok to use this because they truly do need it. No one would think the lesser of her (at least I wouldn't).
  3. I haven't checked, so if I haven't already been dinged for that, I will for this: You have no right to tell the OP that they are not "one of those cases". If the OP truly feels that they need the assistance, then they need it. And then let WIC or the agency be the ones to tell them they are not "one of those cases". Your posts sounds an awful lot like you are jaded and angry that some are on the system for whatever reason, and "here I am paying everything off doing what I think is the right thing, why aren't they?" Firstly, how do you know "they" are not? How do you know (using me as an example) that I haven't done all that I can, sold all I can, and whatever else "all that I can" and the money is just not there and this WIC is my last hope/resort? How do you know for sure, that us being on medicaid is such a drain on the system? You do not. You have no idea what it is like to be humiliated beyond all end, by these people, just to get a bit of help. We pay for our insurance, we lose a lot of money every paycheck, to ensure we have insurance and it is still not enough to cover medical expenses. That's why Medicaid exists. And I feel NO SHAME in using it and neither should the OP feel any for getting on WIC when she clearly DOES need it. That she has a few "assets" you deem unnecessary, is not your business. And it certainly is not for you to tell her she shouldn't or doesn't have any right being on WIC when she has these assets either. Sometimes we just need the extra help, that's what it is there for and I'm going to use it if I need it. The OP needs it and should feel no shame asking for it.
  4. Oh how I so disagree with this and the implication that you are paying more in taxes because some of us are on welfare. No one can predict the future, no one. No one can accurately sit there and say "we shouldn't do this because this WILL happen". NO one. And your taxes are certainly NOT high because some people have to use welfare. That blame lies squarely on the shoulders of people you vote in to office. NOT the ones on welfare.
  5. Well, I'm going to "flame the flamer" because she is way off base and her idea of what "help" is, is the exact reason why some refuse to get it and then children and families end up suffering because of it. WIC is NOT like Medicaid and food stamps. WIC isn't even associated with those two even if they are in the same office. The requirements for WIC are much different than those for Medicaid and Food stamps. We no longer qualify for WIC (kids too old), and we don't qualify for foodstamps, but we do for medicaid and quite frankly, I am extremely thankful we have it and insurance. We would not be able to afford ANY medical care for the kids without it. And to be honest with you, I've got a new house, and I feel we should be qualifying for foodstamps as well, because DH and my income just don't cut it sometimes. I DO understand and actually agree with "tired of my taxes paying for leeches on the system". But you are forgetting that even those leeches are paying taxes as well, so you are not the only one whose taxes are being dinged. To the OP, TAKE THE WIC and DO NOT feel guilty about it. I am so sick of others making people feel guilty for taking help when it is needed, just because someone has a car, or house, or nicer tv than you do. I've got all of those things too, but I still need the help and I can guarentee you that I didn't get those things while on this help, those things came before the help arrived--when we could afford it. When our country was not in a recession. When I had the money saved up for it. Not everyone is out to screw the system. Some of us really need it and to tell someone that they shouldn't take the help offered and available to them because you are tired of YOUR taxes supporting them, is really an insult. OP take the WIC and don't feel one bit guilty about it. Use it for as long as you need to. You obviously recognize that you need this extra help (through no fault of your own), so take it. Feed those babies. There is no shame in taking the help when needed. And it certainly is not a sin.
  6. Speak now on this.. what sequel, who and what is it called.. tell me now or I shall burn your lamp post down.. I need this kind of information.. it's like..... blood... I need it.
  7. She's lying to you. She doesn't smile like that. She's a cat, you know and they have (crooked) fangs. And she wears hair extensions anyway. Plus, those jeans are the **elastic** kind--they have to be to hide her pointy tail. I'm telling you, she's lying whatever she said to you. DO NOT LISTEN TO THE CAT!! It is very dangerous to listen to the cat. (and I hope you understand I am only kidding. Peek will LMAO as soon as she sees this).
  8. A PSP is a ninetendo ds or gameboy that can watch movies on it or play high powered video games. The 16 yr old brat is getting one for her bday, but we are an electronics type family anyway.
  9. Are you sure you don't have my oldest nephew at your house (only he's 14 and not aspbergers)? I'm going to have him over starting on tuesday and my house will be like that--only funny thing is, I like that. I can handle it, DH cannot. My girls lose their brains whenever he comes over. Set them free mom.. just let them out of their cages. It's the only way to cope. Oh and pizza, lots of pizza. :)
  10. Mother to a Princess Brat who thinks the world revolves around her and a Princess-Brat-in-Training, who KNOWS the world revolves around her and isn't shy to let you know this. Or Axe Murderess, Esq. For hire, no chop job too big or too small. Must pay up front. :) Or "Scotty, beam me up. You seem to have placed me on the wrong planet; there is no intelligent life down here".
  11. Nah, I prefer Viggo as either Aragorn or Lucifer (The Prophecy), BUT I'm going to SKWEEEE because he's play Edgar Allan Poe in a new movie. :)
  12. According to the standards posted, I should be in a booster seat, I'm only 5.2 barefoot :) My 11DD, is only 75 lbs, but she almost as tall as I am, with VERY long legs, which means she can touch the floor. I haven't had either of them in car seats since they were around 5, and they have never been in booster seats. I just couldn't see putting a 12 year old in one. But even my 16DD still sits in the back seat. Neither of them ride in the front and never really have.
  13. Right. I've got a "bald spot" on my boob where my one tat is because when it scabbed over, one small piece just would not heal and the scab ended up ripping off when I took a shirt off. I have to go get that tat redone anyway, but yeah--you gotta be careful what you put on it and watch carefully how it heals. The one I just got a few months ago, on my right shoulder/right below the shoulder blade, on my arm--healed absolutely beautifully with minimal scabbing (perfect) and nothing but Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion and good old fashioned soap and water. Now my next one is going to take some work as it is going on my back, right in between the shoulder blades. I'm going to need DH's help on caring for that one. Here's the one I just had done: And here is what the outlining looks like, before color: I put these in so you can show your son exactly what it looks like. In the first one, you can see the needle pricks and the bleeding. The second is all cleaned up, but the last one you can see my skin already starting to rise with all the needle pricking being done.
  14. Joanne, I am usually spot on with you and most of the things you said, but this statement has me nodding both ways--I agree that there is the advent of "kid" food that does deaden the palate and such, but I disagree with what you listed as being the culprits. I truly believe it's now a matter of coveinence over anything else. People are soooooooooooo busy these days, no one has any spare time to even think of turning on a stove and besides, McD's is on the way, let's just stop and get Jr. whatever he wants. I might get slammed for this next statement because I don't have children who have any disorders of any kind, but I do disagree with you on the whole "vaccine over doing" thing. I'll give you the "toxic living" part--it's all conveinence now, but I won't be so quick to blame vaccines, hormones in food, etc. I'm not saying they aren't at least in a minor way, to blame, but I don't believe they are the whole problem. No, I fully believe it is all about conveinence. It's just too much trouble to be bothered with cooking anymore, people are too busy (as are kids), and manufacturers took note of this by making an increase in "boxed" dinners. I never fed my kids baby food out of jars, they had real food from the earliest I could get them to eat. Heck, my oldest--at 6 months old--used to LOVE eating Herring in Sour Cream right out the jar, with her father!! I never denied my kids any food either, I never said "well this book says wait until a certain age to feed it to them".. no way--if they wanted it and were hungry, they got it. This led to a 1 year old eating raw veggies and dip freely, fish, and anything else I put on her plate. Her little sister is a bit more discerning, but they basically eat just about anything I cook. Like someone said, child-centric, true spoilage, and conveinence. That's what it's all about today.
  15. Ditto that. I am probably the worst picky eater ever--my list would be easier to say by telling you what I WILL eat as opposed to what I won't. And it isn't because I'm a spoiled brat either. My mother made me eat some veggies with every dinner, I was anemic at one point. It's because the smell, the taste of certain foods is extremely nauseating to me. I can cook it without problems, but if I get a whiff of anything that even remotely smells pungent--you aren't getting dinner because I usually have a date with the Tidy Bowl Man. :) I mind picky eaters but only because I can usually tell when it's a matter of "spoiled" or issues like I have. Spoiled: My cousin, when he was a baby, used to have everything peeled, pureed, chopped, diced, minced, and she even probably chewed and spit it back out for him, by my aunt. Now, before I am attacked, this wasn't just "choke hazard", this was obesessive compulsive to "mother bird" him--believe me, I know the difference. As a result of this, he is now a child who will only eat the food if it is a certain way on his plate, a certain position, a certain color, etc. SHE did this to him. There is no aspie, sensory disorder or anything like that. He is flat out spoiled. Now my DD on the other hand, is a child who would (and has) gulfed down an almost entire bag of broccoli in one sitting. She will eat mac 'n cheese, parmesean cheese, and cheese pizza, but not regular sliced cheese. Her hamburgers/hotdogs are plain. No seasoning on her fries. But tell this child we are having mixed veggies or califlower, or carrots, or mashed pots, or baked pots, or baked fish or just about anything *I* won't touch and you'd think she never gets the stuff, the way she eats it. Me, my mom made me eat veggies. I had to. There was no such thing as "clean your plate" in my house because that's just bad. It can contribute to obesity. But I still had to eat my veggies and I hated every minute of it. Either ketchup, mayo, mustard, cheese, and huge glass of milk, was by my side because I'd swallow it almost whole with a drink, just to get rid of it. I get physically sick. I can't eat those things. You will never find me a vegetarian--ever. Give me a good semi-raw steak, a nice caeser salad, some grilled shrimp, some white rice, and I am good to go. :)
  16. Oh, he's top of the list, just not this one. When I did it, the list was supposed to be "UNlikely hotties" not "OMG HOT" :)
  17. Keep it covered from the sun, yes. But keep it covered all the time, no. It should only stay covered for about 1-2 hours afterwards, usually until the bleeding stops. (I have a link, but I'll only give it if you ask for it, it had a picture on it that some might chew me out for) I am just going to say that every tat artist I know (some in the business for a LONG time), says to never use antibacterial ointment, only lotion. If his healed well enough, good.
  18. Keep going through VT.. we finished the first one in a year as well. Just keep plugging along and look at it this way, she can focus on more career oriented maths in high school. :)
  19. "Bite Me" or "I told you I didn't do it" or "ahh Sh**" dunno yet.. ;)
  20. I'm sorry, your request is more of a guideline and as such, I am disinclined to aquiesce to your request. ;)
  21. Since multiple people asked.. these came from my blog and are just a few of them. I had an "unlikely hottie" list going, but all the guys on here have been "villians" in some way or another.
  22. It is supposed to enhance things :) But if it isn't done correctly, it enhances nothing. :) And Neosporin is bad for tattooes. Very bad. You want nothing more than a good body lotion. They don't even recommend AD ointment any more. Just a regular lotion--I use Vaselin Intensive Care. And you only cover them for the first few hours. After that, a good sunblock protects them enough.
  23. Even *I* know that Judas knew he had to betray Jesus. Now, she might have said that after the betrayal, Judas might have regretted it, but it states quite plainly, that Judas needed to betray Jesus in order the events to unfold as planned. So, "not really meaning to betray" --I can see that as meaning "he really did not want to but knew he had to", instead of "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to".
  24. The other thing to keep in mind is placement. I have two right above my ankle bone. I wouldn't recommend ON the ankle due to close proximity to an artery leading to the heart. I also wouldn't touch feet for that reason (though the chances of him getting a blood infection are nil, just in case). Also, I'm not sure of the exact restrictions, but if he's thinking of military or donating blood, he might want to check how a tattoo can affect that. I know for blood, you cannot donate for one year after getting the tat. I don't think the military would say anything about his tat, but just to check. And someone already mentioned the "where" part. Most jobs take into consideration tattoes and make you cover up. Some won't even consider you if you have one. If he has one that cannot be covered up in any way, his job options could be limited. I also would tread carefully on the neck. So, neck, feet, ankles and sometimes hands or wrists. Those are "nil chance" places, but it has happened. OH! I would also definitely NOT recommend genitalia piercings. :) Prince Alberts (that's what it's called when you pierce the hood of a penis) are PAINFUL and 9/10 do NOT heal correctly. I have seen pictures of unhealed PA's and botched PA's and it is NOT pretty.
  25. Having 5 tattooes and 6 peircings I can answer this :) Firstly on tattooes--he either needs to draw the image himself or find one he REALLY wants, they are permanent you know. :) I've done all but one of mine myself. Most reputable tattoo places should NOT give you hassle if you call up and ask for a "safety tour" of the place. If they do, ditch them. Tat parlors are required(and are frequently checked) by law to autoclave everything, nothing is resuable, etc... And of course, ask around. On piercings, I've got 3 in each ear, and to be honest with you--I would not reccommend a peircing other than there or the nose. Belly button piercings(men do get them and not just gay ones), are dangerous because of the "rip out" factor and they are the most frequently infected. Eyebrow piercings are cool, but only if you get a small bar and they are done correctly. Nose peircings are the safest. Tongues, la brea(the area right below your lip and above your chin), lip, cheek, etc.. are all horrible. They break away enamel on teeth, they make it so you can't talk properly (and if he's got a large tongue, his tongue will swell his mouth shut as it is healing), lips tend to "sag" with the piercings, la brea's eat into the gums, etc... I would only ever recommend, in order: Ears, Nose, small eyebrow, and MAYBE a belly button IF he could take care of it. Otherwise, everything else is off limits. hope that helps.. oh and google "tattoo photos" for him to see the work done. I've done comissioned tats before (I did one for someone's back--an entire "nightmare before christmas" scene).
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