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Everything posted by GothicGyrl

  1. Good for her. It's about time someone had the guts to break out of the mold and not conform to anyone's standards but what she believers. I'm so not an Oprah fan, but I happen to agree with her, so there. ;) And yeah, like J. I found that video hilarious. Very much "jumping to conclusions" and very reactionary. It doesn't make me a fan of hers (nothing will) but good for her for not being afraid to speak.
  2. what Joanne said about "introvert/extrovert" makes sense because knowing how extroverted I am, it makes sense that I've no problem watching them do surgery on me.. I've had two toe surgeries in the Podiatrists office that I've watched (both had to have a bone removed out of the pinky toe) I watched my tubal ligation (through the reflection in the lights) And at my youngest DD birth, the doctor not only put a mirror up for me to see, but I held/touched her head as she was coming out and then once out, he put the placenta on me (while I was holding her) and showed me and DD all the parts. Of course, I've got pictures of both DD's tonsil surgeries (;) ) and pictures of youngest DD airway(internal, both sides) and pictures of her vocal chords (all needed anyway for Pulm to eliminate some issues), so I got to keep them. ;) I really am strange, aren't I? :)
  3. I guess I am strange--I not only had my DD with me, but my mom and dad, my brother, his ex's brother, AND my brother's son. Never phased me one bit. I guess I figure that you'd let a male doctor all up in your business, I don't understand why your son shouldn't be allowed to see something that isn't "up in your business" but rather a miracle, from his perspective AND it creates a better bonding experience for the siblings, imho.
  4. Full Name: Lady Madame Antonia the Naive of Bumswick by the Hole Nickname: Baroness Toni the Insubstantial of New Porton Wells Board Name: Grand Duchess Gothicgyrl the Bloody of Happy Bottomshire So, just call me: Grand Duchess Lady Baroness Madame Antonia Toni Gothicgyrl the Naive and Insubstantial but Bloody Bumswick by the hole who raids New Porton Wells of Happy Bottomshire. ;)
  5. Ok, sidetracking a bit---that's one marriage that will last forever.. I LOVED it!!!
  6. On your grubby knees and beg for it, wench. You are not getting away with this that easily. I think a few more photos of your Uncle ought to set you straight: He's got "issues" for sure... :)
  7. Rick Astley is like 50 now, so don't let that video fool you. And I'd watch your hide, Pirate... I've got more power than you think. ;) I've promoted you once, I can demote you in an instant. And that two hit wonder rap star is a Preacher Man now, so Respect His Authoriti!! Do not diss on the Prayin' Hammer Preacher Man!! OH!! I found a picture of J's Uncle: Uncle Billy Bob Ted Jimmy Joe Ain't he a looker? :lol::tongue_smilie::D:tongue_smilie:
  8. It's R d RR.... sheesh, can't even get your pirate laugh right. You know, that's pretty insulting even to the stupidest of pirates.. turn in your sword and face demotion to "wench".
  9. bwhahahahahha.. you got that right... hehehehe.. Now, don't you have some wife-beaters to bleach or some beer to skeet shoot? :)
  10. Yes, yes it did. And you'd do well to remember that. I AM the Ruler of all Message Boards and you will bow down to me. I am nasty, aren't I? :)
  11. Dude, ewww I don't love anyone that doesn't have fangs and long hair. And I'm sorry, hot as he is--Cap'n Jack does not qualify(plus he doesn't bathe)... And yes--it's about time you learned that only *I* am allowed to do things on here no one else is. Sheesh, took you long enough. A little slooooooooooooow today? And as long as you keep this Uncle away from me, I've no problem being "neighbors"....
  12. Oh go crawl in a flat bed somewhere and howl at the moon or something. You just need to learn to lighten up. hahahahahahhhhhhah
  13. It's the white makeup wasn't it? I swear I'm not that ugly...
  14. Alright, alright... listen... Here is something to keep the peace. It's my high school picture... of me gothed out, just so you can feel better about your Uncle. Me, at my High School Prom Enjoy....
  15. I am so seriously LMAO Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BWHAHAHAHAHA I love it... I love what youtube did to viewers.. everyone got Rickrolled.. and if someone is giving you neg. rep for that.. well I can't repeat what I'd say to them, but it is very similar to Charon's response!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good show!!
  16. OH WAAAAAH! Go on and do some Hammer Time would ya? And I don't have a cape, I have a motorized broom and yes, anyone with fake fangs just needs a good whippin' because that's stupid. Real Fangs are where it's at... OH and................................ Last Word!!!! hahahahah!
  17. Well, I am disinclined to aquiesce to your request. I won't make another thread, there's too much clutter anyway. And don't you go insulting me lady. I am so not a "clawed fanged beastie"... I am a Fanged Danger to Society!! Get it right!! Sheesh.
  18. Yeah! Bad Spelling and all--don't mess with me. hehe And listen Griff, you didn't tell them strongly enough. Grab the bull by the horns and tell them to Leave your Uncle alone! And I'm not starting my own thread, sheesh, how many more dunce capped threads do we need? The big deal is that you started with me and now I'm on fire and well, I'm going to keep misspelling words because it doesn't matter anyway, you get my point. So don't TRIFLE with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Not really conflict--more of the first time I posted that I was worried that they would be back and then the more I thought on it, I wanted her to know that there is a good chance they won't be back--at least not tonight and especially not if they try to cash the check. I might not have made that clearer the second time I posted, but the more I think on it, the more I am not worried about them coming back at all. These guys are more hit and run artists than anything. Of course, there is the odd chance they could--just like with anything else, but I doubt it now. And I hope I am right. I don't want them coming back, but I do want her prepared in case they do.
  20. Let me tell you something, I don't care one whit what you say--if they were bad mouthing my uncle, they'd know how I feel about it right quick, that's for sure. When have I ever minced words? And me, board clutter? HA! Why don't you quickly scan the "new posts" section--talk about "clutter"... Sheesh, back off of me missy, I am NOT someone to be triffled with.
  21. Don't be nervous and for gods sake--don't run. Stand your ground and stay in your home. But I am a fighter and I am armed with a pit bull, so no one is getting past my front door anyway. Call the state police, explain to them everything you've said and request that you have a trooper come to your home to file a report. The trooper's presence in your home is enough of a deterent. They aren't coming back today anyway and chances are, once they try to cash the check and find out it can't be cashed, they won't even bother because they'll know they've likely been caught. Another thing I would do, for the time being, is call your bank to close out your account and open a new one. Just have all funds transferred from that account to the new one. That way, fraud will be less likely to occur. It shouldn't cost you anything because of what has happened.
  22. That's board clutter and I'm not starting another thread about it. Deal with it. What I am saying applies to this thread, they shouldn't be picking on someone like this because it just is not right and couple that with the fact that he could be your Uncle, makes it all the sadder. Why don't you buck up and tell them off too? That's the only way they'll get the point. It's not nice. And they shouldn't be doing it.
  23. why would I be making fun of you? I'm sick of bullies, I'm sick of people picking on others who are different, so I just bucked up and piggy backed off your post. Some people just can't help being who they are and I am appalled at the lack of compassion from this board.
  24. Juls--I am not saying this to scare you even more than you already are, only to give you a heads up, ok? Firstly, call the police back (non-emergency number) and request an officer to your home, tell them you've got a description of the guys and you want to file a report. Make sure you stress how terrified you are. Secondly--do NOT eat the meat. There is a good chance it is rancid or if not, the bottom of the barrel as far as meat is concerned. It is not worth your health. Thirdly, and here is the most important part--they will be back. If you cancelled the check, they will be back as soon as they find out you cancelled it. Be prepared for this and make sure you tell the police this as well. Keep the meat in it's original coolers and keep it outside of your home, somewhere that they could just pick it up if they do come back. But more importantly, do NOT answer the door if they come back. If they do and you are alone, quietly lock everything while dialing 911 and simply tell the 911 OP, "intruders trying to break in, white truck, selling meat, I live here, please hurry, small children, home alone". And you will have a dozen officers at your yard before they can even pull away! They need to be caught. I participated in a sting operation because we were almost taken once. I did everything I've told you to do. And they caught them as they were pulling out of a driveway. Most importantly, and this is easier said than done--do not be afraid. They thrive on fear. Let Mama Bear's claws AND fangs come out and don't be afraid to use them. You will be fine once you get the police involved.
  25. I can't stop crying (seriously, when have you all ever seen me cry??) this is so sad--perfectly wonderful women picking on someone. I can't believe they are doing this. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sometimes I get so mad...
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